Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Case Study Example On the other hand, a question is raised whether it is appropriate to arrest more of the criminals and hence not respect their right towards proper humane conditions by making the state prisons more congested. A more congested environment is likely to pose a number of problems related to health to the inmates. However, they are not taking the right and appropriate measures to correct the situation. They include the chair at the parole booard who knows the conditions in state prison. The main reason as to why the Advocates could be threatening the correctional with Federal lawsuits is to put pressure on them to increase the number of facilities and make the prisoners more comfortable and not exposed to poor conditions through the congested facilities. Thus, as the chair of the parole board Robert is motivated by the fact that less risk is presented with the issue of congestion as opposed to the likely chances of re-offense by the criminals who are released on parole. This is because it causes a greater chance of threats and insecurity to the larger public. However, the results of the risk assessment of the offenders also show instances of offenders being habitual criminals who are likely to engage in more criminal activities once they are released back to the society. In this case, the relaxation of standards is likely to increase the number of offenders released to the community, hence presenting great danger to the citizens. On the other hand, the incineration of most of the offenders who also include the petty offenders increases the level of congestion within the prison, thus acting as a form of violation against their rights since it presents numerous problems and risks to their lives. The situation can be corrected through the expansion of the facilities or building of more facilities to accommodate more inmates. In this case, therefore, the decision to be made by the chair of the board is to
Monday, October 28, 2019
More Than Just the Disease by Bernard McLaverty Essay Example for Free
More Than Just the Disease by Bernard McLaverty Essay More Than Just the Disease, written by Bernard McLaverty has one major character, Neil. The story is seen through his eyes and illustrates the problems that he has to deal with at this point in his life. Arguably the biggest problem Neil has in the story is his psoriasis, this is also a contributor to another of his problems, which is his huge lack of confidence, and it also contributes in a profound way to his insecurity. McLaverty has written the character of Neil Fry with many quite complex problems one of which is the astonishing influence Mrs Fry Neils mother has on him. He frequently hears her voice in his head commanding him, telling him how he should act, what he should do in certain situations and how to feel on certain matters. This occurs when Neil is having breakfast with Michaels family. His mother, without being present, tells him that he should, Close his mouth when he is eating she goes on to say, Others have to live with you Neil. He hears her again when he is unpacking after arriving at Michaels holiday home. She says Be tidy at all times and then no one can surprise you. I could go on for pages listing more and more instances of this but I wont get any marks for doing that! I regress. Although Mrs Fry means absolutely no harm, in fact quite the opposite, when implanting these views, ideas and reactions into Neils head, she is actually contributing to many of Neils problems: such as his lack of confidence, his ignorance and his insecurity. Neil finds, when he goes to stay with Michael on the coast, that his mother is entirely wrong about the middle classes and how they live and behave. He finds contrary to his expectations that they do not fit the stereotype, they are not posh but in fact they are reasonably laid back. Neil is very insecure possibly, again, owing to his mothers domination over him and because Neil kept hearing his mothers voice A good example of this is him going to the bathroom to put on his pyjamas and buttoning the jacket right up to the neck, whereas Michael while bending his arms and flexing his biceps announces proudly; I only wear pyjama bottoms. This, as well as illustrating Neils insecurity, also is a good illustration of Neils massive under confidence and Michaels abundance of it. Neil lives in a very sheltered world and does not know a lot about the world beyond his home and school life. This is evident in one instance in particular; when Neil is making an excuse for not going swimming to hide his psoriasis he says, The fact isIve got my period. Mrs Wan helps Neil with his lack of confidence. She is a duchess and owns the house in which Michael and his family stay throughout the summer. While doing this she lives in a dirty caravan at the bottom of the garden with her millions of cats. Mrs Wan proves another one of Mrs Frys stereotypes is utter nonsense, she does not dress as expected not at all glamorously but does not seem to be interested in her appearance in the slightest. McLaverty describes her as being, An old woman in a bottle green cardigan and baggy mouse coloured trousers anda pair of mens leather gloves. She is a complete contrast to Mrs Fry who likes to be tidy at all times and cannot abide milk bottles at the table. If, with no background information you were asked to choose the duchess between the two of them it is most likely that Mrs Fry would be the one chosen. Mrs Wan, although only meeting Neil briefly, has a large influence on him, which is rather more positive than that of his mothers. She listens to his and seems interested in his opinions and experiences. Most importantly, however, she gives him confidence, the confidence to reveal his psoriasis instead of making excuses to get out of going swimming. She shares her experience of lepers with him this also helps him and boosts his confidence in a big way. The end of the story illustrates very well how Mrs Wans advice affects Neil. The closing scene could be taken as a symbol for life. Neil because of his under confidence dabbles in the shallows nervously, meanwhile Michael is out in the deep riding the waves and happily accepting all the challenges thrown at him by the sea knowing he will succeed. The story teaches Neil a lot. He is taught to move out with his mothers domination. Not to worry too much about how other people perceive him and that he should not be at all afraid of revealing his psoriasis, not keeping it hidden. He has nothing to be ashamed of and therefore he should not hide away or dabble in the shadows but be sure of himself, confident enough to do what he thinks best not what his mother often wrongly thinks he should do, to be his own person and not a clone of his mother.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Unconditional Love Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing
Unconditional Love My mother birthed me in twelve minutes. Mine was the seventh body to pass through her womb in ten years. She said I was born hungry and happy - a chubby smiling baby girl. I am surrounded by faces and touched by hands, cooed at and kissed. I am cradled in the tiny baby holder my dad built so that my mom could cook with me on the counter top. In the afternoons, when my older siblings come home from school, I am passed around; each takes their turn with me, trying to get me to giggle and smile. I oblige them. And evenings, I am taken out, a new wave of smiles and warmth peers in at me as I lie in my stroller. I am never alone. I am in my mother?s arms in a dark room, in a rocking chair. My ear hurts and she is stroking my back. I am crying and she is singing. I fall asleep. My mother is doing the laundry; I crawl in the huge pile of dirty ?whites? and smell my father?s Old Spice. I am shooed away. I find my own way around the big old house. I creep up the steep crooked steps to my oldest brother?s attic bedroom. Only the smell of mothballs is there and I crawl backwards down. In the morning my mom rushes around to get the others ready for school. I am in the bathroom alone, no more diapers for me. I want to be ?grown up.? I use half a roll of toilet paper. I can hear my mom calling my name impatiently ? she has to get the others to school. I emerge smelly but proud and my haggard mom just smiles and laughs to herself as she cleans me up. When I think about my journey I think about this beginning. I think about the gifts of such a baby?s life: love, freedom and trust. These gifts sustain a life ? or I should say, my life ? and balance the darkness and fears that inevitably emerge. A woman I inter... ...ned to the confident playful tomboy? Everything changed ? no football with the boys, no sleepovers at David?s house. I decided I would go away to school. I had learned the rules well enough to earn a scholarship to a boarding school ninety minutes away from home. After a few months away, I wrote to my mom of the shame I felt about my sin, how I felt like a terrible person for doing what I did and for making her cry. In response, she wrote: What you did was neither good nor bad. It only proves that you are part of the human race, struggling and striving ? sometimes falling down. The important thing is to learn from it and let it go. And with these simple words my mother sent me on a seeker?s life. She released me from guilt and allowed me to embrace the journey. What I learned then was the transformational power of unconditional love.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Anwar Chowdhury
The bishop tells a few returning soldiers â€Å"When the boys come back, they will not be the same; for they fought in a just cause: they lead the last attack on Anti-Christ. †The freshly-returned-home soldiers respond in what can almost be described as an angry tone ‘Vale's none of us the same! †The boys then continue on saying the various predicaments that they ran into throughout the terrors of the war and the nightmarish situations that presented homeless to the lads through various battles.The boys continue on saying â€Å"George lost both legs, bill is stone blind! †The Bishop, in an ironic response to the boys explanation of why they re changed the way they are, quickly remarks â€Å"The ways of God are strange! †With how this poem started off, the bishop claiming these boys will be different, the reader can only assume he would sympathize with the boys after hearing their struggles. Instead, the bishop simply exclaims â€Å"The ways of Go d are strange! This is irony.Another device used is the rhyme scheme which is seen throughout the poem. â€Å"New right to breed an honorable race, they have challenged death and dared him face to face. †The rhyme scheme strengthens the overwhelming emotion that Swanson is trying to heavily convey onto the readers. Both of these devices are used in great ways that very clearly bring forward the theme of â€Å"How war takes a toll on someone. †Caisson's poetry starts off with an excerpt of speech from a church bishop.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
APUSH Summer Assignment Essay
