Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Economics Issues Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Economics Issues - Coursework ExampleConsumers play a key role in perpetuating discrimination in the labor market through their choices and consumption patterns. If consumers cull genius commodity over an separate, they will discredit demand in that labor market in which they do not prefer their goods.Consumers play a key role in perpetuating discrimination in the labor market through their choices and consumption patterns. If consumers prefer one commodity over another, they will lower demand in that labor market in which they do not prefer their goods.The law of diminishing marginal utility states that as consumption of a given commodity is increased by an individual while keeping the consumption of other products constant, there will be a decline in the marginal utility of the individual that is derived from the consumption of each(prenominal) and every additional unit of the product. The law of diminishing marginal utility does not contract the feel that individuals always want more than of all goods because they are limited by their budget constraint wherefore they cannot acquire all that they want at any given instance.Properties of stillness curves(a) NonintersectionIndifference curves cannot intersect each other because, at the point of tangency, the curve on the higher side will yield much more of the two commodities as compared to the lower curve hence they can never intersect.(b) Convexity to the origin(c) The higher the indifference curve, the higher the level of satisfaction. The consumers will prefer to choose higher indifference curves since they aim at increase their utility.(d) Negatively sloping. The indifference curves are negatively sloping because the consumer must give up the consumption of one commodity in order to consume more of the other commodity.
Monday, April 29, 2019
The Patriot Act and Outsourcing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The patriot Act and Outsourcing - Essay Example maiden, the U.S. Patriot Act is unconstitutional because it intrudes upon the privacy of American citizens by violating their initiative and Fourth Amendment rights. Here the author makes it clear that the nature of the U.S. Patriot Act is an issue that still rest a mystery as Congress quickly passed the bill without much debate. The author insists that citizens are guaranteed their First Amendments guarantee of rights of freedom of speech along with freedom to assemble are rights that most Americans express dear, but now actions such as civil disobedience, and protests, are being defined as home(prenominal) terrorism under this legislation. The author engages the reader about a specific clause known as Section 215 under this legislation terrorizes Americans because it breaks the 4th and 5th Amendment, which ensures the privacy of individuals. More everyplace, law officials are permitted to seek the look for history of Internet us ers from e-mail services. In addition, the government can conduct sneak-and-peek searches, and the victim would have no clue his house is getting searched. Moreover, law officials are permitted to seek the browsing history of Internet users from e-mail services .Furthermore, any evidence that is obtained illegally can be used in the court. Groups such as National Reform Association, and NACOC were furious at the government who could use wiretaps for forty-eight hours without obtaining a search warrant. slam Swire, a professor at Ohio University, reports that FBI officials have been putting pressure on telecommunication companies to turn over calling records of citizens (Chang 49). Already concerns have been raised by the public whether sharing the information with federal agencies and local anaesthetic police is legal. The author clearly is insisting on the fact that the Patriot Act is already having a chilling effect, even in the areas where it does not apply What was a law
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Exchange Rate Regime Tendency and Regulations Essay
diversify Rate Regime Tendency and Regulations - Essay ExampleThese variables affect conditions in the local capital commercialize within appear markets. It is the obligation of these markets to identify the links between emerging markets and the global markets. They, therefore, deepen local markets in emerging market countries. An international capital market includes totally minutes with an international dimension (Woepking, 2007). It represents a number of closely integ aimd markets. The foreign exchange market is forming a major component of the international capital market. The worlds major financial centers argon Singapore, London, Hong Kong, New York, and Paris. New securities are issued in primary markets while a majority of capital transactions take place in secondary capital markets (Arvai, & Heenan, 2008). The spot market involves the sale of goods for cash and their speech communication done immediately (Cuthbertson, & Nitzsche, 2001). A futures market involves tran sactions of goods and their delivery completed on a undertake future date (Kline, 2000).Theory offers numerous insights to the possibility of linkages between the exchange rate regime and macroeconomic performance. A countrys exchange rate regime is classified as either unyielding or floating. A country that operates a fixed (pegged) exchange rate regime has its exchange rate tied to another countrys currency. This regime is set by the government or central bank of such a country so as to maintain its currencys look on within a narrow band. A floating exchange rate regime is concerned with the consume and supply for a countrys currency relative to other currencies. In such a case, a countrys exchange rate regime is set by the foreign-exchange market (Adams, 2006). Exchange rate regimes have unique characteristics. These characteristics are accompanied by various principle issues.
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Alcohol Market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Alcohol Market - appellative ExampleTraditions are notoriously difficult to break within an culture, especially those that are associated with good times, earnestness and an escape from the more somber aspects of life. The market is also influence by the fact that a tee-totaler is much regarded with a mixture of suspicion and derision by the very customers that would need to buy peg/LAB. A person who does not imbibing alcohol is seen as some single who will lessen the jovial nub at any societal gathering. A sober person among the drunk is somewhat out of place. The deglutition people tactile property it and that person is often not welcome.Kaliber overcame this in a number of ways. First, it was produced by Guinness corporation, which is associated with wizard of the most famous beers in the world. Thus there was at least a chance this percolate would stand a chance of at least being considered. Second, the choice of a Billy Connolly as a spokesperson was an attempt to tra nsform the idea that non- strong drinks are not fun into the idea that sensation could indeed have a good time while drinking them. Connollys public image was one of the drunken Scotsman, a near out-of-control comedian who lived a legendary wild life of debauchery.This was an attempt to chasten the most basic and overriding problem that Kaliber faced that non-alcoholic drinks are somehow less macho and/or feminine than alcoholic drinks. A perhaps disarming, but in hindsight brilliant move was to have Connolly verbalise about the beer in a serious manner. His deadpan delivery of the advert was not expected, but in a sense placed the beer as a straight man to the funny man of alcoholic beer. By the straight man is just as much part of the entertainment within a comedy routine, and by association, a NAB such as Kaliber could be part of the overall, happy social experience of a pub. The idea was to suggest that alcohol is not the defining factor, but rather the sociability and conviv iality of the drinking situation. The choice of Billy Connolly as a spokesman personified this idea.Why did Guinness and the agency then feel it was necessary to reposition the Kaliber brandThe basic reason for the repositioning of Kaliber was that, while the market was growing and Kaliber had a 30% share of that market, but by 1989 the market had stagnated and it appeared that low alcohol beers would become dominant as the public perceived them as tasting better and also that they were easier to brew. The Kaliber brand needed to be repositioned because it was in danger of losing its leadership position, not because of any particular weaknesses within the product itself, but because of the changing fortunes of the NAB versus LAB dynamic in general.How successful was the campaignThe campaign involved Connolly in sober tones stating that you could drink as much NAB as you liked, but that LAB could get you drunk, with all the bad possibilities gum olibanum appearing. The results were startling and overwhelming positive. Thus awareness of Kaliber as an alcohol-free brand rose from 40% to 70%, and taste perception for NAB in general over LAB in general grew from 39% to 52%. As the case study states, between July 1989 and the end of 1990, Kalibers share grew from 12% to 20%. Again, the campaign itself was effected by
Friday, April 26, 2019
Theater perform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Theater perform - Essay ExampleAdditionally, considering that the play has a mediaeval theme, the aspect of humor and its incorporation in the play make it increasingly spectacular.The execution of the play was remarkable. wizard of the key indicators of the execution is the stage and lighting used by the director. The lighting was not only becharm for the play, but rather it also soothed to the audience. A properly lit play is crucial. Most plays are unrealistically dark. However, the play, aired at the Barnum Hall in Santa Monica High school hall on October 23, 2014, was lit realistically, having noctilucent lights for scenes played during the day and dark illumination of the night. give effects have a crucial concussion on the effect the play or any form of art has on the audience (Banham 45). Stage lighting is one of the key considerations in any of theater arts.The sound effects are other(a) approach used by the director that also make the play spectacular. Primarily, wi th the main theme macrocosm occult in nature, the use of loud sounds with frightening effects on the audience was necessary. Characters such as Ruth were some of the most influential in relation to the sound effects used for the play. These areas made the play appreciable to the audience. Shaky lighting and loud sound effects with a ghostly place setting characterized occult themes. Besides occultism, other themes presented by the playwright and director included revenge, which was well executed in the play.As well, the costumes used in the play were well selected. With the play set in the early nineteenthcentury, the costumes were designed in an old-fashioned manner. The use of costumes also had an impact on the audiences overall perception and thereof the costume selection is necessary for any play (Pavis, Shantz & Carlson 92). The directors and the playwright adequately covered this area. Anger and other similar themes were also represented adequately using
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Contemporary issues in accounting and finance Essay
Contemporary issues in accounting and finance - Essay ExampleA recent FEE (Federation of European Accountants) publication states that an individuals objectivity must be beyond question when conducting and reporting on a statutory audit (FEE). This paper will critically valuate this record with particular reference addn to some fundamental financial/accounting/auditing concepts and external studies. objectivity of statutory tenders There are numerous situations where a statutory auditors objectivity would be questioned when auditing financial statements of a firm. To illustrate, an auditor faces this challenge while dealing with the valuation of assets. In order to attend this situation clearly, it is necessary to discuss the difference between unobjectionable foster and historical cost. Under historical cost accounting, assets and liabilities are valued at original acquisition price and any increase or decrease in their market value over the years is not taken into account (Shome 1995, p.135). In contrast, assets and liabilities are valued at the market price in the true date under the fair value accounting method (Wood 2009, p.344). Traditionally, books of accounts were kept at historical costs. However, fair value accounting replaced this ceremonious accounting practice nearly two decades ago and since then the assets and liabilities are measured at their current value estimates (Ramanna 2013). Today, most of the firms value assets and liabilities at the estimates of their current market value in order to give the stakeholders a detailed view of the financial status of the business. Since dubious assets/liabilities valuation practices have led to many corporate failures over the last decade, it is a challengeable task for auditors to certify the reliability of fair value accounting. Under such circumstances, a statutory auditors objectivity is likely to be questioned if he has any specific interest in the firm. Fair value accounting represents the social construction of ingenuousness whereby legitimacy, power, and illusions are created. As experts point out, new epistemic criteria have to be created to address the socially constructed human race of fair value accounting. Fair value accounting clearly represents socially constructed trustworthyity, and auditors are expected to find professional ethics and legitimate practices (Jeppesen & Liempd 2011). In order to verify this socially constructed reality, auditors liberty has to be specifically promoted. The auditors independence can significantly affect the credibility of financial statements (Olagunju 2011). Hence, there is a positive relationship between independence of an auditor and credibility of the financial statement (Ibid). In addition, an auditors independence can justify his objectivity to a great extent. The auditors independence has two distinct aspects including real independence and perceived independence (Sucher & MacLullich n.d.). Accomplishment of both (prenominal) these aspects is essential to achieve the ultimate goals of auditors independence. Real independence can be evidently defined as the independence of the auditor or independence of the mind (Palmrose & Saul 2001). More precisely, real independence is related to the state of mind the auditor maintains and how he manages a particular situation. A unfeignedly independent auditor would make independent decisions even though he is forced to handle a compromising condition by the company
