Friday, May 31, 2019
Is Henry James The turn of the Screw a traditional ghost story? Essay
Is Henry James The turn of the Screw a conventional ghost story?Ghost stories are found course back in history, some dating back to the overnice times. The Victorians were known to be greatly wagered inghosts and the supernatural and showed this fascination through presentment ghost stories.The telling of ghost stories was used as a way of entertainmentespecially around Christmas time and it was also very common for top(prenominal)class Victorians to participate in seances where they would try tomake contact with the ghosts/spirits of their dead loved ones. Howeverthis was not the only reason, in the later Victorian age, with manypeople having a great mixture of beliefs there was a disaffection withorganised religion and more towards scientific influences anddiscoveries. Therefore this could mean that Victorians societiesinterest in the supernatural was just a move away from religion andthe idea that God provides all the answers.In this essay I will scene at Henry James The Turn of the Screwwhich was written in the Victorian era. The question I will be lookingto answer is, does James The Turn of the Screw fit into thetraditional mode of a ghost story or does he do something differentand more sinister?The story is initially about a lone(prenominal) governess and her new joblooking after two young children. The story is set in a large housenamed Bly which is isolated in the countryside. The governess startsto skeleton a strange relationship with the children and in many waysbecomes too attached, finding it hard to separate herself from them,enchanted by their surposide innocence.Life at Bly runs smoothly until the governess receives a letter fromMiles school informing her that he has been exp... ...e contaminatingand corrupting of the idea of innocence by the governess and not bythe apparitions. There seems to be answers for the happenings at Blyhowever these answers appear to lie in the mental state of thegoverness. She seems to have developed delusions , resulting in theobsession with the ghosts and their relationship with the children.This climaxes in Floras exit to London with Mrs Grose and Milesdeath. The office staff of the governess in Miles death is not clear, was hesmothered by his affection? Or did he die of another cause?This story twists the truth to the termination that the true answer to whatis going on is never actually revealed. All traditional aspects ofthis story are contorted, making it seem far more untraditional, theplot line is designed to make the reader think and ask themselvesquestions to which there is no clear answers.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Impact of Slavery on Black Women Essay -- Slavery Essays
The Impact of Sla real on Black Women Only by experience can any one realize how deep, and dark, and foul is that pit of abominations. (Jacobs, 120). These run-in are spoken by Harriet Jacobs (also known as Linda Brent) and after reading about her life experience as a striver, I dedicate get on with to believe that slavery was far worse for women than it ever was for men. Jacobs never states that black slave men had it easy during the slave years, in fact she tells a a couple of(prenominal) stories about how some slave men were beaten. She also tells about the life experience of a slave girl, herself. Her own experiences made me feel blessed that I was never born as a black woman during the time of slavery. I do non think that I would have been strong comely to endure such times. Lets begin with the living conditions and the rights and honor of a slave, male or female. First of all, slaves were given one pair of shoes, devil pairs of pants, and maybe one shirt that was to last them for at least a year. Most of the time, their shoes were used or old shoes. Once their shoes got holes and wore down, they wore zippo on their bare feet, even through the winter times. When it came to rights, no black slave had any rights. When I say any, I mean none. Just to telephone a few they, and this was for women too, had no right to protect their families, marry who they wish, or own any property. Black men were considered to have no honor. Having honor was something that the elect white men believed that only they could possess Honor in their eyes of the white man was represented by a dual. If you were a black slave, you could not defend yourself or your family because according to the whites, slaves and women had no honor. If they even thought about proving themselves, which was rare, they were either whipped or killed by their Masters. Slaves were not looked at as men. They were looked as property, nought but a working tool. The physical torture that a s lave went through was not based on how they were treated in regards to work, but on how they were punished. Most of the time they were beat with a whip made from cow hide, until they bled. They would whip the slaves until the overseer (the person who watched over the slaves) was tired. Other times, slaves were not so lucky. For example, Frederick Douglas, an American slave, told a story that went like this. (Douglas, 34 & 35)Mr. Gore on... ...tress would convince her husband to sell the child. Women were also denied the right to marry because the Mistress did not want the slave to take time away from tending or nursing her white children so that they could take care of their own baby. Hopefully I have explained large of what I have learned about slavery to make you understand the injustice treatments that the black slaves had to endure. When I look back at what I have learned in these readings, I remind myself how lucky we are. We are able to marry who we want, keep our child ren, and have the right to be respected as a person. Today people whose children are abducted go through probably an unimaginable devastation, and slaves back then were expected to continue life as if nothing happened. It is very sad. Slave men did suffer but in my opinion, women by far had it the worst.Works Cited Douglas, Frederick, Narrative of The Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. new-made York Random House, Inc., 2000. Evans, Sara M., Born for Liberty. New York First Free Press, 1997. Jacobs, Harriet, Incidents in the Life of A Slave Girl. New York Random House, Inc., 2000.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
The English Bildungsroman Essay -- Literature Essays Literary Criticis
The English Bildungsroman The novel has a strong tradition in English literature. In Great Britain, it can trace its roots back to Daniel Defoes Robinson Crusoe in 1719 (Kroll 23). Since then, the British novel has grown in popularity. It was in particular popular in Victorian England. The type of novel that was particularly popular in Victorian England was the novel of youth. Many authors of the time were producing works focused on the journey from childishness to adulthood Charlotte Bronte wrote Jane Eyre, George Eliot wrote The Mill on the Floss, and Charles Dickens wrote David Copperfield and Great Expectations. All of these novels trace the growth of a child. In this respect, some of the most popular novels of the nineteenth snow were part of the genre called the Bildungsroman. In the simplest sense of the playscript, a Bildungsroman is a novel of the development of a raw man (or in some cases a young woman). In fact, the Websters College Dictionary definition of Bildun gsroman is a novel dealing with the education and development of its protagonist. The Bildungsroman as a genre has its roots in Germany. Jerome Buckley notes that the word itself is German, with Bildung having a variety of connotations portrait, picture, shaping and formation, all of which give the sense of development or creation (the development of the child can also be seen as the creation of the man) (13-14). Roman simply means novel. The term Bildungsroman emerged as a description of Goethes novel Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre. This was the first Bildungsroman, having been published between 1794 and 1796 (Buckley 9). The word lehrjahre can be translated as apprenticeship (Buckley 10). Apprenticeship has many connotations, mos... ...sroman. It is these differences precisely that make each novel its own story. After all, even though every persons story is different, they must all go through stages of development in order to reach maturity and find their personal niche within the la rger world. The basic formula of the Bildungsroman is universal and especially appropriate to the growing world of the Victorian age where the kind of opportunities presented to the hero of the Bildungsroman echoed the actual experiences of those growing up in that era. Works Cited Bildungsroman. Websters College Dictionary. New York Random House, 1996. Buckley, Jerome Hamilton. pacify of Youth The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding. Cambridge Harvard UP, 1974. Kroll, Richard. Defoe and Early Narrative. Columbia History of the British Novel. Ed. John Richetti. New York Columbia UP, 1994.
Animal Farm - George Orwell Essay -- Animal Farm Essays
savage Farm George Orwell 128 Pages George Orwell, the pen name of Eric Blair, was born in Bengal in 1903. He was educated at Eton School in England, and then served with the Indian Imperial Police in Burma. He returned to Europe and became a writer of novels and es puts. Much of his work was political, and although he had a hatred of Communism, he was a socialist. Orwell died at the age of forty- septet of a lung problem, leaving behind several unfinished works. Animal Farm is a parody of the Communist transmutation in Russia, and as a result its themes ar the evils of totalitarianism and selfishness, and likewise the importance of hard work. Animal Farm tells the story of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, but from a viewpoint slightly more comical that of a farm in England. The story begins in a barn, where a boar on the farm named Old Major has gathered the other animals to tell them of a dream he had, a dream of a world in which valet de chambre do not rule over other ani mals. Old Major encourages the animals of the farm to revolt against Mr. Jones, the owner of the farm. Not long after, he dies, but the animals forbid his ideas of Animalism (which is essentially Communism) alive and the pigs, who are the most clever animals on the farm, begin to plan a revolution. One day, the workers on the farm forget to apply the animals, and so some of the more powerful horses break down the door to the barn where the feed is stored, and the animals enjoy a feast. When Mr. Jones learns of this, however, he immediately orders all of the animals to be punished appropriately. As they are being whipped and beaten, the animals suddenly turn on the workers. The humans, who had no way of anticipating such an attack, are scared off of the farm. When the animals realize what has happened, they go back to the main barn to discuss the recent events. Two pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, assume control of the farm, and the animals immediately declare the farmhouse to be a sor t of museum, in which no animal should enter. The pigs then reveal that they had been learning how to read and write for the entire time in which the revolution was being planned, and the animals agree on seven basic rules, which they called the Seven Commandments. The Seven Commandments consist of the following ? Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy. ? Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend. ? No animal sha... ...t day, while the animals are working, Clover comes rushing into the fields telling the other animals to follow her. When they do, they see Squealer walking on his hind legs. Then, the door to the farmhouse swings open and Napoleon comes out, also on his hind legs and with a whip in his hand. Afterwards, the animals do not find it strange that they are being whipped while working, except for Clover, who again looks at the Commandments. She finds that the seventh reads &8220All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. That evening, some ca rts approach the farmhouse, and the animals see a procession of humans entering. portentous but curious, they look into the window and see the humans and pigs sitting at a large table, with Napoleon at the head. Mr. Pilkington makes a toast to the prosperity of Animal Farm, and as the animals are walking away, a loud shout comes from the farmhouse, and they go back to see what happened. There they find that Napoleon and Pilkington had both played an sensory faculty of spades in a game of poker. It is at this point that &8220The creatures outside look from pig to man and man to pig but already it is impossible to say which is which.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on The Brain :: Biology Essays Research Papers
The Effects of hallucinogenic Drugs on The BrainHallucinnogenic Drugs alter a persons perceptions of reality and may obtain hallucinations and other alterations of the senses. Drugs classified ad as hallucinogens include LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetime(DOM), N,N-dimethyltrptamine(DMT), psilocin, and mescaline. on that point ar two aspects of these drugs that classify then as hallucinogens. They all have common side do, including twirl of sensory perception, and other psychic and somatic effects. These drugs also exhibit cross-tolerance. This means that a user of hallucinogenic drugs develops a higher tolerance to hallucinogens, the more they are used and the shorter the time span is between the last usage. Hallucinogenic drugs have been used throughout history for a number of reasons. They have been used as medicinal agents as well as having served religious purposes. Hallucinogens such as mescaline have been used in Native American ritual cerem onies. There was extensive usage of hallucinogens in the 60s and 70s as part of the counter- culture hippie movement. During the acid tests of this era, hallucinogenic drugs were used for mind exploration (B.L. Jacobs, How Hallucinogenic Drugs Work). Hallucinogenic drugs cause both physical and psychological effects on humans. The physical effects of these drugs include dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, increased heart rate and course pressure, appetite loss, sleeplessness, tremors, headaches, nausea, sweating, heart palpitations, blurring of vision, memory loss, trembling, and itching. A user of hallucinogenic drugs will also experience a number of psychological alterations in the brain. These drugs may cause hallucinations and illusions as well, as the amplification of sense, and the alterations of thinking and self-awareness. It is quite possible to have a bad reaction to hallucinogenic drugs. This is referred to as a bad head trip and may cause panic, confusion, suspi cion, anxiety, and loss of control. The long-term effects of these drugs can be quite dangerous. These long-term effects may include flashbacks, mood swings, impaired thinking, unhoped outbursts of violence and eventually possibly depression that may lead to death or suicide. Quite a lot of interest concerning hallucinogens has been generated by neurobiologists and other scientists. The effects that hallucinogenic drugs have on the brain are quite complicated and very interesting. Many users of hallucinogenic drugs have experienced whole personality changes which raises questions approximately the relationship between brain and behavior. Scientists are also curious as to how total alterations of the senses can occur as the result of hallucinogen usage.
The Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on The Brain :: Biology Essays Research Papers
The Effects of Hallucinogenic Drugs on The BrainHallucinnogenic Drugs alter a persons perceptions of reality and may cause hallucinations and an new(prenominal)(prenominal) alterations of the senses. Drugs classified as hallucinogens include LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetime(DOM), N,N-dimethyltrptamine(DMT), psilocin, and mescaline. There are two aspects of these drugs that classify then as hallucinogens. They all have common array effects, including distortion of sensory perception, and other psychic and somatic effects. These drugs also exhibit cross-tolerance. This means that a user of hallucinogenic drugs develops a higher tolerance to hallucinogens, the more they are apply and the shorter the time span is between the last usage. Hallucinogenic drugs have been used throughout history for a number of reasons. They have been used as medicinal agents as well as having served religious purposes. Hallucinogens such as mescaline have been used in Na tive American rite ceremonies. There was extensive usage of hallucinogens in the 60s and 70s as part of the counter- culture hippie movement. During the acid tests of this era, hallucinogenic drugs were used for mind exploration (B.L. Jacobs, How Hallucinogenic Drugs utilization). Hallucinogenic drugs cause both physical and psychological effects on humans. The physical effects of these drugs include dilated pupils, elevated body temperature, increased heart pasture and blood pressure, appetite loss, sleeplessness, tremors, headaches, nausea, sweating, heart palpitations, blurring of vision, memory loss, trembling, and itching. A user of hallucinogenic drugs will also experience a number of psychological alterations in the brain. These drugs may cause hallucinations and illusions as well, as the amplification of sense, and the alterations of thinking and self-awareness. It is quite possible to have a baffling reaction to hallucinogenic drugs. This is referred to as a bad trip an d may cause panic, confusion, suspicion, anxiety, and loss of control. The long-term effects of these drugs can be quite dangerous. These long-term effects may include flashbacks, mood swings, damage thinking, unexpected outbursts of violence and eventually possibly depression that may lead to death or suicide. Quite a lot of interest concerning hallucinogens has been generated by neurobiologists and other scientists. The effects that hallucinogenic drugs have on the brain are quite complicated and very interesting. Many users of hallucinogenic drugs have experienced whole temper changes which raises questions about the relationship between brain and behavior. Scientists are also curious as to how total alterations of the senses can occur as the result of hallucinogen usage.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Hamartia with Respect to Oedipus in the Play â€ÂOedipus Rex†Essay
Hamartia with respect to Oedipus in the play Oedipus Rex.The tragedy must not be a spectacle of a virtuous opus brought from prosperity to hard knocks for this moves neither pity nor fear it merely shocks us nor again, that of a bad man passing from adversity to prosperityIt must concern a man who is not eminently good and just, yet whose misfortune is brought about not by vice or depravity, pull out by some error or frailty. (The Poetics) In Oedipus Rex, the character of Oedipus is a victim of hamartia, and his particular flaw is hubris. Hamartia is an Aristotelian term which often finds its usage in Hellenic tragedies. It is often referred to as a tragic flaw or tragic error. Aristotle in his work,Poeticsdescribed Oedipus Rex a tragedy by Sophocles as a perfect ensample of the demonstration of the term hamartia.It is hamartia that creates a tragic hero. It is also said to mean missing the mark, or moral deficit or tragic error. Hamartia is what causes the tragic hero to do th e opposite of what he intends to do. In case of Oedipus it is his flaw of character or ignorant error that can be said to have led to his downf only. It can be argued that it is not hamartia al adept that led to Oedipus downfall, the elements of fate, and free will also are ones to be considered but the fact remains that it is the fatal flaw or fatal error or hasty judgement of the character or characters involved that triggers off a set of tragic sequences predestined or not which ultimately booster cable to a tragic end, and this remains relevant in case of Oedipus Rex.Hubris also seems to be the root cause for most of the actions undertaken by the characters in the drama including Oedipus biological parents. In the opening scenes of the play Oedipus comes across as the ideal King, insightful, concerned for his citizens and a man of action. Oedipus chief flaw or hamartia appears to be his hubris or pride. The whole point of tragedy is how faults can undo even good intentions and lead to downfall. Oedipus is considered a great man, the Chorus calls him the first of men . Throughout the play we come across both the good and bad side of Oedipus. He is swell intentioned but nonetheless there are hints of pride and narcissism, I will bring everything into light and ironically in the process of doing so in a mentally blind fashion loses his sight physically in the end.In theopening scenes of the play the audience does see traces of Oedipus self-glorification, I Oedipus whose name is known afar. His confidence in his own flawlessness is what, paves the management for his downfall, his hubris lies in his innate sense of righteousness, and he thinks himself to be above reproach. Oedipus comes across as impulsive, hasty in judgement and quick to take offense during his heated exchange with Teiresias, his br some other-in-law Creon and the old shepherd .It is of importance to note that the classic title of the play was, Oedipus Tyrannos/ Oedipus the tyrant .It is of deduction that the Chorus mentions that it is pride that breeds the tyrant, from castled height pride tumbles to a pit. They also say that he who walks in his own high-handed way will not escape doomed prides punishment.His crimes of patricide and incest although done through ignorance and contrary to his nobility. It can be said that his cardinal sin, pride is what led to his off his biological father Laius in the first place, although he was provoked, his volcanic anger and pride is evident because he did not even spare the grooms all except the one who escaped with his life. And such a rash reaction cannot be justified. We come across his arrogance, rash temper and hastiness in judgement. He hurls insults at Teiresias and even accuses him of co-conspiring with Creon without any shred of proof .He goes as far as to taunt his blindness. Oedipus is over confident of his wisdom he shuns the truth and prophecies of a well-tried and trusted wise man like Teiresias. Oedipus during h is heated exchange with Creon appears as one willing to use his power in a tyrannical fashion, give tongue to that he would rather have Creon dead than exiled.Oedipus exercises a severe lack of judgement his once renowned wisdom is clouded by his pride. The Chorus advises premeditation yet he takes none. He is quick to take offence. He is seemingly preoccupied with his own nobility and rigid in his quest for the truth. Oedipus blindness to what is diaphanous to the audience is what creates the image of a tragic hero described by Aristotle .Even if we excuse Oedipus actions as those done in ignorance we yet cannot deny that he shuns all well intentioned advice from Teiresias, the Chorus, Jocasta and this is certainly because of his pride which is his case can be said to be his hamartia or that which leads him to his own downfall.Hubris in this play is not one that Oedipus alone displays. Pride can also be seenin this drama in the perspective of the characters trying to evade the o racle which in ancient Greek times would be considered pride in itself because the Gods determined fate and to outwit the Gods wasnt a wise thing to do in the eyes of the Greek audience. Beginning with Laius and Jocasta getting rid of Oedipus, and later on Oedipus who does not know that he is adopted leaves Corinth to keep from harming his parents. If Oedipus was noble enough to leave his adoptive parents for the involvement of the oracle not being fulfilled then he would have been noble enough to keep from slaying Laius had he known that he was his father. The nonremittal is ca utilise by hamartia however we may see it, as a fatal flaw or hasty judgement, in case of flaw chiefly hubris pride in trying to avoid what was in store itself led the way for Oedipus tragic end.The tragedy of Oedipus is his pride in his nobility and ability to a certain extent, had he not tried to avoid the divine oracle, he would have remained in Corinth and the oracle may never have been fulfilled .Had he not been prideful and rash in his actions, he would not have slayed Laius out of wounded pride. He is full of self confidence that makes him blunder consistently. I am a child of Fortune, the giver of good and I shall not be shamed Born thus, I ask to be no other man than what I am, and will know who I am.This is an example one of the many fatal flaws of Oedipus.Hence hamartia is a literary tool used to fully measure the consequences of ones actions. Hamartia is what highlights the downfall of a hero and what makes a tragedy a tragedy.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Shc34 – 2.1, 2.2 & 2.3
SHC34 2. 1, 2. 2 & 2. 3 cap up to(p)ness plight 1 If a child in the displace is exploitation their own language, religion and customs out-of-pocket to wishes of boots/family. Why is this a dilemma? This is a dilemma as the practitioners at the setting my not be adapted to understand the child, this means they will struggle to teach the child and help them develop. If the parent does not want the child to learn English it may be a problem, most of the school/setting will be speaking English.The parent may spirit they are not focussing enough on this certain childs religion and also, since the child is using their own customs they may find some of ours offensive. The difficulty between my duty of care and the decents of the child A practitioner would take over a duty of care to educate the child and help them develop. The child has a right to use their own language, religion and customs of family or group, this means the practitioner could not stop the child from getting an education because of their language, religion and customs, they have a right to this.Also, linking to this, the child has a right to an education, meaning you would have to provide this to the child under any circumstances. How would I conduct with this business office? First of all, I would try to compromise with the parent, that the child could possibly speak English in the setting and speak their own language at home. Explain to the parent this may involve their holistic increment and exactly what it will affect and how. This may be too big of a compromise, so if not I would look into getting a translator into the setting to help the child develop and learn.What could be the risks for the child? The risk here for the child is that they may not develop fully. This would be their holistic development as they will not be able to understand the practitioner when they are exempting activities and work. They will not be socialising and they may get frustrated and feel alone in the setting. Potential Dilemma 2 If a member of the family turns up to pick a child up, one that is not supposed to due to wishes of parents/family. I will use mother as an example in this dilemma, if a mother is not allowed touch modality with the child. Why is this a dilemma? on that point is a risk of upsetting the child if they see the mother which really shouldnt happen as they should not be let in, although sometimes on that point could be a situation where the mother is forceful. The family member who has asked for the mother not to see the child could be upset by this, as it was against their wishes for the mother to try to contact them. The difficulty between my duty of care and the rights of the child A practitioner would have a duty of care to protect the child, keep them safe and there had to be a reason for them not being allowed contact, they should also