Many farmers were considered peasants in the 800s. SIG: Peasants would revolt and cause movements that go against the economic reasoning. The movements were usually to gain recognition for their work and other reasons. Yeomen ID: A servant who gives assistance to royal households or other great households SIG: A yeomen farmer was the ideal American which is being independent and hardworking. They were the best type of citizen to have a say in politics. Dower ID:The portion of property a widow receives from her deceased husband’s belongings. SIG: In the 18th and 19th centuries dower rights were not given much attention. In 1945, dower was abolished but some states still allowed bits of property to be given to a widow. Primogeniture ID: Being the firstborn and eldest of the children of the same parents. Also receiving the largest portion of the father’s property after the death of the father. SIG: This ensured that powerful families kept their power in their family line. Pagans ID: a follower of a polytheistic religion or an irreligious person. SIG: This is significant because many American pagan religions contain different traditions that are similar to to others. Also traditions have been passed down for thousands of years. Heresy ID: When one has a belief that is mutually opposed to a church or religious system. SIG: This separated church and states. A result from this was the unappreciative countries towards the American Church’s optimism. Civic Humanism ID: The idea that one should participate actively in serving its leader or state in the 15th century. SIG: The language of civic humanism was a tool to the leaders who Republics ID: a body of people viewed as a commonwealth or a state where the head of government is not a monarch. SIG: The government of the United States is based partly on Rome’s model of a republic and the U. S has been authorized by the United States Corporation created in 1871. The forming of a republic from Rome’s model is a significant part of US history. Guilds ID: An association of people who have some power and are reaching a common goal. SIG: These were important for trading and small societies that could have grew to be important in history. Reconquista ID:The effort by Christian leaders to drive the Muslims out of Spain from the 1100s to 1492. SIG: It is important to study because the Christian people fought until they expelled their enemies. The Reconquista became an ethnic need. Conquistadors ID: A Spanish conqueror of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century. SIG: They were mercenaries who were responsible for the near extinction of native people in present day US, Mexico, and Central America. Encomiendas ID: A system created in 1503 which guaranteed Spanish soldiers land with Indians. SIG: This led to forced labor which led to enslavement which was used in the US for years. Columbian Exchange ID: This was an exchange between the new and old world of culture, plants, animals, and diseases. This changed the way Europeans and Native Americans lived. SIG: This affected both sides of the world culturally and socially. Mestizos ID: a person of mixed ancestry from Latin America SIG:Mestizos were born to give power to the Spaniards and maintain their power. This affected races by not being biological instead history. Caste System ID: a Hindu system of social classes based on castes SIG: it was important because it divided labor in societies Indulgences ID: a pardon from punishments that would have happened due to sins SIG: Indulgences emerged in the 1 lth century when the idea of purgatory spread. Reformers complained about the selling of indulgences. Predestination ID:the idea that God has determined who will be saved and who will not SIG: People hought the idea came so the conquistadors can be forgiven for what they did to the natives. Mercantilism ID: A system that worked to unify a nation by strict regulations of national economy. SIG: European countries had knowledge with building empires and engaging in the system of mercantilism. The colonies in the United States grew and the English knew they could increase trade and benefit from it. Price Revolution ID: The 16th century era of sustained inflation SIG: This led to the price of food to rise and fall. The prices were changing often due and gold from the New World that was brought to Europe. Part Two: Chapter 1 Questions . The four main characteristics of the Indian civilizations in Mesoamerica where art, religion, society and economy. These characteristics were equal to those of Europe and the Mediterranean. Mesoamericans portrayed art through dance, pottery, and music. All of the Mesoamerican religions were polytheistic and the gods had to be given offerings. Mesoamericans did not have unity, so they were divided in a social hierarchy. The economy relied on agriculture because of the scarce amount of large animals. . The eastern woodland Indian societies were organized and governed by self-governing tribes composed of clans. In their culture, the elders would encourage local chief, who aided clan elders conducted ceremonies and regulated personal life. Gender played a role when it came to farming because it was the province of both sexes, but among eastern Woodland Indians it was the work of women. These societies were matrilineal, which is the inheritance one receives from the female line of ancestors. Farmers focused on religious ceremonies related to the agricultural cycle
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Final Writing Assignment Instructions Essay
Final Writing Assignment Instructions Essay Final Writing Assignment Instructions Essay Calling, Vocation and Career - Writing Assignment: Who Am I Now? Write your reflection paper using the following headings, include some discussion, findings and decisions. These seven areas must be included for credit: 1. God’s Calling for my Life (if you are not sure, then discuss what could be your calling at this time and what you plan to do to discover your calling 2. My Spiritual Gifts and my Strengths (strengths, gifts, talents, skills, abilities). How and where do you want to use these gifts and strengths? 3. The results of the Strong Interest Inventory. Answer these questions regarding the Strong: If you declared a major, did the results confirm my major and occupational choice? Did the results help in broadening your choices? If you have not selected a major or career, did you find one or two career choices you are considering? Did you choose a career and major? What are your reasons for not selecting a major yet? 4. Next Step: Research. Investigate the information about the careers or career you are considering or have selected. It is extremely important to learn as much as possible about the career or careers you are considering before you make a final decision. Study the industry, profession and labor market. Include the following in this section, from your research: a. Skills and abilities required b. Education required; licensing required c. Tasks Required and any physical demands d. Work Environment (will you work with a team or work alone) e. Salary Range (starting salary and highest depending on experience) f. National Job Outlook – Will there be a demand for the career you are considering when you graduate? If not, what options do you have? What are other related careers that you may consider, if they seem to be in demand? g. Are there any professional Associations you can contact for membership or newsletters about the profession to help keep
Monday, October 21, 2019
When the Was Titanic Found
When the Was Titanic Found After the sinking of the Titanic on April 15, 1912, the great ship slumbered on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean for over 70 years before its wreckage was discovered. On September 1, 1985, a joint American-French expedition, headed by famous American oceanographer Dr. Robert Ballard, found the Titanic over two miles below the ocean’s surface by using an unmanned submersible called Argo. This discovery gave new meaning to the Titanic’s sinking and gave birth to new dreams in ocean exploration. The Titanic’s Journey Built in Ireland from 1909 to 1912 on behalf of the British-owned White Star Line, the Titanic officially left the European port of Queenstown, Ireland, on April 11, 1912. Carrying over 2,200 passengers and crew, the great ship began its maiden voyage across the Atlantic, headed for New York. The Titanic carried passengers from all walks of life. Tickets were sold to first-, second-, and third-class passengers- the latter group largely consisting of immigrants seeking a better life in the United States. Famous first-class passengers included J. Bruce Ismay, the managing director of the White Star Line; business magnate Benjamin Guggenheim; and members of the Astor and Strauss families. The Sinking of the Titanic Only three days after setting sail, the Titanic struck an iceberg at 11:40 p.m. on April 14, 1912, somewhere in the North Atlantic. Although it took the ship over two and a half hours to sink, the vast majority of the crew and passengers perished due to a significant lack of lifeboats and improper use of those that did exist. The lifeboats could have held over 1,100 people, but only 705 passengers were saved; nearly 1,500 perished the night the Titanic sank. People around the world were shocked when they heard that the â€Å"unsinkable†Titanic had sunk. They wanted to know the details of the disaster. Yet, however much the survivors could share, theories about how and why the Titanic sank would remain unsubstantiated until the wreckage of the great ship could be found. There was just one problem- no one was sure exactly where the Titanic had sunk. An Oceanographers Pursuit For as long as he could remember, Robert Ballard had wanted to find the wreckage of the Titanic. His childhood in San Diego, California, near the water sparked his life-long fascination with the ocean, and he learned to scuba dive as soon as he was able. After graduating from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1965 with degrees in both chemistry and geology, Ballard signed up for the Army. Two years later, in 1967, Ballard transferred to the Navy, where he was assigned to the Deep Submergence Group at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Research Institution in Massachusetts, thus beginning his illustrious career with submersibles. By 1974, Ballard had received two doctoral degrees (marine geology and geophysics) from the University of Rhode Island and had spent a lot of time conducting deep-water dives in Alvin, a manned submersible he helped design. During subsequent dives in 1977 and 1979 near the Galapagos Rift, Ballard helped discover hydrothermal vents, which led in turn to the discovery of the amazing plants that grew around these vents. Scientific analysis of these plants led to the discovery of chemosynthesis, a process in which plants use chemical reactions rather than sunlight to get energy. However many shipwrecks Ballard explored and however much of the ocean floor he mapped, Ballard never forgot about the Titanic. â€Å"I always wanted to find the Titanic, Ballard has said. That was a Mt. Everest in my world- one of those mountains that had never been climbed.†* Planning the Mission Ballard wasn’t the first to try to find the Titanic. Over the years, there had been several teams that had set out to find the wreckage of the famous ship; three of them had been funded by millionaire oilman Jack Grimm. On his last expedition in 1982, Grimm had taken an underwater picture of what he believed to be a propeller from the Titanic; others believed it was only a rock. The hunt for the Titanic was to continue, this time with Ballard. But first, he needed funding. Given Ballards history with the U.S. Navy, he decided to ask them to fund his expedition. They agreed, but not because they had a vested interest in finding the long-lost ship. Instead, the Navy wanted to use the technology Ballard would create to also help them find and investigate the wreckage of two nuclear submarines (the USS Thresher and the USS Scorpion) that had been mysteriously lost in the 1960s. Ballard’s search for the Titanic provided a nice cover story for the Navy, who wanted to keep their search for their lost submarines a secret from the Soviet Union. Amazingly, Ballard maintained the secrecy of his mission even as he built the technology and used it to find and explore the remains of the USS Thresher and the remains of the USS Scorpion. While Ballard was investigating these wreckages, he learned more about debris fields, which would prove crucial in finding the Titanic. Once his secret mission was complete, Ballard was able to focus on searching for the Titanic. However, he now had only two weeks in which to do it. Locating the Titanic It was late August 1985 when Ballard finally began his search. He had invited a French research team, led by Jean-Louis Michel, to join this expedition. Aboard the Navy’s oceanographic survey ship, the Knorr, Ballard and his team headed to the likely location of the Titanic’s resting place- 1,000 miles due east of Boston, Massachusetts. While previous expeditions had used close sweeps of the ocean floor to search for the Titanic, Ballard decided to conduct mile-wide sweeps in order to cover more area. He was able to do this for two reasons. First, after examining the wreckage of the two submarines, he discovered that ocean currents often swept lighter pieces of the wreck downstream, thus leaving a long debris trail. Secondly, Ballard had engineered a new unmanned submersible (Argo) that could explore wider areas, dive deeper, stay