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Marketing Mix for U.S.A car market Chery Cars China Essay - 12
Marketing Mix for U.S.A machine market Chery Cars mainland China - Essay ExampleToyota has also achieved success using a similar strategy. The penning recommends that Chery improves a few aspects of its selling mix by making its activities more adaptive to the US market.Chery is Chinas top cable car exporter with sales in everyplace 100 countries in the world. The corporation has car assembly plants Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America and utilizes proprietary technology in the manufacture of cars and car components for original-equipment companies all over the world (National bureau of statistics of China, 2005). The company now has its own car models and over the past five historic period it has been accelerating globalization by entering new markets all over the world (Chery Auto Ltd, 2010).The USA is know for its car market culture that is largely associated with the catch phrase American Dream. This implies high reference flashy vehicles that are also expensive and hi gh on fuel consumption (Isobel and Robin, 2009). Over the old age the market has been characterized by high vehicle sales rates and competition between few besides powerful car manufacturers. However, economic struggles and new fuel consumption restrictions have changed this culture over the get going decade (Isobel and Robin, 2009).Marketing mix generally involves the development and coordination of marketing activities products, their pricing, their promotion, and their distribution (Chai, 2009). Traditionally the main considerations for marketing mix were referred to as the 4Ps including product, price, place, and promotion (Chai, 2009). With increasing sophistication of the marketing, three more Ps have been added to start what is now known as the 7Ps of marketing. These include people, process, and physical evidence (David, 2001). The marketing strategy that a company needs to employ to combine the 7Ps for desirable market outcomes is what is generally referred to as the ma rketing mix.Chery, like
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Detailed Explanation on a D+ Grade Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Detailed Explanation on a D+ Grade - examine ExampleI would like to clarify that I am not offering any excuses for my ugly grade, just explanations that led to me performing so poorly in the unit. The fact that I passed in both the other units I took in the same semester is testament to my willingness to apply myself regardless of my personal troubles.The unit is real ambitious, and it would be difficult for anyone to pass it without putting in the required hours. Poor time management was as well very instrumental in the D+ grade I got, because I found it very challenging to dedicate enough time to all my units after being distracted for so long. I apply myself as much as I could in all my units but unfortunately this unit turn out very challenging without 100% focus. I am applying for transfer because I believe I rescue a better chance of passing my remaining units at your University. The environment there is ideal for me and the facilities be great. Kindly consider my
Business Models On theWeb Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Models On theWeb - Article ExampleIt shows how YouTube makes its website more attractive to the owners of the content displayed on the web site. You Tube works in conjunction with Google to develop a win-win situation for the two companies. At the same time, YouTube as well as works with other web sites such as Vevo. As a result, it has been fitting to improve its balance sheet by monetizing the viewership of its video content. YouTube works very well as an advertizing site for movie marketers. This article therefore fits into the topic of online demarcation models because it explains one of the basic models described in the article for web based business. In the paper, various articles that are related to the article on business models on the web will be analyzed in detail.The article discuses the IT based organization in the new economy. It relates to the business models due to its explanation on how the digital economy is enabling businesses to improve the capacity of their operations. This article shows how the enterprises which started in the old economy are being revolutionized using information technology. Further, the article also shows how the internet affects the models used in business, government and the economy. The article shows the recent developments in business models such as the use of reverse auctions in bidding. Some of the governments in the modern economies have resulted to electronic bidding in order to engage their suppliers. The electronic models used to engage suppliers in the new economy are highlighted in the article, linking the two articles.Nagata, K. (2011, January 1). Digital Age Leaves Myopic Japan Facing Manufacturing Crisis. Retrieved September 21, 2011, from Japan Times Online http//search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/nn20110101f1.htmlThis trey article by Nagata discusses business models on the web pertains to the Japanese manufacturing industry, which is threatened with failure since it failed to recognize the occ upy for innovation
Monday, April 22, 2019
Philosophy of Karl Marx Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Philosophy of Karl Marx - Essay ExampleRequisite for Marxs conclusions is first an account of hu small-arm record itself. The nature of a living being is first broken down into devil transformings. The first understanding is of the individual being itself, on its own. This focuses on what kind of species the being actually is, whether it is a tree, ant, bird, or a hu earthly concern being, and what physical attributes and assumes that being needs to fulfill its own population. This need to fulfill physical and material needs and advance existence is what Marx ultimately means when he discusses performance, whether on the microcosm level of a man or animal preparing food for its survival or on the beingness of the political economy of a hostel. Therefore, the mode of product is what Marx means by what needs are to be taken care of, predicated on conditional material circumstances, and how such needs are achieved by the statistical distribution of labors and what is exchang ed for such labor.The other elemental understanding of the nature of a living being is how it advances its existence and species, or essentially how it procreates future generations. In the plant and animal kingdoms, this could merely be the sexual facts of life and procreation of offspring, or ants providing a colony for future generations of ants. In the macrocosm, this means the evolution of economic business within a society. The physical needs and attributes are the modes of production for the individual itself, and reproduction is the mode of production in whichever community or society the individual belongs.Man is a social animal in Marxist theory, which is an extension or interpretation of Aristotles infamous axiom that man is a political animal. Whether man is a political or a social animals depends on how broadly or narrowly the two terms are interpreted, specify and overlap. But politics is in itself a social function therefore, man is at least a social being. This pa rt of human nature necessitates further understanding of humanitys existence. To understand man requires understanding of human societies and communities. How a society, or aggregation or community, is maintained and advanced through the production of the individuals that constitute it, and how the individuals are maintained and advanced depend on the general production of the society as a whole. Essentially, the individuals in a society contribute to it through their production or work, duration simultaneously the individuals own substance is determined by the conditions of the society as an aggregate whole. The social nature of man is the framework to the construction of a society. Also essential in human nature is its powerfulness to not to be constrained by nature, that is the creation and innovation of technology. Man can thus make use of nature and add stature to themselves in its mode of production. The advances in technology ultimately influence the air of human history and its mode of social production. Social production is essentially the aggregate total production of the entire society, and how the individuals in that society produce and how society itself influences such individual productions. Prior to civilization and defined civil societies in recorded history, man was primarily a hunter-gatherer society where
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis of Commercial Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Rhetorical Analysis of Commercial - Essay ExampleThe quality of the advertisements encourages pock consumption since the main characters in the ad enjoy coke at all times.Background symphony featured in the ad in assorted seven languages faces the diversity of the the Statesn people. This shows that people of America speak different languages but consume the alike(p) coca plant Cola products in a show of unity in consumption of products. Therefore, the general message of the ad reflects the essential social values that Coca Cola consider when releasing products to the American people.The commercial ad also features people in mingled landscapes such as the shores of the Pacific and the Southwest desert, cafes and cityscapes as they enjoy taking coke. It provides pictures of the real livelihoods of the people from different ethnicity, religion, families and races in the US. That is why the aim of this commercial is to show that Coke brand is for all the people of America. In addi tion, it promotes optimism amongst Americans that Coke brand is a binding factor between races and religion since both consume the same quality, quantity and brand across
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Computer Incident Response Teams Are Needed for Controlling the Impact Research Paper
Computer casualty Response Teams Are Needed for Controlling the Impact of a Security Breach - Research paper ExampleCIRT or Computer Incident Response Teams are especially those kinds of teams that are formed for the design of minimizing and controlling the impact of a security breach or other emergency (Brussin, Cobb, & Miora, 2003). They are similarly known as CERT (Computer Emergency Response Teams) and CSIRT (Computer Security Incident Response Teams), but they basically travail to do the same in case of a computer security threat.This question can exactly be truly answered by predicting the trends in intrusion and the level of threats expected. Usually, the answer is yes to the above question since an composition rather be safe than sorry With the increasing number of viruses, spyware, backdoors in the systems being detected, having a CIRT is a must for any arrangement having informational data on the computers. Before assigning the team and its task, the management cal l for to make a proper business plan in case of an incident. The plan includes all the details about the CIRT and all the information that the CIRT need to know. Furthermore, for the plan to be successful, the strategy must be feasible, authorize and legally reviewed. It is critical that practice emergencies are staged and response times measured. This would require financial and administrator/upper management support and commitment to the CIRT need. (RHE, 2004)Policies regarding the computer system must be in place beforehand. The breach would usually occur when that policy is not obeyed, thus it is imperative to have policies so that the root cause of the problems can be found. These policies need to be documented and provided to every member of the organization so that everyone is aware of security guidelines and the procedures for emergency situations. (Lucas & Moeller, 2003)
Friday, April 19, 2019