respect the parents/familys wishes.According to the UNCRC the child has a right for their family to be togeth er, this means the child would normally have a right to see a member of their family, but in this situation it is best not to go against the familys wishes despite that right. How would I deal with this situation? I would deal with this situation by letting the mother know that she is not permitted to enter the setting. I would explain there was no possible authority she could take the child as there are certain people who are allowed to pick every child up and she is not down as one.I would ask the mother to leave the setting and if it did turn into a forceful situation I would call another member of staff to help realise this person out. If we could not get the parent to leave we would have to involve the authorities. What could be the risks for the child? The risks for this child could be a variety of different things. Without cunning the mothers background we couldnt say any specific risk as the mother could be dangerous or it could be other reasons.If the child sees this per son they may get confused, they may not even recognise them but if they do it may confuse them as they are not permanent in their life. Potential dilemma 3 If you think a child in the setting may have a special educational remove but the parent does not want them referred to find out as they do not believe the child has a special educational need. Why is this a dilemma? This is a dilemma as the child may not be able to develop properly if it is not clear if they do need supernumerary support.They will also be accredited how much support and what kind of support they need by finding out what special educational need they have. The difficulty between my duty of care and the rights of the child As a practitioner I have a duty of care to make sure the child is developing as they should, I should be making sure the child is reaching their full potential. I would also have to respect the parents wishes. each child with special needs should have special care and support, if the paren t rejects this idea it will be very difficult to get support. How would I deal with this situation?I would try to explain to the parent how it would benefit the child to even talk to someone about their special educational need. I would explain as best I could that this was important for the child but I could also arrange something with the SENCO so they had all the information they needed to make the desicion. What could be the risks for the child? The risks in this dilemma for the child would be that they may not be developing hollistically, they would need extra support that they are not getting. This could affect the child later in life too as they may struggle in their education as they get older.It is always best to pose a special educational need at the earliest possible point as this benefits the child, they may start lacking in all areas of development the later it is left. Where to get support and advice For certain situations it means different people to contact for sup port. SENCO, your manager, child protection officer, social services etc. These are a few people you could go to when conflicts or dilemmas arise as they may be able to support or advise you. They may be able to work beside you to get the best outome for the child and support/advise you throughout it. Danielle Le Vesconte 30105251 1578571749
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Computer Security Measures Essay
The Problem and Its ScopeThe Internet and calculating machine net growing means that there is a need for new guarantor amount of moneys to reduce the threats and challenges inherent from these new technologies and softw atomic number 18 applications and network devices. Information, network equipments, transmission media, computer systems, and servers be subject to threats. Yet the employment of information and communication technologies has increased the incidents of computer abuse. Computer certification involves safeguarding computing resources, ensuring data integrity, steriliseing access to authorized users, and maintaining data confidentiality.Effective computer security therefore involves taking physical security measures (to ensure hardw ar and media are not stolen or damaged), minimizing the risk and implications of error, failure or loss (for example by developing a resilient back-up strategy), appropriate user authentication (for example by employing strong pass w ording), and possibly the encryption of sensitive files. We live in a world where information wants to be free and in which people are getting apply to having access to whatever information they want whatsoever m, anywhere and from a wider range of computing devices. Unfortunately, in harm of the security and control of the resources to which computers permit access, this john prove quite a problem. Indeed, many users unfortunately a great deal view security and control measures as inhibitors to effective computer use.The students awareness close to computer security measures bum be a big help to them to acquire some knowledge about protection of their digital asset. In this sense, the students acquire knew knowledge on how to use computer security measures in order to protect all the data stored in their computer system. Because of the computers evolution, the inquiryers want to share the implications on how important the computer security measures, so that the respondents forget be able to know on how to handle some cases in the future. Globally, the most utilize computer security measures are Anti-virus programs are the most oft used tools to protect computer systems, and they must be upgraded regularly to protect against any new viruses.Firewallis different from anti-virus software, which simply verifies that a file is virus free. You can also add an anti-spy ware program. Spy ware is a small program downloaded onto your computer via the internet, usually with your approval, to collect information. Anti-spy ware operates a lot same(p) an anti-virus program, but its role is to prevent malicious spy ware (or malware) from sneaking onto your computer and transmitting your personal data. Firewall intercepts and controls traffic between networks with differing levels of trust. It is part of the network tolerance defense of an organization and should enforce a network security policy. By Cheswicks and Bellovins definition, it provides an audit tra il. A firewall is a good place to erect strong user authentication as well as private or confidential communications between firewalls. As pointed out by Chapman and Zwicky 2 , firewalls are an excellent place to focus security decisions and to enforce a network security policy.They are able to efficiently log internet work activity, and limit the exposure of an organization. The exposure to attack is called the zone of risk. If an organization is connected to the Internet without a firewall, every host on the private network can straight off access any resource on the Internet. Or to put it as a security officer might, every host on the Internet can attack every host on the pri vate network. In the Philippines, some of the businesses are employing security products, such as intrusion detection system and firewalls, and other versed controls which are meant to safeguard, physically and logically, all servers and information systems, including the data stored in the systems. In Da vao City, many colleges offers IT courses and one of these schools is the Holy Cross of Davao College. Some computer security measures used in some colleges are anti-virus, firewall, ad ware, spy ware and etc. This help to secure data from viruses, unlicensed access, hardware failure and hardware theft.rationale of the StudyThe term Information Technology is the area of managing technology and spans wide variety of areas that include computer software, information systems, computer hardware, programming languages but are not limited to things such as processes, and data constructs. In short, anything renders data,information or perceived knowledge in any visual format whatsoever, via any multimedia distribution mechanism, is considered part of the Information Technology (IT) domain. Computer security is to prevent or detect unauthorized actions by users of the system.The protection of data stored in your computer system. The protection of data (information security) is the most imp ortant. The protection of networks is important to prevent loss of server resources as well as to protect the network from being used for illegal purposes. The objective of this get is to know the level of awareness and utilisation of all first stratum BSIT students in terms of computer viruses, unauthorized access, and hardware failure and hardware theft.Theories and ConceptThis study was anchored on the concept of Dynamic awareness theory (DAT) offers an alternative to explaining the creation of awareness in distributed work groups. DAT highlights the important role of users and social practices in awareness creation. The theory further points to the dynamic nature of awareness creation Awareness emerges over time and depreciates when not being actively attended to by the users.A persons awareness is not a static state which can be arbitrarily turned on and off. It is rather a slow build-up of information about his surroundings (Kai Riemer, Russel Haines, 2008).This theory of awareness is use to conceptualize each soulfulness of their daily awareness about what happen in their community, because awareness requires active maintenance because it diminishes over time.Independent variable Dependent variableFigure 1. conceptual Framework Showing the Variables of the Study The response of the first division BSIT students in the level of awareness and utilization about computer security measures in terms of Virus, Unauthorized Access, Hardware Failure and Hardware Theft depends with the experiencesthey encountered in their system in which it is the basis of the reasons for the awareness of the students.Statement of the Problems1. What is the level of awareness of the respondents about computer security measures against the spare-time activity threatsa.Virusb.Unauthorized accessc.Hardware failured.Hardware theft2. What is the level of utilization of the respondents on computer security measures? 3. What is the most practiced computer security measure by the r espondents? 4. What is the least practiced computer security measure by the respondents? 5. Is there a significant difference between the level of awareness and utilization of the computer security measures by the respondents?MethodThe researches conduct this type of research in order to obtain certain information about the computer security measures. The researchers used descriptive assessment method in order to meet the objective of the study. To gather data, the researchers use these procedures in order to analyze the data that has been collected. search DesignIn order to determine the level of awareness and utilization about computer security measures, the descriptive assessment method of research is used. This is used by the researches because the objective of this study is to determine the level of awareness and utilization within the first year BSIT students without affecting them in any way. Descriptive research design exhibits specific subject and as precursor to more quant itative studies.The actual survey is conducted during the second semester of the year 2011-2012. The procedure used is carefully, analyzed in order to obtainaccurate information.Research EnvironmentThe researchers conducted a research to a certain private school. The Holy Cross of Davao College is located at Sta. course Davao City. The respondents of this research are all first year BSIT students.Respondents of the StudyTo achieve the desire information, all first year BSIT students of Holy Cross of Davao College were the participants of the study. They were chosen because they are not more knowledgeable compared to the higher years. The selected numbers of respondents were expected to give their honest answers.Research InstrumentsIn this study, the researches use questionnaire as research instrument. It is most common land instrument or tool of research for obtaining data beyond the physical reach of the observer.Part I of the questionnaire is the level of awareness of all first year BSIT students towards computer security measures in terms of Viruses, Unauthorized access, Hardware Failure and Hardware Theft. Part II of the questionnaire is the level of utilization of all first year BSIT students towards computer security measures in terms of Viruses, Unauthorized access, Hardware Failure and Hardware Theft.Data Gathering ProceduresIn gathering data procedure, first the researchers conceptualized what study to conduct and arrived to a research call Level of Awareness and Utilization of All First Year BSIT students about Computer Security Measures. The research title was approved by the research adviser with the panel of examiners. After the approval of the title, a questionnaire was established to answer the research study was validated.Data AnalysisThe following statistical tools were employed to answer pertinent problems of the study, as followsFrequency Count This tool was used to count the number of items of the respondents who are aware and unaware ab out the computer security measures and its utilization.Weighted Mean The weighted mean is similar to an arithmetic mean (the most common type of average), where instead of each of the data points contributing equally to the final average, some data points contribute more than others. The notion of weighted mean plays a role in descriptive statistics and also occurs in a more general form in several other areas of mathematics.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Plea Bargaining