underwater for many weeks, and deliver crisp and clear pictures of what it found. This meant that Ballard and his team could stay on board the Knorr and monitor the images taken from Argo, with the hopes that those images would capture small, man-made pieces of debris. The Knorr arrived in the area on August 22, 1985, and began sweeps of the area using Argo. In the early morning hours of September 1, 1985, the first glimpse of the Titanic in 73 years appeared on Ballard’s screen. Exploring 12,000 feet below the ocean’s surface, the Argo relayed the image of one of the Titanic’s boilers embedded within the sandy surface of the ocean’s floor. The team on the Knorr was ecstatic about the discovery, although the realization that they were floating atop the graves of nearly 1,500 individuals lent a somber tone to their celebration. The expedition proved to be instrumental in shedding light on the Titanic’s sinking. Prior to the discovery of the wreckage, there was some belief that the Titanic had sunk in one piece. The 1985 images did not give researchers definitive information on the ship’s sinking; however, it did establish some basic foundations that countered early myths. Subsequent Expeditions Ballard returned to the Titanic in 1986 with new technology that allowed him to further explore the interior of the majestic ship. Images were collected that showed the remains of the beauty that so captivated those who had seen the Titanic at its height. The Grand Staircase, still-hanging chandeliers, and intricate iron-work were all photographed during Ballard’s second successful expedition. Since 1985, there have been several dozen expeditions to the Titanic. Many of these expeditions have been controversial since salvagers brought up several thousand artifacts from the ship’s remains. Ballard has been widely outspoken against these efforts, claiming that he felt the ship deserved to rest in peace. During his two initial expeditions, he decided not to bring any discovered artifacts to the surface. He felt that others should honor the sanctity of the wreckage in a similar fashion. The most proliferate salvager of Titanic artifacts has been RMS Titanic Inc. The company has brought many notable artifacts to the surface, including a large piece of the ship’s hull, passenger luggage, dinnerware, and even documents preserved in oxygen-starved compartments of steamer trunks. Due to negotiations between its predecessor company and the French government, the RMS Titanic group initially could not sell the artifacts, only put them on display and charge admission to recoup expenses and generate profit. The largest exhibition of these artifacts, over 5,500 pieces, is located in Las Vegas, Nevada, at the Luxor Hotel, under the direction of the RMS Titanic Groups new name, Premier Exhibitions Inc. Titanic Returns to the Silver Screen Although the Titanic has been featured in numerous films through the years, it was James Cameron’s 1997 film, Titanic, that stimulated massive, worldwide interest in the ship’s fate. The movie became one of the most popular films ever made. The 100th Anniversary The 100th Anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic in 2012 also fueled renewed interest in the tragedy, 15 years after Cameron’s film. The wreckage site is now eligible to be named a protected area as a UNESCO World Heritage site, and Ballard is also working to preserve what remains. An expedition in August 2012 revealed that increased human activity has caused the ship to break down at a faster rate than previously expected. Ballard came up with a plan to slow the process of degradation- painting the Titanic while it remains 12,000 feet below the ocean’s surface- but the plan was never implemented. The discovery of the Titanic was a momentous accomplishment, but not only is the world conflicted about how to care for this historical wreck, but its existing artifacts could also now be in jeopardy. Premier Exhibitions Inc. filed for bankruptcy in 2016, asking permission from the bankruptcy court to sell the Titanics artifacts. As of this publication, the court has not made a ruling on the request.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Least vs. Lest
Least vs. Lest Least vs. Lest Least vs. Lest By Maeve Maddox Least, pronounced [LEEST], is the superlative of the adjective little: little, littler, least. It can also function as noun and adverb: She passed the exam without the least preparation. (adjective) Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me. (noun) The person who can least spare it is often the most willing to give others a piece of his mind. (adverb) Lest, pronounced [LEST], is a conjunction that introduces a clause that expresses something that should be guarded against. Although still used by modern writers and speakers, it has a distinctly literary flavor: Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:6 Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow. (Moral to Aesop’s tale of â€Å"The Dog and the Shadow.†) The formulaic phrase lest we forget is especially popular at the time of year when a nation honors its military forces and commemorates the slain. Used this way, it means â€Å"So we don’t forget,†or â€Å"Let us not forget.†For example, this past Memorial Day the phrase appeared on hundreds of websites above photo collections, memoirs, and poems dedicated to the memory of enlisted men and women who gave the supreme sacrifice. â€Å"Lest we forget†is also used as a cautionary expression, warning of disappointment or danger to ensue if something is forgotten: Lest we forget the pastBuying broken or unfinished games. Lest We Forget. â€Å"Remembering Abbott’s Past†Lest we forget, child abuse has many forms. Unfortunately, a great many English speakers are confused about the difference between least and lestat least when it comes to the phrase â€Å"Lest we forget.†A Web search brings up hundreds, perhaps thousands of sites headed by the phrase â€Å"Least We Forget.†Here are a few examples that go beyond the three words: Least we forget in the Twenty First Century Least we forget the Holocaust. Least we forget Vietnam, Ethiopia, you insert any war you like. Least we forget what China actually is I even found a song title spelled â€Å"Least We Forget.†In conclusion, lest you forget, lest rhymes with west. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Addressing A Letter to Two PeopleDisappointed + Preposition10 Functions of the Comma
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Financial Liberalisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Financial Liberalisation - Essay Example In the light of this irony, this paper intends to look at liberalization from the Asian perspective, specifically from the viewpoint of China and South Korea. The idea of liberalization holds at its core the notion that there be a total and complete opening of the market so that trade and capital can freely enter and move out without the burden of tax, tariffs and other forms of governmental control. Coupled with this is the idea of deregulation, which implies no governmental intervention or minimal governmental intervention in the dynamic movements of the market. This perception of liberalization has in fact has been carried over to all aspects and players of the market sparing nothing even financial institutions. The notion of financial liberalization connotes the idea that "financials markets are left to their own devices"(Soros, 2002,p 112). This inspite of the fact that financial market are basically different in nature from that of actual markets since the latter is working from known quantities (physical goods and services) whereas the former is technically working from unknowable quantities. Being such, the moment that financial m arkets are left on its own they are liable to go to extremes and breakdown. Thus, financial liberalization, though pinning for a free, level market playing field, is an oxymoron since financial institutions are basically not to be left at their own devices but must be supervised and to some extent managed by monetary authorities. Take the case of China. China's opening to international foreign trade is quite new. Considering the fact that China has just started opening her doors to foreign investors in the 60's. But despite this, the staggering improvements in financial markets in China is worth noting. On 1984, China has undertaken financial reforms and new monetary policies. Under the financial reforms, China has established its central bank known as People's Bank of China (PBOC) who has the direct say on matters pertinent to national financial institutions. While, four specialist's banks have also been established as the PBOC's arm in commercial banking functions. They are the "Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, which caters for urban enterprises an residents; the Agricultural Bank of China, which caters for rural enterprises and residents; the People's Construction of China, which mainly caters for construction enterprises; and the Bank of China which specializes in foreign exchange business" (EAAU, 2000, p 113). Further more, in 1994 three new banks have been established and these are: "State development Bank (lending for major infrastructure projects); China Import and Export Bank (providing finance for traders) and China Agricultural development Bank (providing funds f or agricultural crop purchasing)"(EAAU, 2000, p114). The latter have been established for the main purpose of removing policy-lending obligations from the four state-owned specialist's banks so that it can develop into "commercial entities" (EAAU, 2000, 114). These banks perform their specific functions over and above the normal banking transactions of accepting deposits and withdrawals, offering loans and guarantees, investments in Chinese treasury and government bonds. The most significant manifestation of financial liberal
American old film class Cabin in the Sky and The Wizard of Oz Essay
American old film class Cabin in the Sky and The Wizard of Oz - Essay Example The sets are lavish, costumes bizarre, colours psychedelic and the music is loud and active. Two very good visual sequences are the foreboding interior of the Wizards castle and the swooping swarm of the Wicked Witchs minions resembling flying monkeys. The wicked witch threatens Dorothy. The Wizard of Oz is a true predecessor of most modern Hollywood movies, and perhaps the single most influential movie of the twentieth century. Its reputation of being a classic is well deserved. This movie was released during the Great Depression. The faith in human nature expressed in The Wizard of Oz served as an affirmation to movie going audiences in 1939. The Wizard of Oz is one of the most enduring stories in American popular culture, the themes and images from this story are a part of everyday experience and the songs "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," "Follow the Yellow Brick Road" and "If I Only Had a Brain," are instantly recognizable. The Wizard of Oz is about the great American myth of self-actualization, the allegorical search for courage, intelligence and heart. The message of the film is that all of these things lie within one and all that is needed is to recognize them and that despite the magical and amazingly colourful world that we live in, there is no place like home and ones family. It could also be construed to be a film about the disillusionment with politics as the great and celebrated leader turns out to be a charlatan, while all that is needed to get by is the simple basic tools within held by the masses of the world. The 1943 musical "Cabin in the Sky", resembles a standard MGM musical rather than a black-music musical. "Little Joe" Jackson (Eddie" Rochester" Anderson) drifts from his devout and devoted wife Petunia (Ethel Waters), to Georgia Brown (Lena Horne). He is shot by Domino Johnson (John W. Sublett), a gambler. Little Joes soul leaves the body and Lucifer, Jr. (Rex
Friday, October 18, 2019
How does the Study of Heat Relate to the Kinetic Theory of Matter Essay