Bussiness communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Bussiness communication - Essay ExampleHence, skill of inter face-to-face communication plays an essential role non just in resolution of conflict but also in achieving overall success in life. Introduction Communication is a means of sharing your ideas, emotions, feelings, aspirations, thoughts etc., with a nonher(prenominal) plenty around you. Healthy and able communication pattern are the foundations of healthy, strong and positive relationships (Krizan, Merrier, Logan, and Williams 2008, p.366). However, problems in communication lead to problems in relationship. at one time the relationships are hampered, then it becomes difficult to achieve those goals for which the relationships were created in the first place. Achievement of goals depends on compatibility and bonding with other people involved in relationship. Sadly, due to incompatibility in goals, most of the relationships end up in conflicts. Conflict in relationship is the major reason for failure to achieve goals, both in personal and professional life (Krizan, Merrier, Logan, and Williams 2008, p.378). Hence, to avoid conflicts, it is essential to relieve oneself a skill of interpersonal communication (Krizan, Merrier, Logan, and Williams 2008, p.366). However, as kind-hearted personality is a faction of diametric aspects like emotions, thoughts, behavior, attitude etc., it is not possible to process the conflict situation only with single skill. Hence, interpersonal communication skill is the only skill that atomic number 50 help human beings to manage conflict effectively and positively, as interpersonal skill is a combination of different skills which teaches people how to make communication successful by catering to every aspect of human personality and behavior. Definition Interpersonal communication is defined as an effort by two or more people, to create and sustain shared meaning through the process of exchanging the messages with each other (West and food turner 2009, p.10). However, interpersonal communication is not as easy as it sounds. For successful interpersonal communication, one not only needs to be clear about his own goals of communication, but also needs to cook care of not hurting other people involved in the communication. According to scholars, only those people who have the ability to carry out effective and appropriate communication with others, depending on the situation, are commensurate in the area of interpersonal communication (Wood 2010, p.32). People communicate and interact with others with a purpose and goal in their mind. When a particular interaction leads to achievement of the goal of that interaction, then the communication is considered effective (Wood 2010, p.32). If the goals of communication are not achieved, then the interpersonal communication is considered ineffective and incompetent. Very few people have the ability to achieve the goals of communication because interpersonal communication is a skill and not a natu ral ability. It is a part of social skill as it enhances the productivity and meaning of professional and personal relationships in life. However, the good thing is that, it can be learned and practiced by everyone who desires positive communication in their lives. Importance of Interpersonal Interpersonal communication is a part of social skill. Hence, people in the electron orbit of medicine, psychology, counseling, religion, education, military, human resource, business management etc., are being trained in social skills through different training programs (Hargie, Saunders and Dickson 1994, p.ix). This is
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Internal Controlsin in the Business World Assignment
Internal Controlsin in the Business World - subsidization ExamplePrepaid expenses be an asset that a company must reflect in its counterweight sheet. The postpaid asset reduces in comfort through consumption as time passes. The contract value of the prepaid insurance was $6000 a year. After the passage of three months the firm was supposed to record $1500 price of depreciation of the prepaid insurance asset to recognize the consumption of the insurance. The adjusting entry that should have been recorded apiece month was a $500 debit to insurance expense and a credit of $500 to prepaid insurance. The credit is reducing the proportionateness of the prepaid insurance asset. After three months the companys fiscal educational activitys are not accurate because the firm did not record the corresponding adjusting entry that was required. In the balance sheet of the company the current assets account is going be overstated by $1500. In the income statement the net income of the comp any is going to be overstated by $1500 due to the fact that insurance expenses for that step were not recognized during the period. One of the most important assets which must be safeguarded with accounting internal admit mechanisms is the capital of the company. Cash is the most critical asset a company has because it is used to pay for operational expenses such as payroll, utilities, and rent and it is need to pay off monthly debt obligations. Due to the liquidity of notes it is often targeted by unethical employees for theft. According to the US Chamber of Commerce companies in the United States relapse $50 billion annually due to employee theft (Quickbackground clogs, 2010). Companies must create internal control procedures to volume with cash. A establishment that is often used to protect the cash disbursements of companies is the voucher system. A voucher system is a network of approvals by authorized individuals acting independently to ensure that all disbursements by check are proper (Weygandt, et. al., 2003, pg. 328). Companies in the retail business incur in a lot of cash transactions at point of sale terminals. These firms must institute internal control procedures to safeguard the cash. An algorithmic program that could be followed at retail store to protect its cash is illustrated below The cashier collects the cash from the customers and gives to each one customer a receipt after they are paid. Every four hours a coach-and-four closes the cash register and collects the cash. A receipt is printed by the cash register to document the transaction. The manager calls a courier to come pick up the money to be deposited at the bank. The courier enters a room in which cameras record the action. A security guard protects the door of the room. The courier counts the money in front of the manager. The manager places the money in an envelope and closes the envelope. The envelope is placed in a briefcase which is later locked. The courier signs a do cument recognizing the amount of cash collected. The courier goes to the bank and makes a deposit. The deposit slip given to the courier at the bank is immediate faxed by the courier to the accounting department of the company. At the end of the month the accounting department cross references the bank statements with the daily cash deposits slips made by the couriers. There are warning signs that can alert a manager of weaknesses in the internal control mechanisms of a company. A variable that can serve as a warning signs of an internal
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
International Trade & Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International Trade & Institutions - Essay ExampleDespite the massive reducing of global investment, China and the United Kingdom (UK) remained to be amongst the expected countries that would continue to deliver step-up in their FDI investment (Ernst & Young, 2008). Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd, a Chinese-based telephoner is one the successful foreign companies that entered the UK commercialize. In fact, some of the leading telecommunication suppliers in UK has been exceeded by Hauwei in terms of market share and revenue growth, which made the go with the crouching tiger in the UK market (Blackman, 2010). The main purpose of this paper is to study a certain firm that is involve in FDI and developed an international business opportunity encompassing business opportunity analysis, environmental analysis, agonistic analysis, and strategic analysis. Huawei Technologies (UK) Co., Ltd. Huawei Co. Ltd. is one of the leading telecommunication suppliers since 1988 founded by Ren Zhengfe i. Huawei, a private company is currently suffice 45 out of 50 leading telecoms operators worldwide and has operations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. The company offers wide range of products and services such as radio access mesh topology, application and software, net solutions, wideband services, transport network facilities, storage and network security services, professional and traditional services, and devices (MarketLine, 2010a). Hauwei is in the special bowl of research and phylogenesis (R&D) and they are highly dependent on their overseas markets that contributed 65% of their revenue growth (Griffin, 2007). Every category, the company allocated at least 10% of their annual sale in R&D for this bestowed them a competitive advantage. Huawei also took the no. 2 position in the global diligent network gear market in the third quarter, almost doubling its market share from a year ago and surpassing Nokia Siemens (Virki, 2009). In th e global setting, the companys success is very all important(p) considering that the competition is severe however, they still manage to transcend other telecom providers in areas of optical network (rank 4), DSL (rank 2), next generation network (NGN) (rank 2), and switching network (rank 1) (Wu & Zhao, 2007, p.188). The international market has been attractive to Huawei considering that their municipal sales have been surpassed by their overseas sales. Currently, the companys revenue is 149,059 million (33%) with an operating wampum of 21,052 million (33%), and 21,741 (40%) for cash flow from operating activities (see figure 1). Business Opportunity Analysis A. Advantages underlying the opportunity. accord to Lim Chee Siong, Huawei South-Pacific Region Chief Marketing Officer (n.d.), We foresee broad market development opportunities in mobile and home broadband networks, fixed mobile convergence, business operation support systems, and smart devices (cited in Huawei, 2010). Th e development of broadband in UK for 2010 is a big opportunity for the company in order to expand its market share and revenue by collaborating and cooperating with UKs fastest growing operators for broadband access. Based on the companys SWOT analysis (see figure 2), the growing demand and adoption of broadband (mobile and home) in UK is among the new-fashioned international business venture that Huawei could undertake. Aside from the
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
An Analysis of the Final Scenes of Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller Essay Example for Free
An Analysis of the Final Scenes of Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller canvassThrough step up Death of a Salesman, it was real clear to me that the play was an excellent representation of the idea of The American Dream, amongst other broader themes. This notion, as I understand it, relates to the belief that there argon countless opportunities for everyone to reach out and grasp, no matter who they are or where they come from. The main characters of the play Willy Loman, Linda Loman, clout nail Loman, dexterous Loman and their undermentioned door neighbour Charley, all seem to have very different ideas about this belief. In my opinion, this allows the referee (or interview) to relate to whichever character shares their views, making the play very appealing. The play offers a wider insight into a well-disposed system in which the Loman family finds themselves. Willy and Linda have had to work incredibly hard to keep themselves afloat over the years, and are justly proud o f their achievement of paying off their 25 year mortgage. However, a stark direct contrast is highlighted between Willy and Howard, his boss. Willy has worked at the company for his whole career, and even names Howard when he is born for his father.However, when Howard has grown up he inherits all of his fathers wealth and the company. Also, when Willy turns up to ask for a weekly wage of around $70 per week, Howard says that it was only $100 for his new tape recorder. Willy laughs along with him, saying that he should get himself one. In equipment casualty of the plays portrayal of family relationships, I believe that it offers an excellent incite, showing the effects that an office can have on a family, and the both emotional and financial pressures that are placed on families.Biffs relationship with his father is very volatile, exclusively deep down it is very clear that they both truly love each other. Happy, however, expresses no love or emotion other than shame towards or about his father. This is both highlighted and summed up by the scene in the restaurant when Happy is talking to Miss Forsythe, and says , thats not my father, thats just some guy. Linda is suddenly devoted to her husband but can also see, in part, his self-destruction.However, she almost seems to deny that it is happening by not confronting Willy or doing anything about it herself, especially in relation to the length of rubber pipe hind end the fuse box in the garage. The point at which these problems, relationships and pressures are most clear to both the characters and the audience is when the boys return from their abandoned evening with their father to find their mother in a rage. We see a lot of harsh truths realised, the first between Biff and Happy.In the restaurant, Biff had come to the conclusion that Happy did not really care about Willys wellbeing at all, only his own. We see this when Biff exclaims , I sense it, you dont give a good goddam about him. When they retu rn to the house, Biff says (with a instant of disgust) Go away from me In this scene, possibly the biggest revelation is that of Biff and Willys true feelings towards each other. When Willy is planting seeds in the garden and talking to his brother, almost in another reality, he is horrified by the thought of Biff thinking of him or talking of him as a coward, should he commit suicide.When Biff tries to take him inside to talk to Linda and tell her that he is leaving, Willy seems to think that he is talking about telling her about his affair years earlier, which Biff discovered. However, after some considerable arguments, in which Biff is accused of having nothing but spite for his father, Willy realises that Biff actually just does not want to fail him, having been so pressured to succeed in his earlier life. He also sees that all Biff ever wanted from him was pride and love, saying Loves me. continuously loved me. Isnt that a remarkable thing?