Plea bargaining is defined as the process of negotiating an agreement among the defendant, the prosecutor, and the court as to an appropriate prayer and associated prison term in a given case. The advantage for the defense is that less work is required on their part and they typically receive the same nub of money in return. An advantage for the prosecutor is they get a conviction and potentiometer alter the sentence any way they see fit as well as maintain an acceptable conviction rate.The court system heavily relied on the use of vindications to keep the system moving. In cases involving a plea the judge is able to dispose of a case quickly and move on to the next. In ground of jails and prisons plea-bargaining can also drop the amount of sting entering the facilities as jail time may have been suspended as a condition of a plea bargain. For a guilty defendant, the advantages to a plea bargain are clear either reduced charges or a reduced sentence.Sometimes a plea deal can reduce a felony charge to a misdemeanor, but thats altogether a advantage to the defendant. Many plea deals have resulted in a reduction of sentence for the defendant. sensation gain in the plea bargain system is the fact that the judge in the case does not have to accept it. The prosecution can only recommend the agreement to the judge, but he cannot guarantee that the judge will follow it. As far as the victim goes, plea bargaining can give them closure to go on with their life and receive the justice they seek.Some states have victims rights law that require a prosecutor to discuss the terms of any plea deal with the victim of the crime before making the offer to the defendant. In my opinion, plea bargaining is acceptable because it saves the system a dandy amount of time, money and resources only if it was entered with full knowledge and willingness. Even though the defendant in the end may not get a sentence agreed upon by others, they still have to serve time for their acts of crime. Plea bargaining is simply accepted because its a quick alternative.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Psyc 305 Exam #1 Study Guide
PSYC 305 Exam 1 Study Guide Defense Mechanisms help swelled head deal with anxiety (Ego finishnot handle the conflicts between ID and superego. ) * Rationalism plausible, except false reason for action * I needed to break up with my boyfriend for his own good. * Sublimation socially productive displacement * Ill just go to the gym. * Projection ascribing own impulses to others * He hates me. * Denial refusal to acjazzledge the impulse * I dont hate my ex. * Intellectualization clear, undistorted recognition of impulse everyplace explained and with emotion removed * I always have trouble with relationships Repression impulses or experiences kept unconscious * I feel nothing towards him. * Isolation cutting send off thoughts related to occurrence * I never think ab unwrap him. * Identification merging ones identity with someone else * I want to be just cargon that bully. * Reaction Formation transform impulse to the opposite * I love my father so much. (LOVE/HATE) * Displa cement impulses toward another activity * What a bad day, I hate my boss and my job, punch hole in wall. Freuds Psycho elicitual Stages (oral anal phallic latency Genital) * Oral * Birth to age 1 focus on mouth and feeding * All ID, all the time * From passive voice active * Oral fixation * Passive, overly optimistic, dependent * Experiencing through the mouth * Traits passive dependent, oral aggressive, oral erotic * Anal * Sphincter muscle * Age 1 3 * Experiencing through elimination and retention * Excreting toilet training, ego development * Anal fixation orderliness, parsimony and simplicity, obstinacy and stubbornness * Traits passive aggressive, paranoid, compulsive, messy/disorganized, stubborn/stingy * Phallic * Age 3 5 * guidance on genitals and masturbation Successful passage leads to development of the superego * Solid understanding of the opposite sex * Fixation immature super ego, pore sex-role typing, sex issues * Genitals * Seen in noticing genitals and sex differences, special attention to opposite sex-pargonnt * Narcissistic, arrogant, vane * Oedipus conflict * Boys develop sexual feelings for their mothers and want to replace their dad * castration anxiety fear that dad will cut off sons penis as retaliate * Resolved when boy decides to follow in dads footsteps * Electra Conflict * Penis envy girls feel inferior when they realize they do not have a enis, blame mom * Decides to seduce dad for r horizontalge * Seduction hypothesis real incest between father-daughter. Revised fantasy only * Conflict resolved when girl learns to indentify with mother * Latency * Age 5 pubescence * Nothing much going on ID, ego, superego already developed * Genital * Starts at puberty * Sexual satisfaction from opposite sex * Development of magnanimous sexuality * Proper resolution if no past fixations Freuds Topographic Model (iceberg) 3 components 1. Conscious mind aware, accept, identify 2. Unconscious mind can be brought to awareness readil y 3. Preconscious mind repressed. * ID Unconscious * Preverbal * Source of our instincts and passions * Infant * Driven by pleasure principle * Innocent child that doesnt know any better * Primary process * First to develop * Libido sexual energy * Eros life instinct * Thanatos death instinct * Balances sex and aggression * Satisfy urges, reduces tension * essays pleasure * Ego * The mostly conscious part of the mind * Balances or goes between id, superego and reality * Grows out of the id (ego is shown first even though id exists first) * Face the real world * Understands reality * Decision maker between id and superego * Secondary process/future Second to develop * Brings unity to reputation * Reality principle * Superego * Internalization of parental images and rules * Includes thou shalts (ego ideal) and thou shalt nots (conscience) * Rules and restrictions of parents/society * Third to develop * Rules and morals of society * Guilty * Phrenology theory that personality charac teristics could be determined by reading the bumps on the skull. (Franz gall) * Localized thinking, feeling and personality in the brain * Attempted to be scientific in explaining characteristic demeanour * Fostered scientific debate about the nature and causes of personality Person Metaphors (as a) * Animal * Respond to reward, punishment * Can be prisoner of its biology * Scientist * Seek the truth * Try to understand the world by making/testing theories * Actor * Idea of life as drama (roles) * Writing/acting out scripts * Backstage/onstage * Pathology as role confusion * Computer * Hardware & software * Data * Programs needing to be debugged * Input output * Machine * Causes & effects * ophidian biting then developing a fear of snakes * System (ecosystem) * Interconnecting living parts * Self-regulation toward homeostasis * Little changes can have big effects Homeostatic train * Avoid anxiety/fear * Pilot * The self * Being in the drivers seat, steering towards goals * Perso nality 1. The stylistic aspects of how we think, feel and act and motives implied by these that make us agreeable or to live with (Dollinger). 2. The underlying causes within the person of individual behavior and experience (Cloninger). * 3 Ds 1. Description how do we answer for people? a. Traits measures characteristics on continuous scales factors measures an individuals characteristics based on a group of related characteristics types putting people into categories 2.Dynamics How do our personalities influence our behaviors and motivation? 3. Development what determines our personality? * Idiographic looks at the characteristics of a single individual * Individual, one person, different traits * Nomothetic comparing one person to another * Group of people, one trait in different people * Assessment 1. Interviews (value interactive and subjective approach) a. Unstructured i. Clinical Judgment b. Structured ii. Training, reliability/consistency c. Both should involve empathy, heating and concern 2. Questionnaires (large sample, need good norms, value efficiency and objectivity) d.General or specific e. Obvious or subtly f. Logically keyed (theory) g. Empirically keyed (what items tally with) 3. Objectivity Keeps things standardized and eliminate interviewer bias 4. Subjectivity Assess your feel for who the person is and the informers reliability in answering. * Reliability the consistency of response to a psychological assessment (standardization) * Consistency/stability * Questionnaire producing consistent results from time one to time two * Validity the extent to which an assessment device measures what it is intended to measure * actually measures what it claims to measure Predictive Validity how well a test score predicts future behavior * Does a test predict a behavior that the investigator accept as a criterion for the construct being measured * Content Validity How well the individual items relate to measured construct (face validity) * render retest reliability, alternate forms * Correlation * An observational method * Looks for associations between two psychological constructs * Social support and depression * Yields a number representing the degree that two constructs are associated with each other * Coefficient Pearsons r statistic * Range -1 to +1 * -1 = staring(a) inverse relationship * 0 = no mathematical relationship * +1 = perfect positive relationship * Limitations * Cant determine cause and effect relationships * Can only conclude that one or more variable are associated with each other * Good enough if goal is prediction only * Independent Variables the variables that are manipulated. * Dependent Variable not manipulated but measured for manageable change effects.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Reaction Toward Formation of Malaysia
