Monday, September 30, 2019
Cosplay Subculture Rachael Driver Bowling Green Technical College Abstract This paper will be discussing the cosplay, or costume play, subculture. In this paper, it will also go over who makes up this particular subculture, what it takes to be a cosplayer, what this subculture does for society, how society sees those who participate in it, how and when it came to be, most famous cosplay costumes, and what this subculture provides for those who take part in it. Keywords: Cosplay, Costume Play, Sociology, Subculture, Japanese cosplay, costumes, cosplay conventionsCosplay, short for â€Å"costume play†, is a type of performance art in which the participants make and wear costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea. This is also considered a type of role playing. Favorite sources for these costumes include manga , anime, books, TV shows, comic books, video games, and films. In cosplay, even inanimate objects are given life and personalities, and it is not un usual to see genders switched, with women playing male characters and vice versa. This is called crossplaying.There is also a group of cosplay culture centered around sex appeal, with cosplayers specifically choosing characters that are known for their attractiveness and/or revealing costumes. Often cosplay is most remembered for this because of all of the skimpy female outfits, but really there is so much more to cosplay than that. (Cosplay, 2012) Cosplay has been called many things over the years: a hobby, an art form, a youth clique, a fashion movement, a social event, a designing process, a detachment from society, or even just something to do out of pure boredom.All of these things can be considered true, in some way, depending on the situation, but the essence of cosplay is that it is a form of expression for young people in the subcultures that practice it. (What is Cosplay? Understanding Cosplay and its many definitions. , 2007) The cosplayer's purpose for dressing as a cert ain character may be sorted into one of three categories, or a mixture of the three. The first is to show adoration for a character, or they pick one that they have matching personalities with, hoping to become that character or at least close to it.A few major characteristics of this type of cosplayer may be an enthusiastic attitude and the tendency to pay less attention to detail and quality. Such cosplayers are also known to criticize other cosplayers for not having a full knowledge of their character, or not also adopting character personality. This can cause a lot of conflict between cosplayers. (Cosplay, 2012) The second is those people who enjoy the attention that cosplaying a certain character brings. They have to dress as the most popular character so they can have the most attention.Within the cultures of anime and manga specifically, there is a certain level of dishonor that is attached to cosplayers with this type of attitude. Such cosplayers are usually characterized by paying close attention to detail in their garments and their choice of popular characters. They are also noted by participation in cosplay competitions. (Cosplay, 2012) The third category is those who enjoy the creative process, and the sense of personal achievement upon completion of the costume and character details.Such people are more likely to have a greater budget dedicated to the costumes, more complicated and better quality outfits with access to more materials. They are also more likely to engage with professional photographers and cosplay photographers to take high quality images of the cosplayer in their garment posing as the character. (Cosplay, 2012) Some of the most popular shows to dress as are Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek, Avatar, Sailor Moon, and even the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Top films and television shows that inspire cosplay, 2010) The most famous and worlds largest cosplay convention is Comiket, also known as Comic Market, is still held in the Odaiba Area of Tokyo, Japan bi-annually. (Cosplay in Japan, 2011) A few others are The San Diego Comic-Con. The biggest event in the UK is the London MCM Expo at ExCeL London, while the biggest event in Europe takes place in France at Japan Expo in Paris, with an attendance of over 200,000 in 2012. (Cosplay, 2012) Some costumes can take months to even years to create.A lot of people will go through so much just to look like their chosen character. They will do crazy make up elaborate make up. They will buy wigs to match the charcters hair, or simply dye their own and style it the exact same way. Some characters have tattoos, which some cosplayers will have done to themselves. However, others will simply draw their own on rather than having the tattoo permanently. In every anime comic or show that you see, everyone has the signature â€Å"anime eyes†, the large, round, oddly colored eyes.Cosplayers who want the look just right will actually purchase contacts to help them achieve thi s unique animated look. Some cosplayers choose to hire a cosplay photographer to take high quality images of them in their costumes posing as the character. This is most likely to take place in a setting relevant to the character's origin, such as churches, parks, forests, water features and abandoned/run-down sites. Such cosplayers are likely to exhibit their work online, on blogs or artist websites. They may also choose to sell such images or print the images as postcards and give them as gifts. Cosplay, 2012) When at a cosplay convention, cosplayers tend to carry pictures of the character they are mimicking with them. Some societies see cosplay as unusual, but when you really think about it, is it that odd? People dressing up as something or someone they love, getting together with people who have a common interest in these things, and bringing many nations together at these conventions. Works Cited What is Cosplay? Understanding Cosplay and its many definitions. (2007). Retrieve d september 26, 2012, from thecosplayproject. om: http://www. thecosplayproject. com/what-is-cosplay. html Top films and television shows that inspire cosplay. (2010, August 31). Retrieved September 26, 2012, from citypages. com: http://blogs. citypages. com/dressingroom/2010/08/top_films_and_t. php? page=2 Cosplay in Japan. (2011, Nember 15). Retrieved September 26, 2012, from allinjapan. org: http://www. allinjapan. org/cosplay-in-japan/ Cosplay. (2012, september 24). Retrieved september 24, 2012, from Wikipedia the free encyclopedia: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Cosplay