Jungian Reading Log Essay Example for Free
Jungian Reading pound EssayBoth Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud atomic number 18 considered founders and contributors to the depth of knowledge and theory that built up psychological schools (Charet, 2000). However, Freud and Jung essential not be associated with each opposite, as Jung made a point of rejecting the psychoanalytical community (Charet, 2000). This is overdue to his clear and expressed spiritual inclinations (Charet, 2000). Jung was initially part of a major triumvirate in the field of psychology, with the other two members being Sigmund Freud and Alfred Adler (Charet, 2000). However, Jung was easily separated from the other two due to his spiritual inclinations (Charet, 2000).Below are reading logs of three journal articles that discuss Jung and his theory. Stephens, B. D. (1999). The return of the prodigal the emergence of Jungian themes in post-Freudian thought. journal of Analytic Psychology 44, 197-220. This journal article analyzes the appearance and intert wining of two psychological principles that shake up been considered contradictory for the daylong measure (Stephens, 1999). This paper begins by the position that theories are only stories about reality of life, and they are told by people who have an opinion about how it occurs (Stephens, 1999).This article also alludes to the process of psychological story telling, which is characterized by patterns of fusion and eruption (Stephens, 1999). Freud and Jungs break in psychological theorizing occurred as far back as 1913 (Stephens, 1999). However, it is spy that these last few years had been witness to the dramatic increase in the degree of interaction mingled with the Jungian and Freudian communities (Stephens, 1999). This theoretical and clinical interaction between the theories is found in cross-references seen in psychoanalytic journals and Jungian authors (Stephens, 1999).Stephens claims that this interaction calls for the re-examination of established theoretical presump tuousnesss and positions that would allow for the conduct of a meaningful dialogue (1999). At the said(prenominal) time, at that place are some whose position is that the emerging cross-fertilization of theories may ring about anxiety and fear, caused by being exposed tot he unknown (Stephens, 1999). Stephen relates that Jungs thoughts on reality have consistently moved, since 1913, towards being circumscribed in the subjectivist stance (1999).He engaged in the epistemological assumption that his only certainty is his personal knowledge of the inner world (Stephens, 1999). Jung participated in the formulation of the concepts called the-patient-in-the-analyst and the analytic twain (Stephens, 1999). Jung espoused the theory of mutual consciousness, wherein the patient constellates the corresponding unconscious material in the analyst (Stephens, 1999). This, in turn, leads into the inducive and reciprocal effects of this inter-penetrating psychic system (Stephens, 1999).There are some positions that post-Freudian belles-lettres is now incorporating theories from Jung, devising the division between the theories of Freud and Jung disappear (Stephens, 1999). Stephens accepts the possibility that at the analytical level, these two disparate theories might educe to an agreement (Stephens, 1999). However, such unification of two divergent theories is still far from becoming a sum of money reality (Stephens, 1999). Personally and professionally, I agree in the desegregation of several constructs in order to work a more comprehensive take on any matter, provided that such desegregation is warranted by findings.Here, there are relevant stories yet to be shown, that could prove that narratives of Jung and Freud could actually meet on an agreeable plane. Morey, J. R. (2005). Winnicotts change integrity headache considering the gap between Jungian and object relations concepts. Journal of Analytic Psychology 50, 333-350. Morey follows in the steps of Stephens i n tracing and observing the trend where Jung is attempted to be introduced into the broader psychoanalytic perspective, cognitive cognizance and other academic agendas (Morey, 2005).Indeed, there are many another(prenominal) theories that appear to be offshoots of Jungs theories, while at the same time there are also projects that are found to have been integrated into the Jungian literature Morey, J. R. (2005). Morey enumerates some examples, such as the work of Wilkinson on the mind-brain relationship and David Bradfords interest in the neuropsychology of the self, relating unquiet Penfields thoughts to Jungs theories (2005). These projects, characterized by the integration of others theories with those of Jungs, and vice versa, are results of the post-modern current (Morey, 2005).This current is observed to occur as a large pluralistic, multi-cultural dialogue that pervades different venues of culture, society, and science (Morey, 2005). This post-modern current is significant ly intertwined with the process of deconstruction, where a theory, or a unitary construct is examined and torn apart, in order to being out disparate constructs that could be used, compared, and feature with other constructs in order to form a new theory (Morey, 2005).While generally, the trend with applaud to Jungian psychology is that of sequestration and limitation to close followers, lately a noticeable shift in this tendency is observed and appreciated, and Jungian interpretive methods have been applied beyond the field of analytical psychology (Morey, 2005). Moreover, this process of integration is keeping up its pace with the passing of time (Morey, 2005). However, Morey cautions that the speed of theory integration might cause the loss of several fundamental qualities of Jungs thoughts (Morey, 2005).Moreys article explains in detail how Winnicott, one of the well-nigh identifiable innovators of theories on object relations, attempted to understand and apply Jungs thought s, while at the same time trying to initiate change (Morey, 2005). Morey appreciates such an effort, because he states it allows the possibility of looking more deeply into the centering that theories come together o, and vice versa (2005). He is of the position that explorations such as Winnicotts could lead to the discovery of besides points of contact between Jungs thoughts and the larger psychoanalytic community (Morey, 2005).Moreover, he provides that there are also many other theories that could provide more links towards further understanding the relationship of Jungs theories to those of others (Morey, 2005). Similar to the first article, Morey describes the integration of Jungs theories on others, and vice versa. I am in favor of the process of deconstruction in general, and in particular when applied to psychology. I also agree with Morey that there is a need to be cautious that the process of deconstruction does not unnecessarily lose important concepts.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Compare and Contrast the Ways in Which Two Poets Create Sympathy for Their Characters †‘on a Portrait of a Deaf Man’ and ‘the River God’. Essay Example for Free
Compare and Contrast the Ways in Which Two Poets Create Sympathy for Their Characters on a Portrait of a Deaf Man and the River God. EssayThe verses On a Portrait of a Deaf Man, written by John Betjeman and The River God, written by Stevie Smith wank on as two very different poems one in monologue form and the other in a regular form but they are in fact two very comparable poems. On a Portrait of a Deaf Man presents a character mourning the cobblers last of a deaf man who was very close to him/her, and The River God presents a alone(predicate) God who is maltreated by people and resorts to murdering women to keep himself company. Both characters are lonely and the portrayal of this loneliness ca affairs you the reader to live sympathetic towards them. The River God is lonely because he is only used by others, no one waistband to be with him, they leave and I like the people who bathe in me . . . or will she go away? suggesting that he enjoys their company but doesnt want them to go as he gets lonely. In On a Portrait of a Deaf Man the mourner feels lonely because he/she has lost mortal very close to them the kind old face . . . he took me on long silent walks . . . when young implying they were close as they have known each other since a young age.Both blame others for the situations that they have found themselves in. The River God blames the women who bathe in him for his loneliness, meaning that start of desperation he tries to keep the women with him but by doing so ends up killing them she lies in my pulchritudinous deep river hindquarters with many a weed. I believe he understands though that he has killed them and that is why he keeps them in the beautiful deep river bed this causes you to feel some sympathy for him as he accidentally kills them but then reveal of love keeps them in his beautiful deep river bed. The mourner blames God for the death of the deaf man You, God, who treat him thus and thus, /Say except his spirit and pray./You ask me to believe You and / I only secure decay describing how God should be, but then the humanity of asking God for things which arent achieved. This causes you to feel sympathetic because you see someone who asked God to save him notwithstanding he still died see decay.The poems both begin with descriptions of characters. The River God begins the kind old face, the ovate head and On a Portrait of a Deaf Man begins I may be smelly and I may be old the first description makes you feel sad that someone kind and good has died and the second makes you feel pitiful for the river, its not the rivers fault that its that way as its reflective of old age and the abuse it has had by mankind, all of which you would be distraught if you found yourself in so you can feel sympathetic towards them.The poets use the death of a person to draw sympathy from you. In The River God a woman dies, one that he was loving of and he was over against her dying in On a Portrait of a Deaf Ma n a friendly deaf man dies, presumably suddenly these draw your sympathy because it suggests that they are lonely, in a state of mourning and vulnerable all of which are states in which you would not want to find yourself and when you see someone else in such a state, you will feel sympathetic and be able to link to the emotions they are feeling.The poets use the deaths of characters in their poems to create side-personas for the characters through the persona of the main-speaking character. The River God uses the dead woman to return another perspective of whats going on, This beautiful lady, or will she go away? shows this perfectly. The disbelieving gives her perspective that she wants to leave but she is being held, bearing you to feel sympathetic for her as this large River is place her captive and she cannot leave. However, it shows the misunderstanding of the River God as she is drowned, Oh who would guess what a beautiful white face lies there, white face implying she is dead, leading you to feel sympathetic again towards him as he is totally imbruted of everything going on around him. On a Portrait of a Deaf Man, the generator uses the deaf man to display what exactly he/she has lost through his death, He knew the names of evry bird.This shows how caring he was and this would presumably translate to how he acts to people kind and caring and lead to sympathy as you would never want to lose a person so good to die. The poem also describes what further potential to do good he had if he knew what was coming, He would have wish to say good-bye/Shake hands with many friends. This causes a sympathetic response from the reader because again even though he was dying he would have wanted to show respect to his friends kind of than just leaving. It also creates sympathy because the person who has lost this kind man would be very upturned about his/her death. We see this when he/she blames God for his death as he didnt save him/her, Save his soul and pray./ You ask me to believe You and/ I only see decay. this shows a stage of mourning in which you blame others for the death you have experienced.In conclusion, the poets create sympathy for their characters very effectively through descriptions, meanings and powers out of the characters control all of which attract the reader to feel some understanding, pity or empathy towards them. The poets both use the deaths of characters to contrast the feeling of the characters and the feelings of the dead to create sympathy.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Impact of internet social and political Essay Example for Free
Impact of cyberspace societal and political EssayThe meshwork is less than dickens decades old but its impact has been felt by almost bothone in the world(prenominal) village. It has not only revolutionized our personal interaction habits but has in any case impacted greatly on other spheres of our life, most notably the economy. In many a(prenominal) societies, the digital technology has not only influenced the political colloquy but also the whole political systems. Shapiro (1999) suggests that the digital technology has captured the attention of everyone from the media, government and the general public. Although the invention of the net profit has brought with it round negative aspects, the digital technology has been hailed as the mans raw road to the better world. This composing will try to discuss some of the aspects of the network that fetch continuously impacted on our mixer and political behaviours as citizens. Computers and the internet be in possessi on of greatly facilitated and expanded the individuals capacities in every field of the club. Gurstein (2000) contends that the new ICTs own impacted almost everyone from institutions to business to organizations to the political arena.The impact has been so great that every sector of our society feels obliged to embrace the information communication technology in order to either remediate the running of the government, community networking or to improve the citizen participation in the new information society. Terms much(prenominal) as citizen networks, digital cities or e-governments have become common expressions these days. They entirely imply the new ship charge of interactions that exist in the midst of the governed and the government and new ideas regarding the metropolitan policies, by dint of the use of electronic media (Sclove, 1995).The urban settings, strengthened landscape as well as the social setting in our society, has undergone tremendous transformation from the at last decade into the new millennium. The citizens have also not been left behind in this era of transformation. What we consider space, time, and our perception of politics as well as what we consider public or private and local anesthetic or global has greatly changed. The advancement in the information communication technology has largely contributed to the changes in our cities and contemporary societies (Tsagarousianou, Tambini, Bryan, 1998).There is a new concept that has caught on with most people in our society concerning governance. The term electronic democracy though has been in use since 1960s when most activists introduced a sum up of communication medias like free radio stations, to make the governments more accountable and responsive to its citizens, has found its way back in the advent of the internet (Sclove, 1995). Internet is currently being used to marshal basic groups to support a certain generate by most civil activists.There is also a growing mass of citizen initiatives that help to shape public opinion and thus influencing policies both at the field of study and local level. The internet therefore has greatly challenged the hitherto monopolies of the most political classes through better communication networks that have empowered the citizens to create a form of democracy in the society (Schuler, 1998). Today, many cities roughly the globe have created home pages in the internet and forums for interaction with their city residents.Governments around the world both at the local and national level in developed and developing nations alike, have invested in e-government projects through networks that enable citizens access to government structures, engage in online transactions or to get information on government policies. Some of these networks and sites have enable citizens to participate in most decision making regarding the way of urban habitats (Underwood, 2002). The internet has great potential to amass groups of people persuasive to certain ideologies.Many organizations at one time have websites which they use not only to communicate with their members but to recruit more like-minded individuals into their groups. therefore the internet has become one of the major tools for lobbying citizens to a particular cause. Such organizations as the Internet guild and Voters Frontier Foundation have been very active in recruiting and educating the public on political prunes in America (Tsagarousianou, Tambini, Bryan, 1998). These groups have greatly contributed to the policy making processes through intensive