REACTIONS TOWARDS THE FORMATION OF MALAYSIA The proposal for the constitution of the federation of Malaysia aroused various reactions from various segments whitin each of the potential Member State as tumefy as neighbouring countries. Within potential member states, the proposal stimulated the sudden rise in political activities. Within the next several month adjacent the Tunkus announcement, several political parties had be giveed to cater to various stands that began to e mix in. Among the neighbouring countries, Indonesia and Philippines were among those whose reactions were clearly stated and expressed.There are many reactions from Sabah,Sarawak,Brunei,Indonesia and Philippines. In Sabah, there are political parties such as UNKO and USNO in Sabah gave a reaction on the issue of Formation of Malaysia. Sabah made several claims as a condition for joining the formation of Malaysia. They want to be joined to the new constitution of Malaysia to protect the rights of Sabah people. At the same time, they want to enter the extra-territorial rights manmade formation of the Constitution of Malaysia such as the guinea pig language.Fin each(prenominal)y, Sabah agreed to become part of the Malaysia because the leaders solidarity and tolerance attitude had attracted Sabah to be with Malaysia. Next is in Sarawak. SUPP was facing internal division between its domesticise wing led by Ong Kee Hui and the more radical wing led by Stephen Yong. Panas supported Malaysia on the basis that Malaysia would provide the security of Sarawak against communists and as pissed of attending independence. Another Malay-dominated party, BERJASA was formed in December 1961. It was led by Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang.The party declared its opposition to communist but made no clear stand about Malaysia. SNAP opposed to Malaysia and PESAKA supported Malaysia but this support was not unreserved. Among the Chinese, another political party, the Sarawak Chinese Association (SCA) was formed in July 1962. It was to provide an alternative to SUPP and the leadership was more amenable to the Malaysia idea. The next reaction came from Singapore. Singapore still retained its initial interest in Malaya and was therefore, eager to merge with Malaya when Tunku Abdul Rahman made the proposal in 1961.The only opposition came from the Communist-dominated party, Barisan Socialis. Despite this, Lee Kuan Yew actively campaigned to support the merger. His efforts paid off and a referendum held on 1 kinsfolk 1962 indicated that 71. 1% of the population of Singapore supported the merger. Singapore was promised autonomy in education, revenue and labour while the central government would be operating in Kuala Lumpur. Its free entreport status would also be maintained. Like Singapore, Brunei was equally keen on the merger, since its ruler, Sultan Ali Saifuddin was hoping to gain protection from a larger country want Malaya.A. M. Azahari, the leader of the opposition party, Parti Rakyat, however , strongly opposed the merger and led a revolt against the government of Brunei, in which he was defeated. Azahari had an ulterior motive to merge all the coupling Borneo territories and place them under the reins of Brunei. Eventually, Brunei changed its mind after the Sultan realized that he wouldnt be given special rights above the other Sultans in Malaya and would have only limited oil reserves if Brunei merged with Malaya. Next is the Philippines.They opposed the idea of the formation of Malaysia because of several misgiving which is the first one is the Philippines President, Macapagal argued that the British had no right to transfer Sabah over which it had a claim that Sabah is a part of Philippines. This is because Sabah once was a part of Sulu Sultanate. Second, it argued that Malaysia was an artificial and unstable federationthat Malaysia cannot protect North Borneo from communism either from China or Indonesia but they can. Third, the was a ready a plan for MAPHILINDO, a loose confederation of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.MAPHILINDO was described as a regional association that would approach issues of common concern in the spirit of consensus. However, it was also perceived as a tactic on the parts of capital of Indonesia and Manila to delay, or even prevent the formation of the Federation of Malaysia. The Iast one is the reaction from Indonesia. Indonesia disapproved of the new establishment due to their own ulterior motives. Indonesia, was hoping to merge with Malaya to form Indonesia Raya and at the same time, establish an independent North Borneo Federation comprising Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei.Sukarno at that time declared a Confrontation policy of on Malaysia from January 1963 to August 1966 to translator his objection of the formations of Malaysia. During this period, Indonesia put a halt to all diplomatic relations with Malaysia and launched an attack. Agents were sent to overthrow the Malaysian government and at the same time, create misinterpret among Malays and Chinese. The confrontation came to an eventual end when Sukarno was replaced by Suharto as the president of Indonesia.Consequently, a peace treaty was signed between both countries in June 1966. As a conclusion, there are reactions that came from Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, Singapore, Philiphines and Indonesia about Tunkus idea to form Malaysia. In my opinion, the reaction from these countries did jeopardized Tunkus effort to build a new nation be of Sabah, Sarawak, Brunei, Singapore and Tanah Melayu and these reactions also threatened Tanah Melayus security at that time. But after so much efforts and hardworks, Malaysia was finally a reality on 16 September 1963.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Language Is Not the Only Problem Faced by International Students
Language is not the only hassle confront by planetaryist students in the UK. To what extent do you agree with this statement? International students are really important for the economic growth of the UK. Number of planetary students in UK was about 405,910 in 2009 and in 2010 it change magnitude up to 428,225 (which is about 6%). These students play a very important role in UKs economy and bring huge income to the plain. Shane Spiers, managing director of UNITE says The UKs higher education sector-and, indeed, the UK economy-rely heavily on the income derived from international students. As the investigate from the De embark onment for Business Innovation and Skills called Estimating the value to the UK of Education Experts (June 2011) says that in 2008-2009 income of the tuition give to the UK was oven than ? 4 billion where ? 2. 4 billion for HE, ? 139 million for FE and ? 880 million for english language. The same BIS research noticed that in 2025 this number could rise as high as ? 26 billion. An another(prenominal) income for UK income comes from science, technology, plan and mathematics 40% of UK postgraduates, 50% of those doing full-time research degrees. English language became an international language and this is unrivalled of the main reasons why many students travel to UK to learn english. Another reason is that education in UK is know as high aim or world-class education. International students in UK rouse caseful many problems and the most common one is the language barrier. Even for students who know english it whitethorn be hard for them to understand dialect of UK citizens. For example In class teacher speaks academic english and uses peculiar(a) words which depend on the subject that they are learning.This is a common problem, that teachers are unendingly ready to help students, so in a way, this issue is solved. There are many other problems that could be more serious for the students. International students are living in a foreign country where they could be victims of racial discrimination or they could strikingness financial difficulties or conscionable feel wishful of their country. Most of the students are inexperienced in living away(predicate) from their home, so this is their first experience in an unfamiliar environment with different culture and traditions, trying to adapt and co-exist with the others.Evidently at the beginning they sack face problems such as culture shock and the difficulties in communication. Two general issues are very familiar for most of the international students which are finance managing and making/finding/building friendship. This essay get out find out iii very popular problems that international students may face. Life and education in UK is very high-priced and it might be hard for some students to afford it, so they nurture to borrow large tot up of money from their parents or relatives in order to pay for education and life in UK. Students must be very good in managing finances.Comparing cost of products in UK with the cost of products in their home country will be different, so it might be hard for them at the beginning to manage their finances. Mis-allocation of finance foot lead to large loss of money and at the end of year students may be unexpended destitute. Apart from this overseas education represents a huge investment by family and students may feel that they have to return this money or at least to make a profit by trains in part-time job and limit their expenditures. Students probably may try their best to reduce the mechanical press on their family.Students will try to concentrate more spend more time looking for dally rather than concentrating on pick uping. Many university activities require membership fees to enter the society and may have further expenses for some trips or extra activities. This could keep away the students from joining the societies or clubs and isolating them from the social part of the university life. This could lead to loneliness and depression. Finance problems bottomland push student to reduce the time at work available for study and this can cause academic consequences.According to the managing finances, problems with communication and friendship can happen. The satisfaction level of living in UK is very important and makes a positive impact on academy. This satisfaction can be provided by friendship with other students and more likely with British people. Friendship with local students could be more useful than friendship with co-national by several reasons the main one is the language improvement. However, international students may find it difficult. The reason of that is the big difference in culture or mentality.International students can find their expression strange or dissimilar in contrast with people in their homeland. Communication is not just talking, it also contains eye contact, body language, tone of voice and even national privileges. Al l together they can make communication very easy or can be a cause of disaffection. For instance, international students may struggle with eye contact when to give eye contact or where to look away and do not make people feel uncomfortable. Tone of voice also can be a reason of misunderstanding.The rules of communication people get from their parents and mentality and to change them can be hard. Finally, international students can have a problem known as culture shock. First this problem was defined by Canadian anthropologist Kalervo Oberg in 1960. Dr. Oberg stated that culture shock is the anxiety that results from losing familiar signs and symbols of social intercourse. The most common signs of culture shock are homesickness, avoiding contact with the locals, marital stress, loss of concentration, buy at desire to cry, and losses of all the aims in UK.Mostly duration of culture shock is 6 month but for some student may be longer. During this time students are comparing mod coun try to their homeland. In conclusion, international students in UK face many problems apart from the language barrier. All of these problems may have a negative impact on studies. However, solving these problems will help students to become morally stronger and more responsible. These three general problems can teach an international student how to adapt fast in a new country in his or her future life.These problems cannot stay unsolved and if students are struggling with them in university they can find some free tutorials and tutors who can give a good advice about how to juggle study with solving these problems. References Sally Adamson Taylor (2010,). Retrieved from http// americansintoulouse. com/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=47 Machalicek W. , Ganz J. B. , Flores . M. , Zimbelman M (2005-2009) Retrieved from http//www. asdvisualaids. com/social-communication-difficulties. htmlShane Spiers, (2011, June). Retrieved from http//ukcisa. org. uk , http//sm artmoverelocate. com Colleen Ward, Stephen Bochner, Adrian Furnham (2001) Retrieved from book The psychology of Culture Shock (Second edition) Maureen S. , Andrade and Norman W. Evans (2009) Retrieved from book International students Strengthening a Critical Resource. Published by Rowman & Littlefield Education. Nannette Rundle Carroll (2010) Retrieved from book The Communication Problem Solver. Simple tools and Techniques for Busy Managers
Monday, May 20, 2019
Unforgiven Film Well Deserving Of Best Picture Film Studies Essay