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Chinas Pollution Essay
When people think about China the main thing that comes to mind is its wonderful scenery and growing economy. China has been catching up to the rest of the world by industrializing. According to the organization for economic corporation department (OECD) â€Å" Chinas Economy will overtake the U.S. as the biggest in the world by 2016†. However there are many concerns leading up to Chinas success. In the middle of China’s extraordinary economic growth and industrial growth, the energy outputs to supporting this growth has resulted in an all time high in pollution. This growth has caused China to be the most polluted country in the world. Many parts of China are suffering from water and air pollution due to coal mining and the dumping of toxic wastes. The question we ask today is what has the government done to tackle the pollution issue? Pollution in China has been a major problem for years, dating all the way back to the Mao Zedong and the Industrial Revolution. The government was so preoccupied with the growing agriculture they overlooked the situation. However with angry citizens and protesters they tried implementing different ways to protect the environment. Environmental officials finally took action, creating different laws to improve the air quality and regulate the water. Chinas economy is on a historic run relying on resources such as coal and water for their development. However Chinas increasingly polluted environment is largely due to the country’s hurried industry development causing large increase in energy consumption. This pollution problem has left a deadly impact on the people in China. Air pollution is so bad that in some parts citizens cant see the sun but because of the smoke and fog. The World Health Organization has estimated that this air pollution is responsible for 300,000 premature deaths annually. Those staggering numbers are a major problem that needs to be regulated. Chinese cities are covered in lethal cloak, which leads to water and air contamination. Nearly 500 million Chinese citizens lack the access to unsafe drinking water and 1 percent out of the 560 million breath safe air. China is thriving because of its expanding industry however by using resources such as coal. Coal is a useful resource however it is a very dir ty source and contaminates the air when burned. The industrial industry is allowing China to flourish economically but at the same time leaving a drastic impact on the people. One of Chinas leading environmental researchers, Wang Jinnan, announced â€Å" It is a very awkward situation for the country because our greatest achievement is also our biggest burden†. This explains how resources such as coal contribute to the growing industry but also has deadly effects on the people. Chinas economy is on a historic run but is it worth putting peoples lives in jeopardy? China’s reliance on coal has an effect on the air quality. It is said that China burns more coal then the U.S., Europe and Japan combined. The sulfur dioxide that is emitted from the coal and fuel can affect breathing, cause respiratory illnesses and lung diseases. An unpublicized report done by the Chinese academy of Environmentalist planning said in estimate that yearly premature deaths attributed from outdoor pollution is on track to reach 550,000 in 2 020. This alarming statistic has China’s people worrying and curious to see what the government is up to. Air pollution not only affected the people but also the water, produce and other resources. The lack of fresh water in China evolves around the contamination of the Water due to illegal littering. In different regions in China factories and farms dump waste into the surface water. Chinas environmentalist monitors say â€Å" One- third of all river, and vast sections of Chinas great lakes†¦ have water rated grade v, the most degrading level†. As a result of this contaminated water China has the highest liver and stomach cancer deaths in the world. Water pollution is a complicated part of Chinas problem and is hard to be prevented. As a result of the dumping of wastes into main rivers and lakes many Chinese citizens don’t have fresh water to drink. Leaving many people thirsty is not a problem government official’s want for their country. In Liangqiao, a small village in China, citizens blame the Mining Corporation for the dumping of chemicals into tributaries in the Laza River. This creates for a shortage of drinking water and untenable for agricultural use. A professor in South China’s agricultural University says, â€Å" The mining company’s waste flows directly into the Laza River which runs into the Pearl River, a major source of drinking water for 12 million residents of Guangzhou city,†This is a horrific problem and the government needs to react now before it gets worse. Riots broke out in a Xinchang, city in China, over the environmental degradation. Citizens are angry at the lack of government initiative in the pollution and took matters into there own hands. One outraged villager explained, â€Å" Our fields won’t produce grain anymore†¦we don’t dare to eat food grown from