How does the Study of Heat Relate to the Kinetic Theory of Matter - Essay Example If an equal amount of heat is supplied to all of them, the gas will be the first matter to break apart because of its loosely bound particles. On the other hand, a liquid substance would break due to the stretching ability of its particles reacting against the forces of attraction. However, solids take time to break apart and hence, possess the ability to break apart slowly as compared to liquids and gases. Ans. Heat is a form of energy. It is formed in a substance due to the movement of its atoms and molecules in a random motion. When energy is induced in an object, it causes the atoms and the molecules of an object to move at a higher speed thus causing heat in the object. It has also been found out that even the cold objects possess some degree of heat in them because of the movement of their atoms and molecules. Joules is used as a standard unit to measure heat. Ans. The average heat or thermal energy of the particles in an object is known as the temperature of that substance. It is important to know that, since temperature is the average measurement of the heat or the thermal energy, therefore, it is not dependent on the quantity of the particles present in an object. It is the physical property of an object which differentiates between the degree of hotness and coldness. Temperature has three standardized temperature scales such as Kelvin (K), Celsius (C), and Fahrenheit (F). However, Celsius is widely used around the world to measure temperature. Ans. Heat and temperature are closely interrelated with each other. Their relationship is dependent on the change in the state of the matter from solid to liquid and then to gas. We know that heat is a form of energy whereas, the temperature is the effect produced by the heat.Â
People management practices adopted in Innocent Essay
People management practices adopted in Innocent - Essay Example 78). The recent years in the company have been marked by an increased need to change in the human resource management functions. The changes includes more focus being put on managing people to take part in the implementation and formulation of business strategy to meet the company’s objectives. These changes have been effected in the business environment following the revolution in globalization, information technology and competition. The environmental changes have been effected on the company as it needs to quickly adapt and deal with the general strategies and practices in important areas like productivity, marketing, human resources and employment structure. Innocent Drinks management tends to direct its investment in the employees considering them as partners so as to have the business grow and gain a sustainable competitive advantage. Innocent business falls in a complex and dynamic environment. Just like most of the businesses in the market, Innocent has taken more cons ideration in external factors like economic, political and legal environment in an effort to keep growing and maintain its competitive advantage. One of the key management practices employed by innocent is cost leadership that is commonly associated with Porters approach of gaining competitive advantage. ... One of the key management strategies that has ensured success in Innocent is its innovative approaches to leadership, induction, recruitment development, communication and engagement. The innovative approaches have led Innocent Drinks Company to grow to the extent of enjoying an 80 per cent share in the UK market (Kotler and Armstrong 2000, p. 34). This strategy that has been primary designed to assist managers and leaders within the company to employ a new mindset for the success of the business has also been adapted in the induction, communication, cultural change and training based on team work. As a result, Innocent Drink Company has managed to bring out the best of its people through adopting unique approaches. Such approaches challenge the leaders in the organization to review the manner in which they operate. Innocent has moved to shape a supportive, informal and fun environment in its work place and has also come up with an authentic culture of respect and trust that is based on its core values. The management strategy includes the recruitment of enthusiastic, energetic and passionate people as well as engages, motivates and empowers the people to work with autonomy and freedom. The company’s strategy is an illustration of a leadership style that is relaxed and it has been managed in a manner to avoid its internal silos. Innocent’s communication strategy has been effected such that it cuts across the business and it instigates enjoyable and lively team meetings. This approach has resulted to Innocent being regarded as an engaging and attractive working environment. The basic working principle of Innocent is to produce smoothie drinks that are simply made from fresh juice and fruits,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Labor economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Labor economics - Essay Example Employers would want to reduce costs and maximize profits. Therefore, employers will increase the minimum wage and decrease the number of employees to maintain their profitability. Various factors determine the size of the effect of an increase in the minimum wage on employment in perfect competition. First is nonmonetary compensation/ incentives, where employers reduce fringe benefits and increase the minimum wage without incurring additional costs. Second is the increased cost of a product. In the model economy, a corporation that increases its minimum wage reacts slowly to a corresponding rise in the price of its product than its competition in the industry (Card & Kruger, 792). The buyer has the ability to purchase a good at a lower price in a competitive market because he/ she can affect its price. Collusive behavior among buyers that influences the elasticity of the supply curve gives buyers monopsony power. The minimum wage increase might have a positive effect on employment if firms have significant monopsony power (Mangunsong, n.p.). This paper relies on studies such as the analysis of 410 fast food restaurants in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, which increased the minimum wage to $ 5.05 from $ 4.25. The study shows reduced employment in each state for companies that were paying the minimum wage of $4.25. The effect was insignificant for those that had their minimum wage at $5.05 (Card & Kruger, 792). However, it is hard to standardized results, since employers face supply limitations in both monopsony and equilibrium models. The range of estimates produced by studies may be invalid due partly to differences in working hours for part- time and full-time employees. Individual skills and in-house job training also affect the results of increasing minimum wages since it affects employee efficiency, which in turn
What were the major external threats to the Ottoman Empire, 1878-1900, Essay
What were the major external threats to the Ottoman Empire, 1878-1900, and how were they contained - Essay Example This discussion therefore seeks to dissect these external challenges and how the empire responded to them. Reid explains that in the period between 1878 and 1900, the Ottoman Empire was still grappling with the negative aftereffects of its previous involvement with war against her external enemies, Poland, Persia, Russia and Austria in the period between 1768 and 1774. Moreover, the terms of the treaty that ended this war did not auger well with the Ottoman Empire’s interests. Particularly, the Kuchuk-Kaynarja Treaty which was intended to end the Russo-Ottoman war of 1768-1774: granted independence to the Trans-Danubian provinces; forced the Ottoman Empire to abandon the Tartar Khanate which was in the Crimea; compelled the empire to pay large war remunerations; and gave Russian ships permission to access the Ottoman water bodies. The 1870s therefore found the empire grappling with these setbacks and carried them onwards1. Additionally, the empire was still reeling from the effects of the Greek War of Independence which had taken place between 1821 and 1832. At the Battle of Navarino, the Anglo-French destroyed the Egyptian and Ottoman fleets, as the Russian troops captured swathes of the empire’s territories upto to Erdine. It is against the backdrop of the development that the Ottoman power attracted greater extents of vulnerability. This vulnerability was in turn underscored by the glaring attractiveness of the empire’s vast holdings to other players in international relations and thereby complicating the status and fate of the Eastern Question. As these problems persisted, Tsar Nicholas I of Prussia referred to the empire as the Sick man of Europe. From this point, the Concert of Europe was mainly concerned about how the Ottoman Empire could be disposed off in a manner that would not gain any power, at the expense of other powers, so as not to disturb the balance of political power i n European politics
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Labor economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Labor economics - Essay Example Employers would want to reduce costs and maximize profits. Therefore, employers will increase the minimum wage and decrease the number of employees to maintain their profitability. Various factors determine the size of the effect of an increase in the minimum wage on employment in perfect competition. First is nonmonetary compensation/ incentives, where employers reduce fringe benefits and increase the minimum wage without incurring additional costs. Second is the increased cost of a product. In the model economy, a corporation that increases its minimum wage reacts slowly to a corresponding rise in the price of its product than its competition in the industry (Card & Kruger, 792). The buyer has the ability to purchase a good at a lower price in a competitive market because he/ she can affect its price. Collusive behavior among buyers that influences the elasticity of the supply curve gives buyers monopsony power. The minimum wage increase might have a positive effect on employment if firms have significant monopsony power (Mangunsong, n.p.). This paper relies on studies such as the analysis of 410 fast food restaurants in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, which increased the minimum wage to $ 5.05 from $ 4.25. The study shows reduced employment in each state for companies that were paying the minimum wage of $4.25. The effect was insignificant for those that had their minimum wage at $5.05 (Card & Kruger, 792). However, it is hard to standardized results, since employers face supply limitations in both monopsony and equilibrium models. The range of estimates produced by studies may be invalid due partly to differences in working hours for part- time and full-time employees. Individual skills and in-house job training also affect the results of increasing minimum wages since it affects employee efficiency, which in turn
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Democratization processes and rise of corporate power Essay
