Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Drug Abuse And Its Effects On Youth And Teenagers
HEALTHCARE LEADERSHIP ENGL1033 REPORT ASSIGNMENT DRUG ABUSE AND ITS EFFECTS ON YOUTH AND TEENAGERS NAME: ALVIN ALEX MATHEW COLLEGE ID: C0652356 INSTRUCTOR NAME: SHAWNA SHELDON SUBMITTED ON: 06/01/2015 DRUG ABUSE AND ITS EFFECTS ON YOUTH AND TEENAGERS Drug abuse has long been and still is a topical issue worldwide. There are so many reasons why individuals get addicted get to be reliant on drugs. A few individuals begin taking them out of immaculate interest, others to enhance their athletic execution or lessen stretch and dispose of wretchedness. It doesn t make a difference why individuals begin, the fundamental thing here is to get help at the perfect time and not to demolish their life and wellbeing. There is no age group of individuals more influenced by alcohol and drugs than youngsters. In a few ways, it feels like it is an issue all over the world: for you, your family and your companions. To be simple, try as you might, you can t get away from the issues of alcohol and drugs. This research gives an overview of drug abuse and its effects on youth and its impact on the quality of their life, and conveys the need for clearer and better information for parents in order to prepare their children for a better future. PREVALENCE Youth frequently explore a variety of avenues of activities and substances. Lamentably, such experimentation can prompt substance misuse and addiction. Statistics demonstrate that drug abuse is a developing issue among youth. In additionShow MoreRelatedTeenage Drug Use Of Drugs1560 Words  | 7 PagesSociology 100 Professor Victoria Hoverman Teenage Drug Use In today’s society, one of the common problems among teenagers is the use of drugs. Teen age is probably one of the most challenging periods in life. It is a stage of self identity crisis that leads to great confusion amongst the teens. Belonging and being accepted in a group is very important in the minds of the teens; where many regard the act as cool. 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