anywhere near here†. The agriculture is declining, leaving farmers with a scarce amount of good. Government officials were overlooking this problem in order to keep the economy growing. In just 30 years china has made an extraordinary development economically and with the governments help China can thrive even further by implementing environmental regulations for the people. Over the years, government officials implemented ways to help the pollution problem as well as maintaining economic development. Alarmed by the repercussions of industrialization and urbanization, Chinas environmental agencies are working on imputing laws to regulate the pollution. One of the first improvements made was the removal of lead, which was beneficial to Hong Kong by reducing their mortality rate. Recognizing the problem Chinese leaders such as Deng Xiaoping and Prime Minister Jiaboa are speaking out, telling the people about different environmental protection laws. Although there are many objectives set forth by the government to fix this pollution problem, no real noticeable actions have taken effect. The Chinese Government is more worried about the economy then the people. The most determined effort control china’s fast industrial growth was the project known as the â€Å" Green G.D.P.†, â€Å"which was an effort to create an environmental yardstick for evaluating the performance of every official in China. It recalculated the gross domestic product to reflect the cost of pollution†. This was an effort to regulate the financial loss that pollution had on the economy. However the government pulled out of the project in 2007. The Chinese government saw that the financial and economic issues that resulted from the G.D.P. such as the struggles realizing that any attempt to prevent pollution would hinder it economically. The frightened idea to interrupt China’s growing economy is a reason why China still has pollution today. In attempts to stick to their original goals to prevent pollution, China began to make continuous efforts. In Linfen, China, known as the heaviest polluted city in the word, officials have set up laws to help clean up the region. The Xiangfen County Environmental Protection Bureau announced that seven factories will close due to their environmental harm. Chinese environmentalist Yang spoke out about the factories saying, â€Å"If they fail to meet the (pollution) goals in the first year, their superiors will raise the topic; in the second year, they will receive a formal warning; in the third year, they will be removed from post.†By threatening the closing down of factories, results in a greater up keep among factories. The only problem that would result in closing down these factories is unemployment; however, the health of the people is more important. In 2011, Toyota Motor announced that they would be making low-emission cars in China. China has the biggest market of cars and creating an environmentally safe way to market a car is upright. Further-more, in recent years, China’s attempts to help the environment have been successful and hasn’t prevented economic progression. In the City of Lizhou, the environmental conditions were horrid because of the rapid industrialization and urbanization. However, by implementing the improvement in clean water, the citizens have benefited greatly. The Lizhou Environmental Management Project set forth to invest in sewage networks, wastewater treatment plants, and waste collection stations. As a result of the advancement, wastewater treatment in the City has increased from 15 percent in 2005 to over 75 percent in 2011. The project was designed to provide clean water for poor urban areas in China. This is a stepping-stone for China and can hopefully lead to more change. China’s industry development dates all the way back to the Great Leap Forward when Mao’s goal was to increase agricultural output; with All things considered, the communist government has acknowledged the major pollution problem in the country but is slow in terminating it. It needs to stop worrying so much about the growing economy and think more about the health of its people, an issue that stems from the pollution problem in china. As the environmental situation declines, China will not only become a healthier, more appealing place to live, but also raise funding through tourism and environmental technology, garnering the economical gains that the government strives to get.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
A Balanced Scorecard Model For Project Management Information Technology Essay
A Balanced Scorecard Model For Project Management Information Technology Essay For a long time organizations are have been trying to use performance measurement methods in their system due to the fact that most time of managers is consumed by gathering, controlling, analyzing or reporting out data. Over time, it has been recognized that a valid performance measurement system can help organization to define its expectations and priorities, set strategies with goals and finally planning and decision making. Project Management Office, managers, program managers and project managers, as well as other organizations can use performance measurement benefits to evaluate project team performance, process effectiveness, client perception, resource management and leveling in a single or multiple project organization. By adding performance measurement to the project managers’ skills, they can accurately evaluate project performance against the mission and vision of organizations. Moreover, it helps project managers to find and assess risks and determine the value l evel creating for stakeholders. These papers will focus the issues of the performance of a project, and integrity of performance measurement and project management. The research objectives for this research study are identifying performance metrics for project