Democratization processes and rise of corporate power - Essay Example In this respect, the government must respect a citizen's right to associate freely, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of expression and the freedom to criticize their leaders. Members of a democratic society have the right to know the goings on in their country; they ought to be able to stand for any civic or parliamentary post within their country or vote for a leader of their choice. Such governments must not discriminate women or other groups from participating in government. Citizens have a right to choose whatever political party they prefer and to involve themselves in campaigns .Lastly, the rule of law must apply in a democratic state. This means that no one can take away another's right and be left unpunished. The law keeps powers of government under check and no one should think they are above the law including the head of state. Citizens in a democratic state should not use their powers within their offices to infringe others. Imprisonment, torture or other un fair treatments have no place in democracy (Anderson, 2000) Corporate power is not a new issue in the world today. There are numerous ways in which corporations demonstrate their far reaching political abilities. Corporations have dominated economies of the world and have the ability to surpass common law to the detriment of the common man. Consequently, the process of democracy has been affected by the influence exerted by these corporations. The relationship between these two aspects is what shall be examined in detail in the next section of the essay. Unlimited power on the part of corporations also causes a huge impact on the social and environmental aspects of people's lives. (Anderson, 2000) Democracy and the rise of corporate power Decision making ability The rise of corporate power has transferred the right to make decisions from citizen's lives to big time corporations thus demeaning the major principles of a true democracy. This type of influence enables corporations to make decisions about what technology a country should adopt and what kind of production should be adopted within a certain country. Corporations use their power to determine the kind of methods used for production. Because these large corporations market, employ and deal with majority of the country's population, they cause a large effect on them. Corporate influence surpasses the law because corporations are regarded as private entities in most countries of the world. In this sense therefore, they cannot be questioned when they make their choices. Corporations also participate in politics. They do so by lobbying and giving politicians treats such as a dinner or luncheons. In such cases, they have direct influence in the way things are done Political contributions Corporations have been known to participate in political processes through the monetary contributions which they have made. A research done by the Institute for Policy Studies in the year 2000 showed that there are about eighty two companies that made contributions in the United States during their last election. The sum total of money contributed by these corporations was about thirty three million dollars. This was the largest contribution made by any entity in the election. Compared to the next highest contributor in the elections; Labor Unions, Corporations exceeded the
Monday, October 14, 2019
Of mice and men - A comparison of the opening scenes of the film and the beginning of the book Essay Example for Free
Of mice and men A comparison of the opening scenes of the film and the beginning of the book Essay A comparison of the opening scenes of the film and the beginning of the book Of mice and men is set in southern California at the time of the great depression (late 1920 and early 30s), the basis of the story is about 2 men George and Lenny, who are two workers who travel from place to place finding work on ranches, so they can earn there 50 bucks a month. George is the leader out of the two he looks after Lenny, sorts out where they go and what they do and eat. Lenny is a very big and strong man, but he is very dumb and could not look after himself, he his at heart a nice, harmless man but likes colourful, nice feeling things, so he is just like a small child. Lenny gets them into trouble a lot, he likes to touch nice things and when he does people get the wrong idea and like at the start of the book and film gets accused of rape, and at the end causes a death of a woman. Like most writers or directors, John Steinbeck and Gary Sinise try to grab the readers or viewers attention. Even though the novel and film are based on the same story, they use different techniques and ways to try and get the audiences attention. In the novel John Steinbeck uses a lot of description of his settings and this is how he tries to keep the audiences imagination going. For example in the first two pages of the novel, he uses a strong descriptive and a strong style of language to try and give an effect of a natural, calm and peaceful atmosphere, also when describing the willow pool he tries and puts as much detail in as possible, as this area of land is one of the most important places in the story as this is where Steinbeck starts the story and ends it in a similar place. Its quite amazing how Steinbeck manages to turn a violent and threatening scene into a calm, relaxing place and an almost peaceful time. I think that the first set of settings is set in a spring/summer theme as they are talking about there dream which is seen as the American dream of this time, so this also relates to life in the late boom and depression of the 1920s. The beginning is used to try and introduce the two main characters portraying Lenny as the leader and it seems that he is like a father to Lenny who is portrayed as a small child who cannot control what he is doing. George also knows he has to take the role as the father or older brother and has to keep rules and tells him what to do, e.g. when they are drinking from the lake Lenny keeps his head in the water and is just guzzling the water down, then George says; For god sake dont drink so much, and also he checks if the water is safe by making sure that its is running although George is of little intelligence him self he knows how to stay alive and live well. Gary Sinise tries to grab the audiences attention quite differently at the beginning of the film as he uses a dramatic sequence of George and Lenny sitting in the luggage holder of a train, and you see him thinking back to what happened at Weed. When this is happening the light fades over Georges face from the cracks in the compartments wooden walls, this effect of the light streaming across his face gives an imaginary sense of prison bars. During Georges flashbacks you see them running fast and out of breath down a field full of long grass, and it keeps flashing back on Georges face in the train giving you a sense of distress instead of the calming effect of the novel. It then flashes to a pretty woman in a red dress that has a rip going down the bottom of it, the air flows through her dress and hair as she is running down a field. This scene really is exciting and full of tension to the viewer, which contrasts totally to the calm and peaceful opening of the book. Next you she a bunch of workers in a field, and they hear the girls screams. The workers on horse follow carrying shotguns. This contrasts to the life of today against nearly a century ago, as nowadays Lenny would have been arrested and put to a fair trial but back then they would have just killed Lenny on the spot. This scene puts people on the edges of their seats giving a sense of suspense; this is how a good director is able to keep the audiences attention to the film. The scene of the willow pool is quite like the scene in the book it gives a more relaxed effect from the previous suspense scenes, as they hide neck deep under the overflowing bush weed, and luckily the workers lose them. When we see George and Lenny getting there work cards it proves the fact that this is in the 1930s as there were a lot of job shortages and you had to go to a job office and see if any jobs were available, most people would take any job there was, because of the depression. This then gives us a slight historical background of the time they are in. George in the book is firstly described as small and quick, dark of face with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. George being described as having restless eyes gives an impression that he is quite alert and a quick thinker of what to do in troubled times. Lenny on the other hand is described quite differently: Huge man, shapeless face with large, pale eyes, with wide sloping shoulders; and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a bear drags his paws. the way a bear drags his paws Lenny is being described as an animal which shows that he is a slow and clumsy both physical and mentally. The characters in the film are unlike the ones in the book as they are not physically opposite. Lenny is only slightly taller than George, but the behaviours of these two characters do mirror that it is similar to the book as Lenny acts like a child and George is the smart, dominant one. This is often shown in the close ups of their faces and in their speech and movement. The clothes they wear are described in the book as workers clothes so rugged and tattered, so the movie is also based on this part as the clothes in the movie are like this. In my opinion I think casting John Malkovich was perfect to be Lenny as he was able to portray the child like brain of Lenny. He seemed to fit the right description of Lenny. The voice used by John Malkovich was very effective in giving the viewer a childlike impression of Lenny. Gary Sinise although he was director he himself played George and he obviously knew how he wanted George to be played and he did with an amazing attitude, he gave out the attitude and cunningness of George as is written in the book. In conclusion, the beginning of the book and the beginning of the film are based on the same storyline. The way the scenes are described and presented are really quite different. Gary Sinise is able to create a sense of action and suspense followed by the calm of the willow pool, whilst Steinbeck creates a very rich and calm descriptive opening scene, which contrasts with the violence of what is actually happening.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Diaper Market in India
Diaper Market in India Birth rates have declined in the developed world and that has become unfavorable for the diaper manufacturers to expand their businesses. Internationally, birth rates in the developed nations have declined by 20% during the last 30 years and are now only half the global average. The global market for diapers was worth $22.2 billion, a 2.9% increase Year on Year. But the major markets of Western Europe, the U.S. and Japan reported decline. As a result, companies like Procter Gamble and Kimberly Clark are banking more on innovation to their rescue. This has been a major contributor of success for PG in the past few years. There is newly developed focus on developing country markets, which derives 40% of global diaper revenue. Markets such as Russia and China are providing brands with excellent opportunities for longer term growth. It is also remarkable to see the trend in the developed markets towards greener products as shown in the chart below Diaper Market in Developing Country There is huge growth potential for diaper products in emerging markets such as China, Brazil and India, as these markets are still quite underdeveloped and in the nascent stage. While it has taken advanced Western economies some time to realize the environmental price of their development this is not the case for todays emerging nations. In this case even the global recession will enable China to have more time to better make arrangements for considering more sustainable and greener options for its growth. Middle-class is at the forefront of environmental awareness as the environmental consequences of rapid industrialization and urbanization in countries such as China and India are becoming increasingly apparent Also in countries such as India, the Philippines and Malaysia, levels of consumer awareness regarding hygiene products are very still very low. Indian Diaper Market In 2009, manufacturers have been now more focused on more categories such as disposable diapers. With the increasing buying power of Indian consumers, companies are looking for options which are more convenient and safe to use for the children. Increase in awareness about hygiene is a big factor for thus development. Some of the major development last year is as follows: Procter Gamble Hygiene Health Care Ltd introduced Pampers Magic Nickers Kimberly-Clark Lever Ltd introduced Huggies New Born, a product specifically targeting the mothers of new born babies. With increasing awareness regarding the advantages of using the use of disposable diapers over cloth substitutes, Indian parents are now spending more on purchasing such products which in turn led to an increase in sales value for the manufacturers. Convenience has been one of the driving factors in this change. Even in tier 2 towns and cities, parents are willing to spend money on disposable diapers to use when the baby is taken out of the home, for added convenience. Also as babies get older, some young mothers look to go back to work. This encouraged the use of diapers, as they are more convenient, and they do not need to spend time washing cloth nappies. Also, as babies become more active, and nappies are a more comfortable and hygienic alternative to cloth nappies. However currently the majority of the sales is restricted to customers in urban India. So the penetration rate of disposable