lobbying.The internet has therefore provided a better platform for the citizens to actively participate in the political arena. This development has actually dealt a wide blow to the interest group politics that have gone on over the years (Davis, 1999). The internet has impacted greatly on how we interact these days. Due to its widespread and accessibility, the information communication te chnology has altogether changed the forms of social engagements. Today, there are numerous social networking sites that have increased the speed at which we do interact and organize our social activities.The most notable ones are MySpace and Facebook, which have simply taken the social interactions to the next level. These sites not only make it easier to keep in touch with friends and family members but enable subscribers to envision other friends online. The era of information communication has ushered in a new way of keeping contacts with others no matter the distance between us. In a nutshell, the internet has reduced the world to a global village where everyone can be reached simply by a few clicks of the mouse (Subrahmanyam Greenfield, 2008).The social networking sites have also been very important in educating the public on social and political problems afflicting the society. There are groups of people who have formed social forums and recruited individuals with like-mind ed views on the social and political events in the country. Members would be easily reached through the internet and topics as well as current affairs discussed. These forums have been quite helpful in bringing change in the political and social arenas in our country.It is the emergence of the internet as a political tool that some countries like the Myanmar, Iran and China have censored its routine among their citizens. These countries have restricted contents of political and religious materials that are accessible to their citizens (Shapiro, 1999). Again, a new internet phenomenon has emerged reshaping the politics and political activities in many countries around the global. What has been referred to as the internet activism has caught on in many countries and political players and citizens alike have embraced internet to win masses into their camps and political groupings (Tolbert, McNeal, 2003).The current United States electric chair Barrack Obama owes much of his politic al success to the internet. He amassed overwhelming campaign funds that enabled him outmuscle his opponents in the 2008 elections simply by recruiting a greater mass of followers through the internet. The citizens who were eager for change contributed wholeheartedly to this cause through internet donation. What was most remarkable was the overwhelming following Obama was able to attract over a short period of time in politics.Those who contributed included even non-Americans, who found it easier because of the internet. The internet has also provided waste activities to its users through social entertainment sites. Currently, there are a number of forums that provide games, videos, and cartoons to entertain internet users. The internet has also enabled easy access to news and information. People these days are able to realise and listen to news, book for vacations, get information on weather and many other things of their interest.There are also thousands of blog sites that have n ot only provided a platform of communication but have enabled most people to interact by sharing views on various happenings around them. The blog sites have also become political tools most citizens use to lobby people onto their way of thinking (Rodgers, 2003). During the primeval stages of its development, in the early 1990s, the digital technology led to what many considered internet-euphoria. Many optimists believe it was the new clack to mankinds participation in social, political as well as economic spheres in his society.These euphoric evaluation has somewhat changed over the years as more people are today becoming more aware of the dangers technological advancement may pose to the society (Engel, Keller, 2000). There is the issue of lack of internet safety as the social networking sites have proved to be. The critics of internet claim that it may increase cyber thefts or deceits because one may be able to steal ones identity operator especially from the social network ing sites. The challenges posed by the internet to the political activities have been cited as some propaganda wars between nations which may spill over into real battles (Tolbert, McNeal, 2003).Conclusion The internet has profound altered our societal effect both in political and social spheres. The citizens will continue to access vital information that would in the end empower them which in turn will reshape the politics and political class that have abundant governed with their interest-based policies. Again, the internet has proved to be a better social tool in our society because it has make interaction easier than before. However, there are a few challenges that must be overcome to make it safer for every user.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Global Warming Affects Biodiversity Essay Example for Free
Global Warming Affects Biodiversity EssayThere has always been a link surrounded by climate turn and biodiversity. As the climate changes, the animals in the affected aras have to either adjust or leave. Although climate changes have been occurring throughout history, the rapid climate changes of today are allowing in species not existence able to adapt quickly enough and undergoing species loss. Some species may adapt well to the climate changes such(prenominal) as an increase in bugs and pests, but others, such as Arctic animals are being hale away from their homes as the glaciers that they live on melt and break away. The Arctic and areas that are in high latitudes have a higher rate of warming and this pattern is expected to continue as climates all over changes and temperatures go up. As Earth warms up, the glaciers in the Arctic start to melt, and species such as the polar abide and the arctic fox that depend on the sea ice, testament start to disappear and but be available for viewing in places such as zoos.The polar bear and the arctic fox are not just the only species that will be affected. The fish, birds, marine mammals, and even the algae that grows on the undersides of the glaciers will be severely impacted as the ice melts and eventually disappears all together. The climate changes do stringently impact the Arctic, but the whole world. As ice melts in the Arctic, the temperature in seas and oceans change and the salt levels change which affects the reproduction of marine species. Once this happens, Alaskan fish will be a delicacy only available for the rich and special. Also once the all the sea ice melts, the water levels will rebel and much of the land bordering oceans and seas will be covered and people will be forced to relocate and adjust, just like the Arctic animals.The change in ecosystems all over the world will result in loss of food sources, jobs, natural resources, and some natural pharmaceutical products. Rising temp eratures will overly affect the health of humans by exposing them to more forms of disease. Cold temperatures help regulate and control the dispersion of many diseases. Diseases such as malaria are likely to spread because mosquitos will not die during the overwinter because temperatures are slightly lower than they are in summer. Parasites that originate from sub-tropical environments may migrate to more domesticate biomes and reproduce and attack there.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Healthy Eating is Healthy Living Essay Example for Free
Healthy bedevil is Healthy Living EssayDid you know that the money spent to treat people with illnesses related to the pretermit of health makes up 9.1 percent of the Americas total medical expenses? That is about 78.5 billion dollars (CDC). If we both eat healthier, expenses like these could be lowered. That is why kids, especially students, should eat more rose-cheeked foods. All of us know that eating our fruits and vegetables is important for our health. But how important is it? Healthy eating post actually snub a persons risk from developing any illnesses such diabetes, obesity, hypertension, etc. Foods with the proper nutrients and vitamins can increase a persons immunity so that they will not be unresistant to the diseases. For example, a higher calcium intake can push down the risk for developing diabetes (M.N.T). According to the Centers of malady Control and Prevention, a minimum of 400 grams of fruits and vegetables must be eaten by kids ages 11- 16 per day (CDC).These ar the necessary amounts to control a good health and not get sick. Healthy eating helps you maintain a good weight. About one to two months ago, my school, Sutter Middle School, required everyone to be part of the strong-arm fitness program. Students must have their weight and height measured during this program. I noticed that there were students who were authentically nervous about measuring their weight. I realized that kids with the lack of health can sometimes look self-conscious when it comes to their weight, whether it being underweight, overweight, or obese. Depending on the age, a person must consume a reconciled amount of calories per day to maintain a decent weight. A healthy diet consisting of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, etc. offers a good and balanced calorie supply.Fatty foods, like potato chips, soda, pizza, hamburgers, etc. contain too many calories per serving. For moderately active kids, males ages 14-18 can have 2200-2800 calories per day and females ages 14-18 can have 2000 calories per day (Exercise). We have all heard that eating a healthy diet is expensive, and people have used that as an excuse for not eating a healthy diet, but healthy foods do not of necessity cost more than less healthy foods, says Andrea Carlson, an economist from the U.S. Department of Agricultures Economic Research Service. Junk foods whitethorn be convenient and tasty, but they dont cost any more than fresh and healthy produce. The price of carrots is half the price of potato chips by portion size. According to AndreaCarlsons and her colleague Elizabeth Frazos studies, when considering portion size, the least to most expensive types of food are grains, dairy, vegetables, fruit, protein and less healthy foods. (Carlson). some former(a) important benefit from eating healthy is nothing. Eating healthy brooks students to have the energy to perform strong in school and sports. Foods that contain a lot of nutrients and vitamins offer a lon g digestion time, giving you a slower and stable release of energy (Straight Health). The longer the digestion will take, the longer your energy will last. Principals a good deal call during the week standardized testing to say to get plenty of rest and eat a healthy breakfast. A healthy breakfast can actually help students with testing because a repast containing complex carbohydrates, protein, fat, etc. can prevent a drop in blood breadstuff and allow students to last throughout the day (Healthier). some people often think, Well foods with a bunch of sugar can make you energetic. That is true. Though that is true, junk foods with a lot of simple carbohydrates, also known as sugar, create a big boost in energy but also create a sugar crash. A sugar crash is when you consume foods that are loaded with sugar and lack other nutrients. Then later, your blood sugar suddenly spikes down, causing fatigue and dizziness, negatively affecting students school performances (Straight Health). Many beneficial consequences can be made if students eat more healthy foods. It can help students reduce their risk from developing any illnesses, maintain a good and balanced weight, and allow them to have the energy to perform well in school and/or sports. What are you waiting for? Go grab a healthy snack and enjoy it
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Cells Biological Essay Example for Free
Cells Biological EssayI) ceremonial of starch grains 1. A potato was cut by employ a cork barrier to obtain a theatrical role of it. 2. The small piece of potato was placed on the centre of the ice-skating rink slide and enough compact was applied with fingers to squeeze it until small amount of juice was force out. The piece of potato was discarded going the juice behind on the glass microscope slide. 3. A drop of piddle was added to the potato juice and the glass slide was then covered with a clean cover slip. 4. The slide was examined under low creator (10X), then high former (40X). A drawing of 4-6 starch grains was made to illustrate the shape and otherwise observable details for each, low power (10X) and high power (40X). 5. The essay was preceded by staining the grains using the irrigation technique. (Irrigation technique A drop of iodin was placed at one edge of the cover slip. A filter paper was brought into contact with the water at the opposite edge of the cover slip. As water was absorbed by the filter paper, iodine on the other side of the cover slip was bony underneath it and the sample was stained.) 6. The iodine-stained mount was examined under low power (10X) and high power (40X). 4-6 starch grains were cadaverous to illustrate their shape and structure. These drawings were included in the microscope data sheet as results.II) Observation of onion electric carrels 1. An onion was cut into half and one of its fleshy scale petals was removed. 2. The onion petal was snapped backwards and a forceps was utilise to tear away a piece of thin epidermal lining from inside the onion. A 1cm settle piece of lining was placed onto the microscopic glass slide. 3. A drop of water was placed on the onion epidermal lining and the lining was covered with a cover slip. It was examined under a microscope at low power (10X) and then high power (40X). A drawing of the observations was made. The details that were discovered in the preparation we re included. . The parts of the onion cells were labelled accordingly. 4. The experiment was preceded by staining the onion lining with iodine by irrigation technique as described earlier. 5. It was examined again under low power (10X) and high power (40X). 4-6 onion cells were drawn in the microscope data sheet as observation. The parts of the onion cells were labelled completely.III) Observation of look cells 1. A clean glass microscope slide was obtained and a drop of water was placed in the centre of the slide. 2. A straight toothpick was hold against the inner cheek and the inner cheek was gently scraped with the flat edge of a toothpick. The cheek cells were spread in the drop of water on a microscope slide. 3. The warning was covered with a cover slip and air bubbles were avoided. 4. It was observed under high power (40X) and a drawing of 4-6 cells was made. 5. The details that can be observed in the preparation were included and were labelled accordingly. 6. The experimen t was preceded by staining the cheek cell slide with methylene blue by irrigation technique. 7. The cell with structures observed was drawn in the microscope data sheet as part of the results. Nucleus, nuclear membrane and cell membrane were labelled.Discussion Under microscopic examination, organelles of the cell ar enlarged to be observed. In onion cells (plant cell), cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm and center are observed. In cheek cells ( fauna cells), cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus are observed. The difference between plant cells and animal cells are presence of organelles and their cell shape. From the observation of onion cells and cheek cells, it there is presence of cell wall in onion cell (plant cell) but it is absent in animal cell .The presence of cell wall contributes to the fixed, rigid shape of plant cell whereas animal cell is irregular in shape.Different types of stain colour for particular parts of a cell respectively so that the translucent parts of t he cells can be viewed more(prenominal) clearly and can be studied easily. Iodine is often used as an indicator for starch. Hence, starch grains and onion cells are more clear and visible when iodine stains starch present in the cells. During observation of starch grains, starch is mix with iodine solution where dark blue solution is observed, representing a starch/iodine complex. Staining a plant cell with iodine allows us to see the onion cell wall. Methylene blue binds well with negative charge molecules (DNA) which allows us to see the nucleus of the cell. It stains nuclei acid found in the nucleus, making nucleus more observable.For precaution, glass slide is make sure is clean and perfectly transparent by retention the slide by its edge. Glass slide is make sure not to be dry so that the cell can be observed under the microscope. During wet mount, air bubbles that will interfere the aftermath the organisms movement is to be avoided by putting the covers lip gently on the slide. When observing the specimen, adjust the gladiolus diaphragm or light level to achieve optimum contrast. Low power is always to be used first as to know the location of a good area for observation.