management integrated to balances scorecard system; development of a balanced scorecard system with perspectives of project management; studying of use of created balanced scorecard system to evaluate projects. Any previous work in the area of project and project management, and performance measurement will be illustrated in literature review. The approach of how the balanced scorecard and project management methodologies will be integrated is shown in methodology section. Literature Review Project and Project Management Project A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service with a definite start time and end (PMBOK @ 2004). This uniqueness is a consequence of the difference in some way from the â€Å"normal†product delivered by an organization. Furthermore, every project is constrained in different ways by scope, time and cost and is defined by discrete activities which are related to each other and linked together over the project lifecycle. Figure 1 shows the constraints of a typical project. Moreover, a project consumes limited resources such as human, time, money, machines, facilities, and materials and requires specific skills to manage and execute and finally produces tangible deliverables according to stakeholder’s requirements. Figure 1 – Project Constrains Source: James Norrie,  Derek H T Walker., â€Å"A Balanced Scorecard Approach to Project Management Leadership†,  Project Management Journal. Sylva: Dec 2004. Vol. 35, Iss. 4, p. 47-56 (10 pp.) Project Stakeholders The project stakeholders are the parties who have positive or negative impacts on project performance and outcomes. The major sta keholders have direct authority to change the elements of the triple constraint. The Figure 2 illustrates the major stakeholders of a typical project. The figure also shows that, an internal part of an organization can recognized as stakeholders. Figure 2 – Project Main Stakeholders Source: Adopted from: PMI, (2004), PMBOK @ 2004 Project Management Keeping projects on-time, within budget and achieving a high level of quality of scope is difficult. Problems are due to poorly conducted analysis and design, but many also suffer from poor leadership and management. Project management is the planning, execution and controlling of project activities to achieve project objectives. Objectives include time, cost and scope or managing the triple constraints. Based on PMBOK @ 2004 definition, project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet or exceed stakeholder needs or expectations from a project.
Friday, September 27, 2019
CEO of Continental Airlines - Larry Kellner Research Paper
CEO of Continental Airlines - Larry Kellner - Research Paper Example development with the airline from joining to becoming CEO in December 2004 with particular reference to management style of the US airline, particularly in a tough market. It is submitted at the outset that Kellner’s management style at Continental Airlines highlights the importance of implementing an efficient interrelationship between creativity at business operational level, employee relations and customer relationship management (CRM). Accordingly, in Section 2 I shall firstly present a summary of Kellner’s career charting his graduation from South Carolina University to an exemplary career in private equity. This will be followed by a discussion of his eventual move to Continental Airlines and role in the continued growth of Continental Airlines and air transportation. In Section 3, I shall evaluate Kellner’s role and management philosophy in running Continental Airlines and how this has benefited the company in tough market conditions including increasing competition, personnel management and burgeoning oil prices. Kellner’s career in private equity and as business strategist has been prolific and the Business Week (2009) Executive Profile highlights the Kellner’s achievements as graduate from South Carolina University and recipient of the distinguished alumni award in 1998 ( After graduating in a Bachelor of Science and Business administration degree, Kellner worked for and became Executive Vice President and Chief financial Officer of the Koll Company followed by his appointment as Executive Vice President and Chief financial officer of American Savings Bank FA from November 1992 to May 1995 ( Mr Kellner joined Continental Airlines in 1995 and became director in 2001, going onto replace Gordon Bethune as CEO in December 2004. Kellner recently announced his departure from Continental airlines; however his role at Continental has been heralded as being a prime example of successful
Thursday, September 26, 2019
SPSS exercises Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
SPSS exercises - Assignment Example Measures to control false alarm should be put in place, considering the confidence intervals , if all the these intervals are independent at 5% there is a probalility that one event will be rejected at 99.4%. This error can be controlled by using Tukey HSD. As shown in the table 2.8 and 2.9 below. Vicky conducted a study to evaluate time fathers spend playing with there disabled children. The study was analysed on SPSS and a two – way ANOVA was conducted to evaluate their difference in groups, according to gender and disability, and the time spend playing with the kid by their fathers. The population set was 60, the average time spend was 4.63 and a standard deviation of 2.47 as presented in Table 2.2 above. Table 2.4 shows a F(2,54) = 27.140, p We have to control false alarm and setting alpha to .05 as presented on Table 2.9, there is no difference between the disabilities at p-value = .000 and as noted above there was a interaction between the gender and the disability. P-value < 0.001 an indication that the results are highly significant at .1% level (William Mendenhall III,