diapers has been increasing, as more young parents are finding it convenient to switch from cloth nappies to disposable nappies. Sales of disposable pants remained negligible in India in 2009. Procter Gamble Hygiene Health Care Ltd introduced Pampers Magic Nickers and Uni-Charm Corp entered India with its brand of Mamy Poko Pants. Disposable pants have seen an increase in activity from the leading brands, but sales have still not become significant. The main factors that inhibit the growth of this category are as follows: Cultural factors: Diapers are a relatively new concept in India. Indian parents use Diaper only for the sake of convenience during travel. Price: When launched, diapers were priced at around Rs. 15 per piece which is high priced. The average prices in last few years have dropped to Rs 10 per piece but its still very costly for everyday usage. Other Trends: Potty training in India is at around two to two and a half years average. With that taking place at such a young age, the use of diapers is even lower for Indian babies. Also with the easy availability of cheap domestic help in India, it is convenient for Indian mothers to wash and reuse cloth nappies. Some of the important facts and figures are shown as follows: Marketing Objective The penetration of disposable diapers has been increasing, as parents are finding it suitable to switch from cloth nappies to disposable nappies. With the market offering a variety of products across several price ranges, use of disposable diapers is expected to grow. Today young mothers are more sensitive about hygiene and health. They will readily utilize disposable nappies from an earlier age. Also, many young working mothers will want to habituate their children to wearing disposable diapers, and thus will start using them early. The forecast of retail sales of Diapers shows strong growth figures, in two digits. And with more consumers shifting from traditional cloth nappies to disposable diapers, the category is expected to burgeon in the coming years. Godrej Consumer Products Limiteds main brand under Tissues and Hygiene category, Snuggy Dry has witnessed several changes in ownership in the Indian market. The joint venture between Godrej Consumer Products limited and SCA Hygiene Products which manufactured and distributed Snuggy Dry discontinued. This led to SCA Hygienes exit from India. The brand Snuggy Dry, which was the third largest disposable diapers brand in 2009, is now being marketed and distributed by Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. Over the years, the diaper market in India has been dominated by existing players Kimberley Clark and Procter and Gamble as can been seen in the graph below. Godrej is moving strong in FMCG sector currently standing second to HUL and being fiercely competitive to HUL. Although Hindustan Unilever enjoys market leadership in several segments in India, it is slowly losing its ground to Godrej, which has relatively competitively priced products. Moreover, profit margins of Godrej products are significantly higher than those of HULs. Based on this background, the marketing objective is to capitalize on the above mentioned conditions and increase the market share of Snuggy Dry diapers from the current 8% level to 10% in short term and substantially continue gaining higher market share. 5Cs Situation Analysis Godrej Company Godrej Consumer Products (GCPL) is deals in manufacturing, marketing, and distributing fast moving consumer goods. The company offers various products such as soaps, toiletries, cosmetics, hair care, household care, fabric care and baby care products. It also markets products under Cinthol, Fairglow, Godrej No 1, Nupur and Ezee brand names. The company primarily operates in India and some overseas market. It is headquartered in Mumbai, India. The company recorded revenues of INR13,929.7 million ($303.9 million) in the financial year ended March 2009 (FY2009), an increase of 26.3% over FY2008. The companys operating profit was INR1,881.6 million ($41.1 million) in FY2009, a decrease of 4.8% compared to FY2008. Its net profit was INR1,732.5 million ($37.8 million) in FY2009, an increase of 8.8% over FY2008. (Source :EuroMoniter) In Diaper segment, Godrej Products Ltd offers Snuggy Dry. This has around 10% market share accounting for the third position in Indian Diaper market. Godrej Consumer Products Ltd regained share in 2009, as the joint venture between Godrej Sara Lee and SCA Hygiene (Godrej SCA Hygiene Ltd) was discontinued. The brand Snuggy Dry is now being marketed and distributed by Godrej Consumer Products Ltd exclusively. The company has five factories in India, at Baddi, Guwahati, Katha, Malanpur and Sikkim. Apart from Snuggy Dry, all the other products of GCPL are produced in-country. Snuggy Dry was part of the Godrej SCA Hygiene Ltd joint venture, which was imported into India, and after the discontinuation of the joint venture, the brand was distributed by GCPL. Competition Huggies (by Kimberly-Clark) is the leader in the Indian market with a value share if 60 % share.Pampers from Procter and Gamble Hygiene and Health Care Ltd. is at number 2 spot followed by Snuggy from Godrej Consumer products Ltd. Wipro Ltd and BellePremier Happy HygieneCare Pvt. Ltd. also have their own brands competing for the market share. Huggies and Pampers controlled 84% of the market in 2009 according to a Euro monitor International report. These brands have invested heavily in advertising and hence have a dominating market share. Kimberly Clark launched a new product called Huggies New Born in 2009, which was diaper targeted towards new mothers. The product has been a moderate success as penetration of disposable diapers remains low in India, with mothers often using cloth nappies for young boys. New brand Mamy Poko Pants has been using extensive television advertising, with its advertisements highlighting the comfort of the products and the ease with which they can be put on a child. In a market in which the leading players advertise a great deal through television, these advertisements will help it to increase its brand presence. It can be said that the products compete against each other based on the price. Teddy and Wipro are considered as economy brands. Pampers, Huggies and Snuggy have price points in all three price segments. Disposable pants have a more premium price point within diapersPantaloon Retail India Ltd entered this category with the launch of its brand Caremate in 2009. Other private labels have not yet emerged in India. Diapers/Pants Retail Company Shares 2005-2009 Customers With the increasing income levels in India, parents are spending more on purchasing disposable diapers instead of reusing cloth nappies at home. In addition, awareness is increasing through the media about the different brands and the benefits of using disposable diapers over cloth versions, manufacturers saw an increase in value sales. Even in smaller towns and cities, parents are willing to spend money on disposable diapers to use when the baby is taken out of the home, for added convenience. This has made Indias nascent baby care market transforming into worlds fastest growing baby market. A vast population of population in age group 0-4 years is a boon to the market. Aggressive marketing strategies and consumer acceptance of branded premium baby care products (especially in baby food and skin care segments) will enable the industry to register a CAGR of more than 11% during 2010-2013. The major market players have used television based advertising to their full advantage and have raised the awareness of Baby care. With the increased awareness and increasing purchasing power, customers are fast shifting from cloth nappies to baby diapers. The Decision makers in this market are parents with mother being the dominant decision maker. The market has used extensive retail channels with super markets, traditional grocery stores etc. This use of extensive channels has also resulted in the increasing demand. The rapid development of modern retail infrastructure is luring consumers for convenient shopping experience and transforming into high retail spending. Baby care companies are optimally utilizing this trend and executing strong product positioning strategies to maximize their market returns According to recent research, the Indian baby care market has grown substantially over the past few years and caught the attention of international players. However, there is still a relatively large and untapped market in the rural sector. This market is anticipated to witness concrete market developments which will also give impetus to the baby care market. Collaborators Most diaper brands in India are imported and so is the case with Snuggy. The production for Snuggy is carried out by a Chinese manufacturer. BroadVision, Inc. announced that Godrej Group of India has successfully implemented two new sales portals for its business and consumer channels. The new portals, built using BroadVisions multi-channel sales portal and content solution, have streamlined and enhanced customer service for two Godrej Group subsidiaries-Godrej Industries Limited (GIL), which provides industrial supplies to businesses, and Godrej Consumer Products Limited, a manufacturer of consumer products According to the companys analyst and investor meet report, rural distribution is essential for a sound growth. In 2009, reach in rural areas has increased by 40-50% in terms of small towns and villages. Rural now measures about quarter of GCPLs sales. It accounts for 45% of the growth. Going forward it is expected to be a continuous growth driver. Context Social/Cultural: In general, in India the diaper is met with resistance. And diapers are perceived as status symbols. One of the major concerns of diapers is rash it causes. Indians are not tolerant of rash and insist that the baby move around bare bottomed. Technology: Companies are heavily investing for bringing about innovations in this field. They are offering new products to boost consumer confidence and increase their market shares. Huggies Dry Diaper currently available in India is particularly designed for new users in new markets. The product employs high technology super absorbent materials (SAM) to deliver super dryness to the user which results in dry and healthy skin. SAM can absorb up to 100 times its weight. Also high leg cut design is one more innovation for hot climate from Kimberly- Clarke. It is a capital intensive industry and is associated with high costs. This is one of the major reasons why Godrej diapers are not manufactured in India but imported from China. SWOT Analysis (S)trengths: Godrej brand name is an asset, well known to Indian consumer Leveraging on the distribution channel by using Operation Big C. Cost benefit obtained by product import from china (W)eaknesses: Lack of marketing focus coupled with moderate success of Snuggy Happy Baby contest. Unavailability of RD facilities (O)pportunities: Strong Market Growth expected at 16% Growing disposable income of Indian parents ( both parents working) Increasing hygiene and health awareness of preferring diapers over clothes. (T)hreats: Presence of many competitors in the market Newer indigenous brand targeting the economic segment of the market Marketing Strategies The below graph shows the number of new born babies born per inhabitants, though the number of new-born babies are decreasing but still the market is huge. Diaper is competing with the traditional way of using Clothes which has the advantages of reuse, inexpensive and to a certain extent healthier for the babies. Healthier in the sense, diapers used to cause rashes while clothes didnt. Diapers have the advantage of convenience and cleanliness. In order to increase the market share for Godrej diapers we intend to implement a progressive marketing strategy. In terms of marketing we intend that our name and products are marketed on an extensive basis to ensure that customers are aware of our existence. In price, we intend to offer reasonable and competitive prices in comparison to other competitors and we need to be able to sustain that. Segmentation Profiles Dividing a market in to distinct groups of buyers with different needs, characteristics, or behaviour who might require separate product or marketing mixes. We can segment the market for the diaper market based