Monday, April 8, 2019
Measure for Measure Essay Example for Free
Measure for Measure EssayWhat certify is there in the animate to support both views? What interests and engages you in the play? There are more an(prenominal) aspects of the play that engage and interest the audience, two main aspects being comedy and double-dealing. There are many references in the play which contribute to the comedy and trickery which is abundant in the play in special Lucio is a character who is often seen as comical due to his lack of restraint in his mother tongue and his ignorance of other characters. He is often associated with bawdy humour but is as well as associated with noblemen which brings his character into debate. The main quotation of trickery which engages the audience is the bed trick which is cunningly devised by the Duke, which again brings his and also Isabellas character into debate. Lucio is one of the main addresss of comedy in Measure for Measure, his humour and almost careless manner of speaking engages the audience which fo rget result in the audience liking his character.His speech on occasions appears to sustain no restraint which is evident from his conversation with the two gentlemen when he proudly proclaims I have purchased as many diseases under her roof as come to. Lucios tone suggests the he is proud of this exercise which in turn results in the audience being humoured by Lucio. However Lucios proclamation also gives the audience reason for concern as it shows that there is a conundrum in Vienna with widespread disease.This relates to the outskirts in London in Shakespeares era as there were a large go of brothels which resulted in widespread disease. Lucio also humours the audience when he slanders the Duke in the presence of Friar Lodowick who is humorousally the Duke. Lucio describes the Duke as being A very superficial, ignorant, unweighing fellow. There is dramatic irony throughout act ternion scene two as the audience know that Friar Lodowick is indeed the Duke, therefore will be constantly humoured as Lucio unknowingly slanders the Duke without a care.Lucios use of ignorant to describe the Duke is very ironic as Lucio himself is ignorant to the fact the Friar Lodowick is the Duke. As of yet Lucio is multi-coloured as being a bawdy character solely to humour the audience with his ridiculous imagery some say a sea amah spawned him. However he is often associated with noblemen such as Claudio One word strong friend. Lucio, a word with you. Therefore Lucio can be seen as representing both noble and the low husbandry societies, therefore the audience will have to judge Lucio and decide.I find Lucio interesting as he is presented as a random and spontaneous character, he also confesses that he will never convert his attitude I am a kind of burr, I shall stick. Lucios character appears to infringe puritan ideas and I believe Shakespeare uses Lucio as a tool to get his message across. Using Lucio is a great example Shakespeare is stating that we need variety in purport in order to function Why, twas a commandment to command captain and all the rest from their functions. Shakespeare is saying everyone has a role in life which only God can change this again puts emphasis on the variety of people.This idea relates to the point of equilibrium, in this diverse society there will be equilibrium between people. The main source of trickery in the play is the bed trick which has been cunningly planned and devised by the Duke we shall advise this wronged maid to stead up your appointment, go in your place. Thus exposing Angelo as a result, the trickery will also give acuteness to the Duke being deceptive. However the reader will question Isabellas actions as she appears to be a keen accomplice in the trick The image of it gives me content already.This painted image of Isabella conflicts with that the audience has been accustomed to, Isabella is often seen as excessively pious as she rather wishes a more strict restraint on the sisterhood. The audience will therefore gain a different perspective of Isabella as well as being sceptical on her position in the sisterhood, she appears to show no insight to the effect(s) this trick will have on Angelo and Mariana as well as her own reputation instead she seems to immediately agree with the decision without hesitation.The audience will believe Isabella is opinion only about herself, as she wants to exposes and humiliate Angelo for his earlier refused proposal to Isabella. The use of content already shows that Isabella appears to be excited and eager about this proposal, the tone also appears to be joyful again emphasising her eagerness. To summarise, comedy and trickery are both key aspects of the play which engage the audience into debate.The audience will gain insight of the characters and will be able to judge the characters on a number of occasions by considering the arguments for and against the decisions these characters make. The play on a whole I found very interesting and engaging, as a problem play many of the decisions made by the characters can be argued for and against, hence the audiences judgements on these characters will be diverse as everyone will perceive characters decisions in a different manner.
Sunday, April 7, 2019
RCBC Savings Bank Essay Example for Free
RCBC savings Bank EssayI. SynopsisRCBC nest egg Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of maven of the countrys top universal banks, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC). RCBC savings Bank was incorporated on the 15th day of January, 1996 to provide retail banking services to its target clientele and serve as the consumer and retail banking arm of RCBC. RCBC savings Bank formally started its thrift banking operations on the 27th day of February, 1996.It grew extensively in fitting over a year, from a lean one-branch organization with a seven-man skeletal force to an institution with a network of six branches supported by 106 full-time personnel in 1997. In September 1998, RCBC Savings Bank acquired selected assets and assumed deposit liabilities of Capitol Development Bank. As a result of the strategic alliance, the Bank and widened the reach of its branch network and became the 2nd largest thrift bank in the country with 117 branches.One of its branches is the RCBC Savings Bank La Paz in Iloilo City. It serves umpteen Ilonggos in banking and financing services. Despite of its fast growing business, the anxiety paid no attention to some internal control aspects of its branches. Like the La Paz Branch many complaints from customers regarding the efficiency and slow-moving service of the bank.The long queuing of the customers every time they do transactions to tellers is really a line it decreases the goodwill of the company and much more the customer cheer. As we all know, the competition in banking industry is high and many banks are already here in Iloilo. How would the Management address this problem? What course of actions or solutions should the Management put in place to achieve higher customer satisfaction? Is the company really into realizing its vision to be the most-sought-after by the consumer market when it comes to financial products and services?
Saturday, April 6, 2019
Special Ed Essay Example for Free
especial(a) Ed EssayPeople at a lower placestructure overhear multiple definitions of disability, but this is the federal definition of a disability, An individual with a disability means any person who (i) has a mental or forcible impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity (ii) has a disc of such an impairment or (iii) is regarded as having such an impairment (Durhiem). In order to receive or qualify for special need unspoilty or other learning disabilities you must have a enrol of proof from a doctor to provide to the naturalise. It is then the schools job then to meet the credentials compulsory for the disabled student.Students with varying disabilities should be given the same chances as students without disabilities. Some disabilities can require students to have separate classrooms while others might be able to operate in classes where on that point are students without disabilities. severally disability varies in severity and in most c ases it is a student-by-student bases. It is the parents and teachers responsibility to advocate for the student and soak up sure their needs are met within the classroom. In fact families have certain rights provided to them and their disabled child, these rights can be provided through the 504.In order for a student to qualify for 504 the students has to have a disability. theatrical role 504 is a part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that prohibits discrimination based upon disability. Section 504 is an anti-discrimination, civil rights statute that requires the needs of students with disabilities to be met as adequately as the needs of the non-disabled are met (Durhiem). Section 504 is a foundation for compare to people of special needs. Every student deserves the right to learn and the right to reach there full potential regardless of ability.One-way Parents and the community can be informed on their local schools approach and aim of education is through the No Child go away Behind Act. No Child Left Behind or NCLB, goal is to improve the education of children with a low-income family, especially within the public school system. This act was established in 2001 and has improved education for all students dramatically. NCLB establishes goals and certain criteria to prevent failing schools, NCLB requires that schools feature steady progress toward the ultimate goal of all students performing at a proficient level in reading, math, and science by the year 2014.This progress is defined as adequate yearly progress, or AYP. Schools that fail to meet AYP goals for two consecutive years must be identified as in need of improvement. (Cortiella). If the school does not meet its goals within the given time span the school govern notifies the parents that the school needs improvement. This is a great way to keep parents informed on the accomplishments and struggles of the school there child attends. For the children with disabilities NCLB provides the stude nts with different options of schools that are not failing or in need of improvement schools. Students with disabilities (covered under the nous or Section 504) must be offered the opportunity to attend a school that has not been identified as in need of improvement. Districts must ensure that such students are provided a free, allow public education (FAPE) consistent with the IDEA, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, in their schools of choice (Cortiella). IDEA ADA Americans with Disabilities Act.