Every twelvemonth, the honorary society of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences award bingle film the privilege of Best Picture. many another(prenominal) times, they come back the award to a impression that many, in the general populace, have neer heard or one and only(a) that many feel was a complete waste of lop. For case, become twelvemonth, the movie The Artist was given this award. This was a soundless movie that was two hours of complete ennui in black and w tape and one that utilize no address at all until the really conclusion of the movie. However, this error was non made in 1992, when Unforgiven bring home the bacon Best Picture. This film was really much a through-back to many of the Spaghetti Westerns that aging coevalss have enjoyed and one that brought an all in all new coevals into an grasp of Western movies. The film takes a dramatic bend at the terminal and is non really predictable. With a combination of unbelievable playing, expansive scenery, peachy c ostumes, a alone cloistered conception line, and a batch of gun-slinging, it is easy to see why Unforgiven won the Black Marias and heads of many, including the award of Best Picture.First, the movie does non focus on on an everywherely high budget the manner many movies do. The movie plainly cost about 15 million dollars to shoot, which is relativity cheap. numerous manufacturers will travel out and imbibe anyplace from 100 million to 200 million dollars hiting a movie. Those movies normally rely to a great extent on computer-generated particular effects to sell their merchandise. However, with a great book and a highly-talented dramatis personae, one does non neces baitate to pass that sort of money to set together an award-winning production. A great secret plan line and unbelievable playing are what makes great movies and non the sum of money spent. It would in any case be difficult to mess up a movie that has some of America s most highly-acclaimed histrions in it.The mo vie does an unbelievable occupation in puting a Wild West tone. The chief town in the movie was Big whiskey, Wyoming and numbers really much wish well what one would comprehend the grey West to look like. It is besides a clever and catchy name to give a town in the old West, seeing as how a batch of whisky was consumed at that place in those yearss. It had barrooms, shops, and assorted specialty stores all along the chief retarding force of the town and all had the old vacillation doors that were common in the old West. The outskirts of the town are rugged terrains of comeuppances and mountains that are really common for the western U.S. The spectator rightfully gets a great image, although likely a somewhat overdone one, of life was like in the old West.Following, another great introducet about this movie is that it is one where the secret plan line is non predictable. Many times, Westerns are really cliche and about comedic. They normally involve a skinny enough cat kill the bad cats. There is besides normally a batch of hiting with the sound of slugs bouncing of the sides of edifices. Many besides end with two work forces holding a gunfight on the chief retarding force of town. Many viewing audiences get a seen one, seen them all attitude towards Westerns. This, nevertheless, is non the instance in Unforgiven.The movie centres on a group of brigands that who go to a barroom, acquire rummy, and purchase cocottes. One of them becomes angry with one of the misss for express joying at him and slices her face up with a knife. The proprietor, so, puts out a premium on the work forces head s who were responsible for the payment for what he called damaged goods. William Munny ( Clint Eastwood ) who is an old ex-bounty huntsman gets up with an old friend, Ned Logan ( Morgan Freeman ) to channelize on what may be their really last premium prevail. At first, Munny is rusty. He can non hit every bit directly as he used to. Both work forces, ne vertheless, are in despairing demand of money, and more so than that, each one wants to hold one concluding Hunt and be able to retire for good from that line of work. However, the sheriff of the town, Little Bill ( Gene Hackman ) , a reason gunman himself, does non take kindly to bounty huntsmans in his town. One premium huntsman, English Bob, comes to Big Whiskey seeking for the wages and is about beaten to decease by Little Bill and his deputies to put an model for what happens to bounty huntsmans in his legal power.In a blunt contrast to most Westerns, Munny is non a good cat at all. He is decidedly the sort of cat you would non desire to upset. Eastwood demonstrates this well in the faces of his face he makes throughout the movie. He really much corsets true to the travel in front stumblebum do my twenty-four hours attitude that he is known for. He, from his ain admittance, has killed everything that has walked or crawled at one clip or another. The Equus caballus he r ides in a white Equus caballus. This is evidently a reboot to the rider of the white Equus caballus in The Book of Rvelations who symbolizes decease. And Small Bill, although he is the sheriff, is far from a good cat either.Towards the terminal of the movie, Munny gets word that Ned went into town without him, had been captured, tortured, and killed. Angry and now merely seeking retaliation, Munny caputs to town non for money, tho for requital for the decease of his friend. Outside a local barroom, Ned s organic structure is displayed in a casket with a mark that reads, This is what happens to bravos in Big Whiskey. The spectator can truly see the smart and disgust on Munny s face. Outnumbered about 15 to one on a dark and rainy dark with rain dripping off his chapeau, Munny enters the barroom and inquire who owns it. The proprietor raises his manus and shooting deceased by Munny. Little Bill calls him a cowardly SoB for hiting an unarmed bad staminate. Munny explains th at the adult male should hold armed himself if he wants adorn his barroom with my friend. After a brief gunfight, Munny tells the others, any adult male that do nt desire to acquire killed better clear on out the dorsum. The movies ends with Munny standing over a changeable Little Bill and Bill stating, I do nt merit to decease like this, and Munny, before killing him, answers, deserves got nil to make with it. The spectator, so, hears a loud knock and Munny drinks a shooting of whisky and foliages.Finally, Unforgiven is possibly the greatest Western movie of all-time. The movie starts with work forces looking to roll up a premium and ends with Munny seeking retribution. Clint Eastwood, in his early 60s at the clip the movie was shot, is eventually able to sit off with what many say is his all-time best work. It is one of those movies that starts off slow and takes a launch for the spectator to acquire into. However, the flood tide at the terminal of the movie is good worth the delay. The last 10 proceedingss or so are considered by many to be one of the greatest scenes in film of all time. This is a movie that should be on everyone s to watch list. This was merely the tertiary clip in the history of the Oscars for a Western, and besides the last movie of that genre to make so, to win Best Picture. The best facet of the movie is the fact that it is one that even a individual who entirely hates Western movies would wish if they would take the clip to watch it.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Night Vision Technology
NIGHT VISION TECHNOLOGY1) Introduction2) comment3) Types of shadowy Vision Technology4) Night Vision Devices5) Generation6) ApplicationINTRODUCTIONNight mass technology is basic exclusivelyy allows us to saw in shadow. It is originally actual for military use.All earth have very poor nighttime sight as compare to otherwise animals. With the poor night vision we cannot depend a person standing over so far away (many miles) on a rich dark cloudy night. It is outgrowth clock cadence invented for military purpose to see the foeman in deep dark and show them easily.The german army gave the idea of night vision and from that time it is fastly develops so strong. They gave the idea in 1935 and start working on it so fastly to cover all contend condition in night time.Then they develop night vision items in their rifles and in other necessary materials of battle field. From there this technology is grown up and all other countries also progress sure to use this technolog y and also to modify this according to their need. These all equipment are use in camera (either simple or in gun straw man) for the purpose of hunting at night time and in battle affected areas.But they are so earn technology make up of. Then with the service of process of this equipment they are visible cl early on in front of human eyes as in full ex unmatchedrated to saw it clearly. To solar day also in houses earnest and high alarm system situation these technology is use in vast for the purpose of safety.DEFINITIONThe definition of night vision technology is basically the detail of its work that how this technology work and what is this in real word.Every unmatched defines it in their own word of experiences, but in my opinion its definition is not its word of behavior but its definition is expressed asNight vision technology is basically the ability to see things in dark night condition. (Whether by biological or technological mean).Night vision is the combination of cardinal approaches.TYPES OF NIGHT VISION TECHNOLOGYThere are two casefuls of night vision technology1) biological Night VisionSome animal like cat and deep sea animal can see in night because they are tissue present in their eye which is called tiputem lucidum.Which is present on the back position of retina? But this layer is not present in human eyes, thus they cannot able to see in night. They need to use some material to saw in night.RODOPOSIN is use for night see. This is a chemical. With help of this chemical human can see for few hours in dark and deep night. Biological is pull down God gifted senses in humans and animals, by which they saw things in night.These senses are used for night vision. Commonly green eyes of human have the ability to see in night and even in dark night. These all are the naturally created senses in humans and animal eyes.2) Technical Night VisionTechnical night vision is working in two different ways.In this type of vision many crystalline lens are used to achieve pictures in night time. All the material use for this is released specific type of electron which is felt on the picture and they capture the same picture and show on the front of human eyes.Then they saw easily all the things in dark night. As same in the war situation the advertize developed material for night vision is used to see the confrontation easily in night and mountain dark then with the help of this advance technology they have the enemy on exact target. Simply technical vision technology is those devices include in which advance technique is used to able one to see in night time in deep dark.Night Vision DevicesNight vision devices are called observation equipment. They observe and detect the pictures and other things in dark night. It is also some time known as night vision goggles.It does works as the light from night vision excrete and felt on the targeted area this particle is made up of photons which includes all the colors.Then they reflect back and entered in the lens and the whole area is seen to be visible in dark, but it is so sensitive case. Its the same as we see in the games which is made in night scenes. There the whole environment is dark but we clearly saw the targeted area of enemies.All devices which are uses in night vision is shown below these all devices is used in night time.GENERATIONS1) 0 GENERATION The early generation was establishing in (1950-1955) which is not in complete vast Form.2) 1st GENERATION In the first generation tubes are used in the equipment in series. They work so will. They also work so perfect than 2nd and 3rd generation.But one defect is present in this generation that the theatrical role is show clear at the center but it can distort at all its adages. This heaviest and largest one of first three generation, later is modified and the name has change in other generation.3) 2ndGENERATION This generation was made in (1970-1972).A high micro channel plate is used in it. And it is a lso called high electron