on the disposable income of the parents. Regular use of disposable diapers remains more restricted to parents in urban India. Based on the stage of the new-born baby , the number of diaper to be used per month can be found Godrej should launch the diaper in three segments Premature when the baby is less than 6 months , New born when the baby is less than 2 year and Mini pack when the baby is 2-4 year. We can segment the market based on the Tier-1, Tier-2 cities. The disposable income of the parents has been increasing not just in Metro cities but also in tier-1 and tier-2 cities as well. But we find that number of working mother is less in these cities when compared to metropolitan cities. So the diaper usage will be less when compared to metropolitan cities. So we need to use a push marketing strategy for this segment of population without altering the pricing mix. Target Segment Demographic Distribution AGE GROUPS PERSONS MALES FEMALES 6 years and Below 163,819,614 84,999,203 78,820,411 RURAL-URBAN POPULATION DISTRIBUTION POPULATION PERCENTAGE RURAL 742,490,639 72.2 URBAN 286,119,689 27.8 Percentage of Children below 6yrs to total rural/urban population RURAL URBAN Number of children(0-6 yrs) 117,950,122 45869491 Percentage of Population 15.8 16 The target market will obviously be mothers to be and current mothers. Indians are not used to this product. This category is concentrated on urban market. The Indian mother is a cost-conscious woman and would like to recycle most of the products used for her household. The same applies to the products used for her baby too. Moreover, large population base in 0-4 years and parents increasing preference to spend more on baby products will drive the market to new horizons in near future. Apart from penetrating deep into urban market, rural market will also provide growth opportunities to companies. Indian demographic distribution shows that 72 percent of the population live in rural areas while the rest 28 percent live in urban or semi-urban areas. Out of the total population mix both in rural and urban areas approximately 15 -16% population is below 6 years which form the potential market share for the diaper market. With the average purchasing power of the Indian population increasing and the with increased hygiene awareness the rural market is the market of the future. When the purchasing power parity reaches threshold, India will be the largest customer of diapers within the next 15 years which and is expected to explode in next 3 to 5 years. It has been found that with the present birth rate 24 million babies are born in India every year. If we typically calculate 25% of these infants in the period birth and 24 months use at least 28 diapers a week, theoretically the available market is 8.7 billion pieces per year. It is estimated that the diaper market would grow at a rate of around 5-10%. This proposed market segmentation will help building strong position in specialized diaper market segments. It will allows Godrej to focus on target customer specific needs. It will help them to understand the customer need and make improvement in marketing mix for each segment. It will help Godrej to compete with Huggies and Pamper brand diapers. The TV and print media can reach the diaper buyers. These two media forms the potential to create the brand awareness among the buyers through various advertisements and promotional campaigns. Positioning The Godrej diaper should be positioned as a value-for-money brand, one that Reasonably priced Softness Ease of use Comfortable, good fit Manufactured with bacteria resistant technology, with clean and highly absorbent cotton lap Environment friendly No irritation to the skin Quicker Absorption Super Absorbent core keeping the baby dry for long hours It should be positioned as a product which is a Small package of joy Marketing Mix Product Design Disposable diaper is made of an absorbent pad sandwiched between two sheets of fabric. The diapers are made by a multi-step process, viz. The absorbent pad is made and attached to a permeable top sheet and impermeable bottom sheet The other accessories are then sealed together by application of heat or ultrasonic vibrations. Features The function of the pad is to absorb and retain body fluids, and the non-woven fabric gives the diaper a comfortable shape and prevents leakage. The main features of diapers would include: Absorb body fluid. Retain body fluid inside the absorbent core. Isolate wetness from the babys skin. Isolate other excretion from babys environment (clothes, bed, etc). Varieties The following major varieties of diapers and tissue hygiene products are predominantly present in the Indian market Regular diapers New born nappies Disposable pants Adult diapers Junior diapers Godrej primarily focuses on regular diapers, junior diapers and new born nappies. The company markets a narrow portfolio of products within retail tissue and hygiene. It has only two brands, Snuggy Dry and Protekt, but there are some variations in terms of fragrances under the Protekt brand umbrella. Most of the diaper brands continue to be imported, including Snuggy. Godrej is currently outsourcing its diapers from a Chinese company and will continue to do so until the volumes pick up. Price Godrej has positioned its brands Snuggy Dry and Protekt in the standard price segment in the market. A regular Godrej diaper pack of 6 costs Rs. 50. Currently, the Snuggy brand of diapers has a retail price of Rs 85 for a pack of 10. Smaller pack sizes have also been introduced and there are more product innovations being considered within the diaper category in the area of nappy pads much along the same lines of its competitor Huggies from Kimberly Clark, which has also introduced nappy pads. However, the current prices are a result of 2% price hike in March 2010, by Godrej. In the retail tissue and hygiene market in India, Godrej diapers held just above 2% value share and were ranked 6 in 2009. Within diapers/pants, the company held a share of 8%, and was in third position after Procter Gamble Hygiene Health Care Ltd and Kimberly-Clark Lever Ltd. Promotion Being the first brand of diapers in the country, Snuggy enjoys high-brand loyalty as one of the three leading players in the Indian baby diaper market. Godrej benefits from the brand loyalty which Snuggy commands in the consumers mind. The following table shows the ranking of nappies and hygiene products in the sales of Godrej in 2009. Advertising Diaper ads typically are earnest, fawning over babies and remaining steadfastly euphemistic about function, typically pouring blue liquid into diapers to demonstrate absorbency. The major two brands focus on heavy marketing and advertisement in mass media and television. This has led them to capture around 90% of the market share. A commercial titled SNUGGY HAPPY BABY CONTEST was done by Madison Media advertising agency for GODREJ diapers. The campaign was moderately successful and helped Godrej to keep its 10% market share. Place The company has national coverage through wide marketing and distribution channels. Supermarkets and malls, especially BIG BAZAR and Reliance Fresh have considerable self coverage of Godrej Diapers, though majority of the hygiene shelf space is still taken up by the two major players. Channels OTC Sales: Godrej intends to push various OTC (over-the-counter) products and brands and the primary inclusion in this category is Snuggy diapers. It feels that coupled with a consumer pull strategy through the marketing campaign SNUGGY HAPPY BABY CONTEST, this aggressive dealer push strategy will help it to gain sales. Operation BIG C: Godrej looks at revamping distribution network and re-staging of brands. As a part of Operation BIG C, it intends to use the Chemist network in the country as a retail outlet for Snuggy diapers. The chemist margin for Godrej Diaper sales has consequently been kept higher. Following the success of Operation B, which involved the saloons of the country for Godrej Beauty product outlets, Godrej hopes to achieve as high as 20% market share through Operation BIG C. Financial Projections The baby diaper market in India is fairly underdeveloped and is approximately Rs 4479.8 million. Source: Official statistics, Euromonitor International estimates, trade associations, trade press, company research etc. The overall growth of the market is projected to be around 15% per annum. Source: Official statistics, Euromonitor International estimates, trade associations, trade press, company research etc. The current share of Godrej diapers under the brand name of Snuggy diaper is approx 8% of the overall share. That means the market share of Snuggy diaper is approximately Rs 371 million. Source: Official statistics, Euromonitor International estimates, trade associations, trade press, company research etc. Diapers/Pants Retail Company Shares 2005-2009 Financial projections of Snuggy diaper Selling 7.5 million units of diaper at Rs 6 each will achieve the marketing objective of godrej Snuggy diaper. To achieve targeted revenue, Godrej diaper needs to generate revenue of INR 126 million (as given in above table, point 15). With the potential price and sale of the diapers in a quarter Godrej can expect to generate revenue of Rs 135 million (point 9 mentioned in given table above). As per the financial projections annual revenue of Snuggy diaper is Rs 371 million in 2009 which will grow to approx Rs 504 million in 2010 which comes to around 35 % growth in revenue. Budget Analysis and Implementation In view with the financial projections, please find the below budget analysis Particulars Cost Comments Gross Profit 1.2 INR per diaper Profit from sale of one diaper Quarterly sales targets 23 Million Quarterly sales expected Quarterly profit 27 Million INR Overall profit Budget Allocation Advertisement 10 million INR Budget allocation from advertisement and awareness spreading Collaborators margin 7 Million INR Retailers need to be given additional margins to promote Snuggy Diaper Implementation As the sales volume starts increasing, Godrej can open up the manufacturing unit at one of its already existing factory unit locations. Below is the approximate cost of building up the net manufacturing unit. Particulars Cost (INR in crore) Comments Land Required(1200 sq mt) 0.6 Rs 5000 per sq/mt Building 0.5 Rs 5000 per sq/mt Total Plant and Machinery for diapers 3.5 Industry average Installation of Electricity 0.015 130 KVA transformer Other preliminary expenses 0.05 Total Expenditure 5 approximately The brand Snuggy is distributed by GCPL and currently not manufactured locally. The company is well positioned in diapers/pants in India, which is seeing an increase due to more Indian parents using diapers for their babies. Experts believe that since Snuggy is imported into India after the discontinuation of the joint venture with SCA Hygiene Ltd, there is a strong case to save costs by manufacturing the product locally. Available in pack sizes of 2s, 5s and 10s, for all age groups including new born, standard and junior, the brand can be affordably priced alongside mainstream brands, and supported by aggressive advertising. GCPL requires not just building distribution and trade relations in the fragmented retail landscape, but also investment in terms of advertising and promotions. The revenue model will be on the lines of Operation Big B, with chemist shops being offered higher margins.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Made to Order Hero Essay -- essays research papers fc