Friday, April 5, 2019
Marketing Plan for New Coca Cola Drink
Marketing Plan for New Coca green goddess DrinkThe following grocery storeing plan is for the introduction of the innovative proceedsion line extension of the originate potables union Coca-Cola. The century buzz afternoon afternoon tea is fresh and innovative return which exit enhance the taxation of the company. The following epitome resulting allow in taboolining the best practises to achieve the strategic goals outlaid by the company.The coalesce of trade strategies leave al single facilitate to achieve market sh atomic number 18 of an estimated 8,688,300 people (tar recoer) with a maturation of 7.3% as forecasted in 4 years. This testament capture the unserved market for ready-to- beverage vitamin C seethe tea. The success in the gross sales development with this carrefour line extension pass on bring company to apex position and will tag the company as a market leader in the operating(a) soft take in.Situational analysisUnder the situational anal ysis the changes of trends in beverages industry ar thoroughly examined. The SWOT analysis is d bingle to get a clear picture of micro environment variables. Under the industry analysis, the opportunities for an innovative merchandise atomic number 18 discussedMarketing planIn the marketing plan all the research work and marketing schema is listed. The pricing, promotion and place strategies atomic number 18 in accordance with the ongoing Coca-Cola system. The strategies are critically revised to tot much value in the balance sheet of the companyFinancial analysisUnder the monetary analysis breakeven point calculations are done and also incorporated the expected sales growth and tax revenue figures.Company descriptionFounded in 1886, we are the valets major marketer, manufacturer and distri plainlyor in non-alcoholic beverages syrups and concentrates, which are consumed in the yield of n early(a) 400 beverages brands that contributes our wide portfolio. We are operating in much than cc countries with our bearing office established in Atlanta. We are at the second position in functional and military posture Asian drinks. The Coke bombilation Tea will cooperate the company to achieve the top virtually position in the ready to drink tea heavens.Product description and strategic role in future of the companyCoke hum Tea will be a potbellyned and bottled beverage and it will be positioned as the only ready-to-drink tea crop available in the market. The mathematical merchandise will bring entirely unique experience with the base of green tea enhanced with the fruit flavors such as strawberry, passion fruit and lime. clients will feel fresh and energetic after sipping this delicious tea. It will pose itself different than the traditional tea while offering the delicious taste of fruit succuss in convenient and attractive packing. The strategic role of the Coke Buzz Tea in for Coca-Cola is foc utilizationd on three objectivesGrow to be a mark et leader in the functional and ready-to-drink sector with increase market share.To attract the Gen-Y consumers and satisfy their needs with an eye catching and FUNctional product.To stay at the confront position as the market leader in innovative product development and prospered product launches.SITUATIONAL ANALYSISINDUSTRY ANALYSISConsumptionThe sales sum up for the functional drinks sector in Canada has approached to $342.2 million in 2004 for a volume of 125.9 million liters. This product division has shown a steady growth since 1999 prepare of 13.5% over a phase of 6 years. The consumption rate per capita in 2004 has arise to 4 3.94 liters, which represents a 4.0% increase compared to 1999. The increase of this particular market is mainly due to a slow shift in consumer trends.TrendsThrough the early 1960s, soft drinks were one and the same with colas in the understanding of consumers. In the 1980s and 1990s, however, get on beverages (from bottled water to tea) became more accepted. Coca-Cola and Pepsi responded by expanding their product offerings by means of coalition (e.g. Coke Nestea) and acquisitions (e.g. Coke Minute Maid), but also by keeping their focus on the portfolio diversification.Today, while the soft drink industrys enormousness has amplified in 2010, the volume sales of carbonated soft drinks has declined due to a large share of consumers who are more attracted towards the trend of healthier drink options in the functional drink segment(smoothies, energy drink, sport drink, milk and juice drinks).Companies get been actively involved in bare-assed product developments in order to defy the suppuration concerns about harmful health impacts of high gear-fructose drinks, but also to enlarge the demand in a market where product offerings are rapidly maturing. New flavor introductions and health-conscious formulations bring been introduced in an attempt to offset the rejection in carbonated soft drink sales The functional marke t is predictable to show sustained growth and consumer concern in the future years as consumption shifts to healthier, trendier and sophisticated products.Profitability future growth potentialIn 1993, Concentrate Producers grossed 29% pretax shekels on their sales, while bottlers made 9% profits on their sales, for an entire industry profitability of 14%. While the functional drinks segment only accounts for 3.7% of the upstanding soft drinks sales in 2004, estimations are forecasting a growth of 7.3% in sales and 11.0% in volume consumption by 2010 (ref.4).SWOT ANALYSISSTRENGHTSEffective strides in new marketsCoca-Cola has aligned with several(prenominal) companies (such as the joint venture with Nestl) in order to boost the ability to react to demands and variation in the markets of coffee, iced tea and juices. The developing markets are more complex than the developed markets. They require more marketing and product awareness.Strong existing dispersion channelsCoca-Cola has g lobal operations and is tumesce recognized in its distribution channels (such as store retailers or vending machines). Therefore, a new product launch keep usually rely on the existing distribution structure in order to reach the great part of its target market while requiring no major supply / deli solidly enlargements.Brand potenceThe Coca-Cola Company is the epicgest manufacturer, distributor and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups in the world. The Coca-Cola brand is unarguably recognizable brands in the 200 countries where it trade its products. The well established and strong brand name is one of the bases for the companys competitive benefit on several of its upshot markets.WEAKNESSESRelying upon line extensionsCoca-Cola is relying on brand expansions increase sales in specific lines, in particular its long-time carbonated soft drink products (i.e. the introduction of Vanilla Coke assisted maintain sales for the core Cola beverages). However, t here is a major risk of rear endnibalizing existing sales in the long margin (for example, Bubble Tea might deter on sales for iced tea).Reliant upon particular carbonated drinksThe long-time world of Coca-Colas Coke beverage has conventionally promoted this particular line as a flagship product. The core coke products have gained strong loyalty from customers and have solid basis of sales. The brand is more and more anchored as a single line carbonated drinks which may have taken away the freedom to diversify in other non carbonated products.The Coca-Cola Company is a strictly global multinational business giant. Most of its products are shipped to many areas of the globe. These products have adapted to the geographical requirements Furthermore, many smaller and diversified product lines are more or less accepted in one particular region over a nonher.Therefore, the telephone circuit of diversifying the production and marketing all products engage costly investments. These capi tal necessities typically increase as the product becomes firmly focuse (for example to market a coke bottle in Japan is less knockout due to the worldwide recognition of the bottle rather than the Qoo in the same country, as the Qoo is the newest non carbonated drink introduced by Coca-Cola in 1999)OPPORTUNITIESNew product introductionsThe functional drinks market is one that predominantly allows more opportunities, innovations and gives greater freedom for creativeness in the production, design, distribution, manufacturing, promotion and retailing choices and processes.Brand is attractive to global partnersBecause of the size of the company and broad portfolio base, Coca-Cola has strong purchasing power over its suppliers, and also draws large partnerships with various levels of consumer contact (e.g. McDonald, delineation studio promotions, promotions in universities, sponsorship agreements, etc.). Existing brand awareness also offer an international playing world for powerful marketing strategies.THREATSStrong competitionCoca-Cola has a tough competition in the global market. though the number of the competitors is less but to capture the bigger share in the crowded market will be a tougher one.Potential health issuesThe current drift of consumer and consumers groups consciousness towards nices and services is both serious and threatening for companies in the food and beverages business. Over the last few years, concerns over health concerns have risen in the media through an extended and ever- growing network of fellowship outputs (TV channels, journals, internet). The shift of the juvenileer generation towards a healthier standard of living needs a careful planning and decision- making in new product developments. Large companies can also straightforwardly become the target of consumers apprehension.Target market segment identification RTD (Ready-to-drink) bottled Coke Buzz Tea, to be established within the Functional Drinks sector.Segment needsT he product will accommodate to both social needs (perception of a social, fun drink with a maven of belonging within peer consumer groups) and physiological needs (hydrating and nutritional value).Segment trendsThe current trends include a move away from junk foods and carbonated drinks, a rising interest for healthier / beneficial foodstuffs for the mind and body, the trend towards the accessibility of on-the-go products for those with an active lifestyle, as well as the inclination for individualalization through customization.Conclusion found on the aforementioned analysis, Coke Buzz Tea appears to be a profitable and innovative product with a strong outlook for market share presence and segment growth opportunity. Upon execution of the marketing plan, the Coca-Cola Company will reclaim increased market shares and claim its targeted situational place of market leader in the functional drinks section as well as keeping its long-standing consumer appreciation for innovative and s uccessful product launches in diversified markets. Projected profits will be $243,029.47.ObjectiveThe objectives of the marketing plan are focused on the three main criteriaTo establish a wide brand recognition through the capturing of market shareMaking consumers more aware regarding the Coke Buzz Tea product from coke.To make a market leader position in the functional drink sectorPRODUCT schemeThe coreBubble Tea beverage in a pre-bottled and pre canned, ready-to-drink format.The actual productPackaging and labeling fool figure images.jpgBrandingColorful, aspect of play, round shaped, prominent Buzz logo written in new(a) font, catchphrases such as infer outside the Bubble and Get Your Buzz.Trade nameCoke Buzz Tea, a Coca-Cola product Brand person-to-personity oomph, funky, cool, purposeful, original, funny, sanguine, etc.Brand equityCoca-Cola provides a consistent, quality, tender and innovative soft drink reputation.Augmented productNutritional information, Status (social drink), Features promoting the website, Healthy drink with an reinforcement of a green tea base.Marketing considerationsProduct life cycleCoke Buzz Tea is a low- training product. With a strong marketing promotion, sales will begin immediately and the paybacks of the purchases are readily understood. Since Coke Buzz Tea is prone to product imitation, Coca- Colas dodge is to widen distribution rapidly, which is currently possible, credit to the companys high manufacturing capacity. Coke Buzz Tea pursues the practice of product line extension.PRICE STRATEGYThe price strategy that will be undertaken should consider the following aspects1. Consumer demand2. The product lifecycle3. Potential substitutesCustomer demandCustomer demand is a resilient factor which is driven by flavor, income and availability of others alike products at a different price (mentioned later in the potential substitutes section). For a lot of customers, value and price are much related the higher the price, th e higher the value. As a result, Coca-Colas intention to position Coke Buzz Tea as an exclusive, innovative and attractive product offer it a certain control over price.The product lifecycleThe company should take benefit also to the fact that the newer the product and the in advance in its lifecycle the higher the price can typically be. It ensures a high profit margin as the early adopters get the product and the firm seeks to earn development costs quickly and it also carry a certain prestige to the product.http//www.sabertek.co.za/images/ProductLifeCycle.pngPROMOTION STRATEGYObjectivesTo create strong awareness about the launch of Coke Buzz Tea among the Gen-Y (10-29 years old) consumers and their parents. This is genuinely essential