multiplier. They also magnify the image in clear form. Its magnifier and resolution is under well developed technology.These conduct are built from millions of microscopic hollow glass, and each glass is of 0.0125 in diameter. Sensitive lenses are used in it they detected the images by its sensitive wavelength.4) 3rd GENERATION the previous generations are made pass on and name as 3rd generation. The advancement take place in (1971-1978).the photocathode rays is used in it as an ion barrier.Then they detect images from far distances clear in dark night. It is much better than firstly built generations but not perfect because further development take place fastly in very day life in advance technology world.5) 4th GENERATION The American army made advance the 3rd generation with highly developed photocathode lenses and rays and made sure the work of these devices to detect all images in deep dark night clear at center and all of its edges. The ion barrier is also aloof which is used in 3rd generation for the purpose to finish the background noise.The switch on and strike system made sure rapidly. This generation is used all over the world because it is well developed equipment at all. Higher magnifying lenses are used in it. They are full of all needed and ripe technology materials.APPLICATIONThe main purpose of night vision technology is to detect enemy target in dark night. Security officers, police officers and also investigating officers use night vision technology broadly according to their need. They trace their position and places in dark night and then perform treat on it.Application of night vision is as under belowI. For hunting purposesII. For military purposesIII. For security purposesIV. For law enforcementV. For entertainmentVI. For navigation purposesVII. For hidden object detectionVIII. For surveillanceIX. For wildlife observationX. And for automatic ignitor control purposes.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Economic Ideas of Mercantilism in Comparison
Mercantilism was an early capitalistic economic concept, which was based on the adjacent principle the but sources of a countrys wealth are the money funds and cherished metals it possesses, so the more money a nation has the richer it is supposed to be. According to this theory, the government has to follow the policy of protectionism and keeping the money inside of the country, encouraging only domestic trade and the exports, at that reducing the imports and creating level best trade surplus.This theory was severely criticized by an outstanding Scottish philosopher and economy theorist Adam Smith, who argued that the public assistance of the country can not be measured only with money. The main difference of Smiths theory from mercantilism is his conclusion that not only money accumulation, but also sinless merchandise and vivid inter interior(a) trade, healthy industrial competition, make-work activities, product exchange and other factors of free marketplace economy are essential for boosting national welfare.In addition, Smith was against the necessity of tough governmental manoeuver of the exports and imports, as well as against of any sorts of trade barriers, market limitations and restrictions imposed by government. He claimed that only market forces have to determine the types and volumes of manufacturing, the directions of international trade, etc. He was convinced that national economy itself pull up stakes find the most effective ways of own development.Undoubtedly, the findings and ideas of Adam Smith are more powerful and important for modern economy, because now the majority of the countries practice one or another form of free market economy. But there are still supporters of the mercantilist ideas, who argue that exports bring more positive outcomes to national economy (new working places, new incomes, etc.) than the imports do, and that is why the exports have to be encouraged. ReferencesBall, D., McCulloh, W. H., Geringer, M., Fra ntz, P.L. & Minor, M. S. (2005). International Business. 10th Ed. Columbus, OH The McGraw-Hill Co.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Polar Bears
The different adaptations of the gelid Bears and Brown Bears Polar Bears Polar bears mainly eat seals Paw pads with rough surfaces help stop the Polar Bears from slipping on the codswallop Polar Bears dont swim The polar bears fat layer, which is three to four inches thick, not only protects it from the cold A polar bear is so well insulated that it experiences no rage loss. The bears blubber layer can legal community 4. 5 inches thick. Polar bears have excellent underwater vision. They can spot food up to 15 feet away.They have sharp claws and teeth to eat feed in Their ears have small surface area compared to body, reduces heat loss Thick white fur for camouflage and insulation Long legs for running to catch prey Brown Bears They have thick insulating coats and tend to be large which helps them to keep their body heat They hibernate during winter. They have sharp claws and teeth which help them attack their prey. Adult brown bears are powerful some(prenominal) of their diet c onsists of nuts, berries, fruit, leaves and oots.Bears also eat other animals. Brown bears can be recognized by their near distinctive feature, their shoulder hump. The shoulder muscle helps the bears to dig up roots and tear apart logs to lift food. These muscles are located in the hump of the brown bear. Brown bears can move rocks and logs and dig through toilsome soil and rocky ground using their long sharp claws when making their dens. They eat grass, fruit, insects, roots and bulbs of plants.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Last Sacrifice Chapter Thirteen
ITS NOT FUNNYYoure justly, agreed Sydney. Its non funny. Its hilarious.We were bottom at Raymonds house, in the privacy of our room. It had removen forever for us to invite away from the fireside festivities, particularly after eruditeness a terrible fact ab step up a Keeper custom. Well, I thought it was terrible, at least. It morose out that if some wiz exigencyed to marry somebody else around here, the prospective bride and groom each had to employment it out with the early(a)s nearest relative of the same sex. Angeline had spotted Joshuas interest from the moment Id arrived, and when shed protruden the bracelet, shed assumed some configuration of arrangement had been made. It therefore fell on her, as his sister, to hold in sure I was worthy. She restrained didnt the like or entirely trust me, exclusively proving myself a capable fighter had shot me up in her esteem, eitherowing her to consent to our eng maturatement. It had then taken a grass of fast-talking t o convince everyone including Joshuathat there was no engagement. Had there been, Id learned, Dimitri would pretend had to stand in as my relative and fight Joshua.Stop that, I chastised. Dimitri leaned over against one of the rooms walls, arms hideed, watching as I rubbed where Angeline had hit my cheekbone. It was hardly the worst injury Id ever had, hardly Id definitely have a bruise tomorrow. there was a small make a face on his face.I told you not to encourage him, came Dimitris quieten response.Whatever. You didnt agnize this feeler. You just didnt want me to I bit dispatch my backchats. I wouldnt say what was on my opinion that Dimitri was jealous. Or possessive. Or whatever. I just knew hed been irritated to see me friendly with Joshua and very amused at my outrage over Angelines attack. I abruptly turned to Sydney, who was just as entertained as Dimitri. In fact, I was pretty sure Id never seen her smile so much. Did you k right off about this custom?No, she a ppropriateted, barely Im not surprised. I told you theyre savage. A lot of ordinary problems are settled by fights like that.Its stupid, I give tongue to, not caring that I was whining. I touched the top of my head, wishing I had a reflect to see if Angeline had taken a noticeable chunk of hair. Although she wasnt bad. Unpolished, however not bad. Are they all that punk rock? The humans and Moroi in any case?Thats my understanding.I ponde ablaze(p) that. I was annoyed and embarrassed by what had happened, scarcely I had to admit the Keepers were suddenly way more interesting. How ironic that such a backward radical had the insight to apprize everyone to fight, no matter their race. Meanwhile, my own enlightened culture still refused to teach defense.And thats why Strigoi dont b new(prenominal) them, I murmured, recalling breakfast. I didnt even realize what Id utter until Dimitris smile dropped. He glanced toward the window, face grim.I should check in with Boris again an d see what hes found. He turned back toward Sydney. It wont take long. We dont all need to go. Should I just take your car since I totally have to go a little ways?She shrugged and reached for her keys. Wed learned originally that Sydneys phone could pick up a signal about ten minutes from the village. He was right. There really was no reason for us all to go for a quick phone call. aft(prenominal) my fight, Sydney and I were reasonably safe. No one would mess with me now. Still I didnt like the thought of Dimitri know his Strigoi days alone.You should still go, I told her, conceive ofing fast. I need to check in on Lissa. not entirely a lie. What my friends had heard from Joe was still weighing on me. I can usually still keep track of whats going on around me at the same time, but it might be better if youre awayespecially in case Alchemists do show up.My logic was faulty, though her colleagues were still a concern. I doubt theyd come while its dark, she said, but I dont real ly want to devolve out if youre just going to stare into watering holece. She didnt admit it, and I didnt need to say anything, but I suspected she didnt want someone else driving her car anyway.Dimitri thought her coming was unnecessary and said as much, but apparently, he didnt feel like he could boss her around as much as me. So, they both set out, leaving me alone in the room. I watched them wistfully. Despite how annoying his prior fraud had been, I was worried about him. Id seen the effect of the last call and wished I could be there now to comfort him. I had a feeling he wouldnt have allowed that, so I accepted Sydneys extension as a small victory.With them gone, I find outd I really would check in with Lissa. Id said it more as an excuse, but truthfully, it beat the alternativegoing back out and socializing. I didnt want any more plurality congratulating me, and apparently, Joshua had read my maybe and acceptance of the bracelet as a real commitment. I still thought h e was devastatingly cute but couldnt put acrossle seeing his adoration.Sitting cross-legged on Angelines bed, I opened myself to the bond and what Lissa was experiencing. She was walking through the halls of a building I didnt recognize at first. A moment later, I got my bearings. It was a building at Court that housed a large spa and salonas well as the hideout of Rhonda the gypsy. It seemed weird that Lissa would be going to get her constituent told, but once I got a glimpse of her companions, I knew she was up to something else.The usual suspects were with her Adrian and Christian. My heart leapt at seeing Adrian againespecially after the Joshua Incident. My last spirit dream had been too brief.Christian was safekeeping Lissas hand as they walked, his grip warm and reassuring. He pictureed confident and determinedthough with that typically snarky half-smile of his. Lissa was the one who felt nervous and was clearly bracing herself for something. I could feel her dreading her next task, even though she believed it was necessary.Is this it? she asked, coming to a halt in drive of a door.I think so, said Christian. That receptionist said it was the red one.Lissa hesitated only a moment and then knocked. Nothing. Either the room was empty or she was being ignored. She held up her hand again, and the door opened. Ambrose stood there, stunning as always, even in jeans and a casual blue T-shirt. The dress hugged his body in a way that showed off every muscle. He could have walked straight off the cover of GQ.Hey, he said, clearly surprised.Hey, said Lissa back. We were wondering if we could talk to you?Ambrose ever so slightly prone his head toward the room. Im kind of busy right now. Beyond him, Lissa could see a massage table with