Made to Order Hero      Many times in life we encounter an individual that touches us in some profound way. The relation of this individual to the person they are influencing is as diverse as the personal experiences that causes this admiration. This individual, or hero, can impact and totally change the direction of someone's life. A hero can be anyone, from a professional athlete, to a public service figure, to a relative or parent. Each hero is defined by an individual's definition of what a hero is and should be. The definition of a hero has not always been this liberal. As time and the world have progressed so has the definition of the word hero. The poems Beowulf and Sir Gawin and the Green Knight are shining examples of how the definition of a hero can change. Using these two poems I will demonstrate the fact that the standards that need to be met, or the heroic code, is an ever-changing definition that evolves and adapts with the progression of time.      Beowulf and Sir Gawain are both considered heroes by their peers, but they must both conform to a different set of standards to maintain their identity as a hero. Each set of standards seems representative of the times in which each story takes place. The story of Beowulf takes place before the story of Gawain, in a time that is more primitive and violent era, a time when manhood and heroism were defined by the way of the sword and not the way of the word. Gawain on the other hand, appears to dwell in a place and time that puts more emphasis on honoring one’s word and not on proving ones self with a weapon. Beowulf can be considered pre-Christian, thus naturally he followed a more barbaric, violent code. Gawain seems to abide by the Christian code of values, possibly influenced by the church and the Bible. Gawain seems to make an effort to be more noble and less like a savage. This is proven throughout the Gawain poem as the setting and attire appear far more sophisticated and proper than in the Beowulf poem. â€Å"Perhaps the repeated emphasis on complex design and lavish display is enough to imply a date towards the end of the century†(Vantuono XVII). The end of the 14th century places Gawain in a time that had been influenced by the Christian belief, therefore explaining why he tends to follow a heroic code that places emphasis on being proper, kno... ...its me here;      So did our covenant stand In Arthur’s court last year- Wherefore, sir, hold your hand! (Longman 2327-2330) Gawian makes his mark as a hero of the Arthurian period by standing by his word even though he had several opportunities to run away and hide from the Green Knight. Gawain knew that dishonor was far more devastating than any death could ever be, thus making Gawain a hero to those around him.      Both Beowulf and Gawain were heroes to those they lived with. Beowulf became a hero by having no fear, facing all adversity without apprehension. Beowulf fights in order to be a hero. Gawain, on the other hand, establishes his place as a hero by living by a more Christlike code. He hunts down the Green Knight in order to fulfill his promise, even though he knows it means his death. This makes him a hero to those in King Arthur’s court. Works Cited Damrosh, David. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1. â€Å"Beowulf†and â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†. Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers. 2003 Vantuono, William. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. University of Notre Dame Press. Notre Dame, IL. 1999 Made to Order Hero Essay -- essays research papers fc Made to Order Hero      Many times in life we encounter an individual that touches us in some profound way. The relation of this individual to the person they are influencing is as diverse as the personal experiences that causes this admiration. This individual, or hero, can impact and totally change the direction of someone's life. A hero can be anyone, from a professional athlete, to a public service figure, to a relative or parent. Each hero is defined by an individual's definition of what a hero is and should be. The definition of a hero has not always been this liberal. As time and the world have progressed so has the definition of the word hero. The poems Beowulf and Sir Gawin and the Green Knight are shining examples of how the definition of a hero can change. Using these two poems I will demonstrate the fact that the standards that need to be met, or the heroic code, is an ever-changing definition that evolves and adapts with the progression of time.      Beowulf and Sir Gawain are both considered heroes by their peers, but they must both conform to a different set of standards to maintain their identity as a hero. Each set of standards seems representative of the times in which each story takes place. The story of Beowulf takes place before the story of Gawain, in a time that is more primitive and violent era, a time when manhood and heroism were defined by the way of the sword and not the way of the word. Gawain on the other hand, appears to dwell in a place and time that puts more emphasis on honoring one’s word and not on proving ones self with a weapon. Beowulf can be considered pre-Christian, thus naturally he followed a more barbaric, violent code. Gawain seems to abide by the Christian code of values, possibly influenced by the church and the Bible. Gawain seems to make an effort to be more noble and less like a savage. This is proven throughout the Gawain poem as the setting and attire appear far more sophisticated and proper than in the Beowulf poem. â€Å"Perhaps the repeated emphasis on complex design and lavish display is enough to imply a date towards the end of the century†(Vantuono XVII). The end of the 14th century places Gawain in a time that had been influenced by the Christian belief, therefore explaining why he tends to follow a heroic code that places emphasis on being proper, kno... ...its me here;      So did our covenant stand In Arthur’s court last year- Wherefore, sir, hold your hand! (Longman 2327-2330) Gawian makes his mark as a hero of the Arthurian period by standing by his word even though he had several opportunities to run away and hide from the Green Knight. Gawain knew that dishonor was far more devastating than any death could ever be, thus making Gawain a hero to those around him.      Both Beowulf and Gawain were heroes to those they lived with. Beowulf became a hero by having no fear, facing all adversity without apprehension. Beowulf fights in order to be a hero. Gawain, on the other hand, establishes his place as a hero by living by a more Christlike code. He hunts down the Green Knight in order to fulfill his promise, even though he knows it means his death. This makes him a hero to those in King Arthur’s court. Works Cited Damrosh, David. The Longman Anthology of British Literature. Vol 1. â€Å"Beowulf†and â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight†. Addison-Wesley Educational Publishers. 2003 Vantuono, William. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. University of Notre Dame Press. Notre Dame, IL. 1999
Friday, October 11, 2019
The Change in Society in, “In Cold Blood”
Khaqhovia Lee Ms. Bolle IB English November 18, 2012 The Clutter’s death fades as time disperses the clouds of darkness, revealing winds of prosperity. Within the frigid pages of In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, death haunts the living as time sways through the air. A reunion between Dewey and Susan Kidwell, portrays the endless chain of life and death, as the waves of turmoil of the Clutter family’s death to the execution the murderers. Fields of wheat wave to the dead and the blue sky protecting a bright future ahead.Truman Capote displays the cycle of life and death and the cleansing of the curse left behind, after the murder of the Clutters. Vivid life surrounded by a frozen cemetery creates a contradiction of life and death. Capote introduces death as the â€Å"wreaths, brown roses, and rain faded ribbons still lay upon the raw earth. †Capote incorporates lifeless objects, and the ribbons which have been fading away with the rain, as the turmoil of the Clutt er’s death on the town diminishes as time continues. Using dark and fading colors displays the disappearance of the Clutter’s death in the townspeople’s lives.Time continues to remove the effects of the Clutters’ death, and â€Å"close by, fresher petals spilled across a new mound. †The fresh petals pertain to a new era which the living continues as time disperses the clouds of chaos. Capote incorporates a transition of location, close by, which also signifies the changes which will occur benefitting the town. Truman Capote conveys the effects of time through characters, â€Å"a willowy girl with white-gloved hands, a smooth cap of dark-honey hair, and long, elegant leg. The description of Susan Kidwell, Nancy Clutter’s friend, who stands at the Clutters’ grave, provides the ever haunting spirits of the murder. Capote’s precise description of the girl conjures an image within the mind. Willow trees mean graceful and a symbol of joy, which conveys Susan’s beauty. People gather around during the times of the Clutters’ immediate death, but the people begin to realize life will continue with or without the Clutters. Susan develops into a beautiful girl for whom Dewey does not recognize and yet she is a witness to the murders.The clouds of the past clear as the scars of the hearts of close friends and witnesses will be carried on through life. Physical changes of the town and the characters display people moving on in their lives and not dwelling on the murder. The changing lives of the witness are continuously haunted by the memories of future plans and shattering through the night of the Clutters’ deaths. Capote reveals the change of the era of turmoil during the Clutters’ death and the rebirth of civilization by Susan Kidwell attending her â€Å"junior year at K.U†¦ Nancy and I planned to go to college together. We were going to be roommates. †Susan reminisces of h er past with Nancy, all their plans of college torn apart, displaying continuous memories of horror which she witnessed. Susan also becomes the embodiment of Nancy. Capote foretells Susan’s future through her characteristics, bright and cheerful. The unchanging setting of the town remains entangled of the crime, and â€Å"there’s some talk about paving the street. But you know Holcomb†¦ don’t spent much time there. Capote incorporates allusion into the novel but paving a new bright path on top of a bloody road which changed the town. Holcomb attempts to cover their past by repainting the road. The new road also foreshadows the new future presented to the townspeople, but â€Å"Dewey looked at the gray stone inscribed with four names, and the date of their death: November 15, 1959. †The detective of the murders still remains stunned at the grave site, unable to understand the complexity of the crime which leads him to contradict his own beliefs thro ugh the deaths of others.Capote’s diction within the writing contains many meanings; the word inscribed, which are permanently set in stone, also literally set in stone. Contradicting life and death, where death continues to walk aside life instead of ending in the dark past. Capote illustrates the contradiction between the past and the future through nature. The beautiful skies and the fields of hope for the relations which hold the witnesses and Clutters’ together, blossom into a new future. Truman Capote foreshadows the future of the town and the witnesses through nature.Hope rises in â€Å"the big sky, the whisper of wind voices in the wind-bent wheat. †The curse of the Clutters’ death is cleansed under the vast pure sky and the voice of the wind seals the evil which wanders in their hearts. The imagery of voices of the wind also alludes to the peace in the air. Capote incorporates alliteration and consonance, the multiple â€Å"w†and â€Å" s†sounds convey gentleness and peacefulness. Calm breezes, and a sunlit sky where â€Å"Sue†¦ disappeared down the path, a pretty girl in a hurry, her smooth hair winging, shining-just such a young woman as Nancy might have been. †Susan follows the path of the deceased Nancy and no negative aura is seen as she rushes off. Susan’s smooth shining hair swinging foreshadows a bright future. Susan also inherits a trait from Nancy as well, the gift of time, â€Å"he told her it was past four†¦ I’ve got to run†¦ nice to have seen you, Mr. Dewey. †Susan continues to follow the footsteps of her friend. Susan is no longer haunted by Nancy but receives Nancy’s blessings as Susan continues to live through life.Capote paints a scene of peace and prosperity as time passes and foretells the fortunes of the witness as they continue through their lives. Capote creates internal conflict between the living and the murders of the Clutters. The deaths convey distrust between each other, but time resolves distrust and creates a new civil life for the town. A new future opens up to the people and a fresh start begins; the deaths resemble no more than an unfortunate event in the towns past as everyone moves on in their lives.
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