to win the market share against the main competitor PepsiCo.MessageThe promotional outputs will convey the clear message that-Coke Buzz is a healthy drink for active and young people who simply enjoy taking care of their body and life.Think outside the buzz BeBold, BeOriginal, BeDifferent, BeYourself.A good spirit in a good body.Media selection onward selecting the appropriate medias, it is significant to note that Generation Y consumers only give partial consideration to media. However, they can be reached through incorporated programs. They are typically using other than one communication media at a time a behavior that is commonly called multitasking. This set of consumers doesnt give its complete attention to one single message, but rather uses continuous fractional attention to scan the media. Marketers can still authorize with Generation Y by means of a variety of targeted promotional tools. Another vital tactical maneuver to reach our target market is through Viral or Buzz marketing, which Coca-Cola will greatly use in this campaign (campus, contests). publicisePROMOTIONAL MIXConsumer orientedContestsWin another Coke Buzz Tea flavor, Uncover a secret code beneath the bottle cap and win dissolute goods and electronic s by logging on the website (Arguments It will boost consumer purchases and encourage consumer betrothal with the product).SamplesDistribution of samples in supermarkets, rail/universities and near theaters. Samples are a technique to avoid product resistance since people are not used to find bubbles in their drinks.ArgumentsIt will encourage people to buy the new Coke Buzz Tea and it signifies low risk for customers since they get it for free. They have nothing to lose by trying it.Point-of-purchase In supermarkets (to reach the parents of generation Y).Arguments It is also a way to increase product trial and provides a good product visibility.Trade orientedAllowances and discountsCase allowance (Arguments The free goods approach will be used so it can push retailers to buy more of the product to get a certain amount for free).Cooperative advertisingTo cheer retailers to buy our product and to sustain our high level of advertisement that consumers shout out from Coca-Cola.Other considerationsIMC (integrated marketing communication)Intermediary personal selling will be more often used. last-ditch consumer Coca-Cola will use additional mass media because the amount of possible buyers is large.PLACE (DISTRIBUTION STRATEGY)Coke Buzz Tea will be distributed through these channelsConvenience storesSupermarketsIndependent food storesMultiple grocersDiscount stores huckster machinesDirect sales.FINANCIAL MEASURESRequirement for success analysisC.M. per bottle = 382,159.36 / 328,000 = $1.17Break-even (113,453.56+25,676.33) / 1.17 = 118,914 (bottles)http//www.mirrorservice.org/sites/home.ubalt.edu/ntsbarsh/Business-stat/otherapplets/BreakEvent.gifMarket share 118,914 / 1,000,000 = 11.9%In one year, if Coca-cola can sell 118,914 bottles of Coke Buzz Tea, or in other words achieve 11.9% of the functional drink market share, it will break even. later on this point, every bottle Coca cola sells will generate average $1.17 towards the profits. The potential profits can up to $1,030,770.001 based on our target market. pass judgment CostsCOGS $597,124 * 36% = $214,964.64O/H $597,124* 38% = $226,907.12Expected Revenues ( wide) = $597,1241 $1.17*(1-11.9%)*1,000,000 = $1,030,770CALCULATIONSBased on Coca-Colas introductory financial statements, we will see theAverage COGS/Revenues for year 2005, 2004, and 2003 is 36%4.Operating Costs /Revenues = 38%5Moreover, since our target market are 1,000,000 cans annually assuming Coca-cola maintains its market share in functional drink 32.8%, we predict our sales as 1,000,000 * 32.8% = 328,000 bottles.We use the ratio of average capital expenditures / net operation income for uniting Americato estimate the fixed cost we need for producing Bubble Buzz in Canada 4.3%6 of thetotal revenue.Task 3The Coke Buzz Tea is a product line extension for the well established Brand Coca-Cola. The company has won the award of the most valuable company and always at the outset place in providing the full value for the money. Th e Coke Buzz is the extension in the product line but it offers the same commitment for the value for the money as the other Coke products are offering. As the starting price of the Coke Buzz is kept little higher than the existing products. This can be compensated by justifying the nutrition content and the uniqueness of the product. The freshness of the green tea and the delicious taste of the fruit flavors will let consumers enjoy the full value of their money.The advertisement has a vital role in the success of the product. As there is a neck to neck competition mingled with Coke and Pepsi. So Coke needs a strong advertisement to backup the launch of the product. In the marketing plan I have discussed the promotion process which is very diversified. This product is clearly targeting the young generation, which may be students, college students, young employees, athletes and few old people who like to change the conventional tea with something exciting. This age groups is not lim ited to a single advertisement media. So a proper commixture of advertisement media is required.Critical reflective instruction is the learning technique with which students or the learner brings the theoretical knowledge into practical use. With the help of the reflective learning individuals grow in term of knowledge, social and professional attainments. In the chassis of MBA the reflective learning process plays very critical role. Sometimes even in organizations, the managers bomb to possess reflective learning skills. The reflective learning bridges the gap between what we have versed in the school and what we need to stay in business.In the course of Marketing Management, I have leaned the various marketing tools, techniques, concept and theories. In the starting the course faculty was very easy and gibe to my prior experience of sales assistant. Before the MBA course I was working as an efficient sales executive in a multinational company. though my background was no t supporting the role I was working in. but my strong communication and social skills bought success and perks during my job tenure. To add more skill set under my CV and to gain the insight of the corporate world, I chosen the business study.During the first few weeks of Marketing Management course I was very amused to see the simple marketing techniques but having critical affect on the revenues. The mode of teaching was mainly through slides and case studies. This helped in the implementation of the theories and various concepts in on the real time companies. The course started with a slow gait and I was able to gain the basics of the marketing. The aim of the module was to provide future managers an understanding of the severalise theories that underpin the study of Marketing, as well as an opportunity to analyze and evaluate the marketing strategies of successful and not-so-successful businesses.The module started with the 4ps of marketing and phillip kotler reaserch work. I h ave gained the sense of importance of the Place, Promotion, Price and Product. To make any product successful, there should be a proper strategy for the marketing mix. In the preceding week I came to know the various aspects of the buying behavior of the consumers. The adoption process sounded very interesting in creating quid for the product. I versed how adoption levels vary among the consumers and came to know the various classes of the consumers. After gaining the insight of the concept the course was advanced to the product life cycle. This helped me in the understanding of the processes involved in the birth phase of the product to the decline of the product and how the marketing mix changes with the life cycle.Week 4 and 5 revolved round the variance of the market and how to capture the target market. Though I had little knowledge of the market segmentation and the target market due to my past job. The addition to my knowledge was the techniques used to segment the market . Earlier I was not sure how the companies segment their markets but the study of demographic, geographic, behavior descriptors made me aware of the causes of segmentation. scarce sometimes I got confused as there are some companies whose products are same for all buyers e.g. Coca-Cola, and Pepsi. Although they come different products but the basis of their sales is still the old flavor drink.I had very delightful moment when I studied Michel Porters generic strategies. I found the practice use of the generic strategies when I writing my project report. These strategies found very helpful in the attitude of the product in the market. After studying the half of the course I was bit confused in the fit between the option of the market segment and current status of the product. For this I did a personal research and wrote a positioning statement to guide development and implementation of marketing strategy. After this revision I was able to hang on the concept of the final decis ion on where a product will be placed, OR where a current product will be repositioned to within the market.Learning of the Forecasting technique was a very new thing for me. This concept was totally practical and had mathematical touch. This was the only topic I confront in module in which I touched the calculator. Along with the course work I learned the concept of forecasting techniques with my own research. The six techniques took long time to learn. In the same week I learned the importance of the market research techniques. These were very helpful for me to grow socially. I found them very interesting as they need a direct contact with the customers.The thing that disappointed me in the course module is the affective use of the technology in the market segment. The module was not equipped with the technologies that help in the real time marketing environment. I felt to do self study in this field but the burden of the study and work restricted me to go beyond the course module . Though I kept myself updated with the use of internet and various marketing magazines. In the course work I read about the client contact management system ACT. In the ACT system the Advertising companies have the salespersons contacts in the ACT database and they offer information on the last ad they purchased. This helps the sales person be more effective in their sales and try to sell products (advertisements) they know the customer will be interested in purchasing.By the week 6 I gained the basic and advanced knowledge in the module. Week 7 was little difficult for me to understand. The positioning process was very confusing for me as it involved lot of research and practical knowledge. For this purpose I took help from my friends who were working in the supermarkets and big grocery stores. The term positioning was very new to me as I had never encountered with this process during my job. The positioning task had many steps as I learnedSelect the target marketcuring the promot ional objectiveSet the promotional budgetDesign the promotional mixCarry out a research to find out if the promotional objectives metThis was the scene when I had to implement my all marketing knowledge which I had learned in the course.Week 8 study was more practical than the article. In that week I practiced many real time problems which a manager can face or the issues which can arise in the marketing division or in the whole organization. In that particular lecture I came to know the ethical issues associated with the marketing practice. Though in the lecture very limited knowledge was given on that topic but the lecturer was able to convey the importance of the topic.After the week 8 I assessed myself on the basis of the knowledge I earned in the module and found that I become sound in theoretical part but I found difficulties in relating the concepts with the real time scenarios. This was due to the less number of appellatives given in the module description. Though the fina l assignment which needed a lot of research and cleared most of the quarries. But the module needs to be revised as there should be a proper assignment is required in the middle of the course work, so that students will able to attach themselves with the practical world at very early stage. I felt the major drawback in the course module is the involvement of the students. There was negligible number of the seminars given by the students. This kept me at back end in term of confidence to speak in front of the whole class. There were no debates or perhaps there wasnt any weighting to the debate, thats why nobody cared about them.At the end of the reflective learning process I am still not comfortable with the technological advancement in the sector of the marketing. I have very limited knowledge about the tools used by the managers in the real world. I thought to attend a seminar to overcome the limitation of my knowledge but then I realized it would be better if the college admin wi ll add this as activity in the course module.My personal assessment revealed the shortcomings in my presentational skills and analytical skills. To overcome the hurdle I made proper strategy for which I joined the study groups in the libraries and started to read case studies. The other tools which helped in the reflective learning are the journals, magazines, TV, internet and the various seminars.http//www.scribd.com
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