a Moroi muliebrity lying face down. The lower half of her body had a towel over it, but her back was bare, shining in the dim lighting with oil. Scented candles burned in the room, and a appeasement kind of New Age music played softly.Wow, said Adrian. You dont waste any time, do you? Shes only been in her grave a few hours, and youve already got someone new. Tatiana had finally been laid to rest earlier in the day, just before sunset. The burial had had much less fanfare than the original attempt.Ambrose gave Adrian a bully look. Shes my client. Its my work. You forget that some of us have to work for a living.Please? asked Lissa, hastily measuringping in front of Adrian. It wont take long.Ambrose looked my friends over a moment and then sighed. He glanced behind him. Lorraine? I have to step outside. Ill be right back, ok?Okay, called the woman. She shifted, facing him. She was older than Id expected, mid-forties or so. I guess if you were paid for a massage, there was no reason not to have a masseuse half your age. Hurry back.He gave her a dazzling smile as he shut the door, a smile that dropped once he was alone with my friends. Okay, whats going on? I dont like the looks on your faces.Ambrose mi ght have radically deviated from a dhampir mans normal life, but hed had the same training as any guardian. He was observant. He was always on the lookout for potential threats.We, uh, wanted to talk to you about Lissa hesitated. Talking about investigations and interrogations was one thing. Carrying them out was another. somewhat Tatianas score.Ambroses eyebrows rose. Ah. I see. Not sure what there is to say, keep out that I dont think Rose did it. I dont think you believe that either, despite whats going around. Everyones talking about how shocked and upset you are. Youre getting a lot of sympathy over having been tricked by such a dangerous and sinister friend.Lissa felt her cheeks flush. By publically condemning me and renouncing our friendship, Lissa was keeping herself out of trouble. It had been Abe and Tashas advice, and Lissa knew it was sound. Yet, even though it was an act, she still felt guilty. Christian stepped to her defense.Back off. Thats not what this is about .What is it about then? asked Ambrose.Lissa jumped in, worried Christian and Adrian might upset Ambrose and make it difficult to get answers. Abe Mazur told us that in the courtroom, you said or, uh, did something to Rose.Ambrose looked shocked, and I had to give him points for being convincing. Did something? What does that mean? Does Mazur think I, like, hit on her in front of all those stack?I dont know, admitted Lissa. He just saw something, thats all.I wished her pricey luck, said Ambrose, still looking offended. Is that okay?Yeah, yeah. Lissa had made a point to talk to Ambrose before Abe could, fearing Abes methods would involve threats and a lot of physical force. flat, she was wondering if she was doing so great a job. Look, were just trying to find out who really killed the queen. You were close to her. If theres anythinganythingat all youve got that can supporter us, wed appreciate it. We need it.Ambrose glanced curiously amid them. Then, he suddenly understood. You think I did it Thats what this is about. None of them said anything. I cant believe this I already got this from the guardians but from you? I thought you knew me better.We dont know you at all, said Adrian flatly. All we know is you had lots of entrance to my aunt. He pointed at the door. And simply, it didnt take you long to move on.Did you miss the part where I said thats my job? Im giving her a massage, thats it. Not everything is sordid and dirty. Ambrose shook his head in frustration and ran a hand through his brown hair. My relationship with Tatiana wasnt dirty either. I cared about her. I would never do anything to pine her.Dont statistics say most murders happen between close people? asked Christian.Lissa glared at him and Adrian. Stop it. Both of you. She looked back at Ambrose. No ones accusing you of anything. But you were around her a lot. And Rose told me you were upset about the age virtue.When I first heard about it, yeah, Ambrose said. And even then, I told Ros e there was some misplaythat there must be something we didnt know. Tatiana would have never put those dhampirs in danger without a good reason.Like making herself look good in front of all those terrified royals? asked Christian.Watch it, warned Adrian. Lissa couldnt decide which was more annoying her two guys teaming up to spar against Ambrose or them throwing barbs at each other.No Ambroses translator rang throughout the narrow hall. She didnt want to do that. But if she didnt, worse things were going to happen. There are people who wantedstill wantto round up all the dhampirs who dont fight and force them into it. Tatiana passed the age law as a way to stall that.Silence fell. Id already learned this from Tatianas note, but it was shocking watchword to my friends. Ambrose kept going, seeing he was gaining ground.She was actually open to lots of other options. She wanted to explore spirit. She canonic of Moroi learning to fight.That got a reaction from Adrian. He still wore t hat sardonic nerve, but I could also see faint lines of pain and sorrow on his face. The burial earlier must have been hard on him, and hearing others reveal information you hadnt known about a loved one had to hurt.Well, I obviously wasnt sleeping with her like you were, said Adrian, but I knew her pretty well, too. She never said a word about anything like that.Not publicly, agreed Ambrose. Not even privately. Only a few people knew. She was having a small group of Moroi trained in secretmen and women, different ages. She wanted to see how well Moroi could learn. If it was possible for them to defend themselves. But she knew peopled be upset about it, so she made the group and their trainer keep quiet.Adrian gave no response to this, and I could see his thoughts had turned inward. Ambroses revelation wasnt bad word of honor, exactly, but Adrian was still hurt at the thought that his aunt had kept so much from him. Lissa, meanwhile, was eating the news up, seizing and analyzing e very piece of info.Who were they? The Moroi being trained? I dont know, said Ambrose. Tatiana was quiet about it. I never found out their names, just their instructor.Who was ? prompted Christian. yield.Christian and Lissa exchanged startled looks. My Grant? she asked. The one Tatiana assign to me?Ambrose nodded. Thats why she gave him to you. She trusted him.Lissa said nothing, but I heard her thoughts loud and clear. Shed been pleased and surprised when Grant and Serenathe guardians who had replaced Dimitri and me had offered to teach Lissa and Christian basic defense moves. Lissa had thought shed simply stumbled onto a progressive-thinking guardian, not realizing she had one of the pioneers in teaching combat to Moroi.Some piece of this was important, she and I were both certain, though neither of us could make the connection. Lissa puzzled it over, not protesting when Adrian and Christian threw in some questions of their own. Ambrose was still clearly offended by the inquisiti on, but he answered everything with forced patience. He had alibis, and his affection and regard for Tatiana never wavered. Lissa believed him, though Christian and Adrian still seemed skeptical.Everyones been all over me about her death, said Ambrose, but nobody questioned Blake very long.Blake? asked Lissa.Blake Lazar. Someone else she was Involved with? suggested Christian, rolling his eyes.Him? exclaimed Adrian in disgust. No way. She wouldnt stoop that low.Lissa racked her brain through the Lazar family but couldnt peg the name. There were just too many of them. Who is he?An idiot, said Adrian. Makes me look like an upstanding member of society.That actually brought a smile to Ambroses face. I agree. But hes a pretty idiot, and Tatiana liked that. I heard affection in his contribution as he spoke her name.She was sleeping with him too? Lissa asked. Adrian winced at the mention of his great-aunts sex life, but a whole new world of possibilities had opened up. More lovers meant more suspects. How did you feel about that?Ambroses amusement faded. He gave her a sharp look. Not jealous enough to kill her, if thats what youre getting at. We had an understanding. She and I were close yes, involvedbut we both saw other people too.Wait, said Christian. I had the feeling he was really enjoying this now. Tatianas murder was no joke, but a soap opera was definitely unfolding before them. You were sleeping with other people too? This is getting hard to follow.Not for Lissa. In fact, it was becoming clearer and clearer that Tatianas murder could have been a crime of passion, rather than anything political. Like Abe had said, someone with access to her bedroom was a likely suspect. And some woman jealous over sharing a lover with Tatiana? That was perhaps the most convincing motive so farif only we knew the women.Who? Lissa asked. Who else were you seeing? No one whod kill her, said Ambrose sternly. Im not giving you names. Im entitle to some privacyso are they.Not if one of them was jealous and killed my aunt, growled Adrian. Joshua had looked down on Adrian for not protecting me, but in that moment, defending his aunts honor, he looked as fierce as any guardian or Keeper warrior. It was kind of sexy.None of them killed her, Im certain, said Ambrose. And as much as I despise him, I dont think Blake did either. Hes not smart enough to pull it off and frame Rose. Ambrose gestured to the door. His teeth were clenched, and lines of frustration deflower his handsome face. Look, I dont know what else I can say to convince you. I need to get back in there. Im sorry if I seem difficult, but this has been kind of hard on me, okay? Believe me, Id love it if you could find out who did that to her. Pain flashed through his eyes. He swallowed and looked down for a moment, as though he didnt want them to know just how much hed cared about Tatiana. When he looked up again, his expression was fierce and determined again. I want you to and will help if I can. But Im telling you, look for someone with political motives. Not romantic ones.Lissa still had a million more questions. Ambrose might be convinced the murder was free of jealousy and sex, but she wasnt. She would have really liked the names of his other women but didnt want to push too hard. For a moment, she considered compelling him as she had Joe. But no. She wouldnt cross that line again, especially with someone she considered a friend. At least not yet. Okay, she said reluctantly. give thanks you. Thank you for helping us.Ambrose seemed surprised at her politeness, and his face softened. Ill see if I can dig up anything to help you. Theyre keeping her rooms and possessions locked down, but I might still be able to get in there. Ill let you know.Lissa smiled, genuinely grateful. Thank you. Thatd be great.A touch on my arm brought me back to the sour little room in West Virginia. Sydney and Dimitri were looking down at me. Rose? asked Dimitri. I had a feeling this wasnt the fi rst time hed tried to get my attention.Hey, I said. I blinked a couple of times, remission myself back into this reality. Youre back. You called the Strigoi?He didnt visibly react to the word, but I knew he hated hearing it. Yes. I got a hold of Boriss contact.Sydney wrapped her arms around herself. Crazy conversation. Some of it was in English. It was even scarier than before.I shivered involuntarily, glad that Id missed it. But did you find out anything?Boris gave me the name of a Strigoi who knows Sonya and probably knows where she is, Dimitri said. Its actually someone Ive met. But phone calls only go so far with Strigoi. Theres no way to contact himexcept to go in person. Boris only had his address.Where is it? I asked.Lexington, Kentucky.Oh for Gods sake, I moaned. Why not the Bahamas? Or the Corn palace?Dimitri tried to hide a smile. It might have been at my expense, but if Id lightened his mood, I was grateful. If we leave right now, we can reach him before morning.I glanc ed around. Tough choice. Leave all this for electricity and plumbing? Now Sydney grinned. And no more marriage proposals.And well probably have to fight Strigoi, added Dimitri.I jumped to my feet. How soon can we go?
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