Clinical psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Clinical psychology - Essay Example A licensed clinical or counseling psychologist usually requires a doctoral degree for employment. Psychologists with a Ph.D. qualify for a wide range of teaching, research, clinical, and counseling positions in universities, elementary and secondary schools, private industry, and government. To work in a clinical position a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) degree is usually required. (College The prospects for job growth are expected to be faster than the average for all careers through 2012. The average yearly income of clinical psychologists in 2003 was $58,640, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Psychologists study about the human mind and behavior. They formulate hypotheses and collect data to test their validity. Depending on the topic under study, the research methods may vary. Controlled laboratory experiments, personality, performance, aptitude, and intelligence tests may be used to collect information. In addition, other methods like observation, interviews, questionnaires, clinical studies, and surveys may also be used. The knowledge gained by psychologists is applied to health and human services, management, education, law, and sports. Clinical psychologists constitute the largest specialty in psychology. They often work in counseling centers, independent or group practices, hospitals, or clinics. Some clinical psychologists work in physical rehabilitation centers. Others may work in universities and medical schools, where they train graduate students in mental health and behavioral medicine. Some are involved in community mental health programs. The range of work includes helping mentally and emotionally disturbed persons, helping people deal with personal crisis like divorce or death of a close person, helping medical and surgical patients to deal with their illnesses or injuries, treating patients with spinal cord injuries, chronic pain or illness, stroke, arthritis, and neurological conditions. They often
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Oxfam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Oxfam - Term Paper Example This paper will seek to explore the mission, role, and impact of Oxfam as an international NGO while also providing an overall critique of the organization. Oxfam as an organization was founded in 1942 in Britain. The organization was originally named as the Oxford Committee for Famine Relief at its inception. At its beginning, the group tasked itself with campaigns to send food supplies to starving children and women through an allied naval blockade in enemy occupied Greece during the 2nd world war (Brand 32). In 1995, the organization underwent a transformation to become known as Oxfam International. Oxfam International represented a group of independent NGO’s that came together to work for a greater impact on the global stage to reduce injustice and poverty. Presently, there are 17 member organizations that form the Oxfam international confederation. These member organizations are based in the United States, Belgium, Australia, France, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands, Grea t Britain, Mexico, Hong Kong, Japan, Italy, Ireland, India, Spain, New Zealand and Quebec. The organization’s secretariat is based in Oxford, United Kingdom (Oxfam). The organization also runs advocacy offices in Washington DC, New York, Brasilia, Geneva, and Brussels. The mission of Oxfam International is to work with many various local partner organizations as well as people living in poverty who strive towards exercising their human rights, asserting their dignity as full citizens and taking control of their lives.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Marketing plan for a charter school Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Marketing plan for a charter school - Essay Example This marketing plan is for Allegiance Academy for grades K-9, a public charter school, to be located in Tucson, Arizona It is a publicly funded school that, in accordance with state statute, has been granted a charter exempting it from state or local rules and regulations. It is newly created and will be governed by a group of local educators. Our main objective is to recruit students to our newly established school. Like most Americans who have ancestors from multiple countries or even continents, charters were born of disparate theories, educating initiatives, and social philosophies. That diversity has been one of the greatest strengths of the big family that is the charter movement. But now public . policies ......certainly No Child Left Behind, but also the state standards movement that preceded it.........are forcing conversations long delayed. In the early 1990's, at the inception of charter schools, the bargain was set. These schools would be given greater autonomy and flexib ility than traditional public schools, and in return they would be held accountable for getting better results in student learning. Just as critically, they would be schools of choice for everyone involved.........students, parents, and teachers. Two sides of the charter triangle........autonomy and choice.........have remained quite clear and without controversy, at least within the charter movement itself. Parents should have plenty of choices; and the more autonomy and flexibility, the better. It has remained clear that the charter model has succeeded in attracting applicants.... A quality charter school authorizer engages in responsible oversight of charter schools by ensuring that schools have both the autonomy to which they are entitled and the public accountability for which they are responsible. They should: Approach authorizing deliberately and thoughtfully with the intent to improve the quality of public school options Support and advance the purposes of charter school law Be a catalyst for charter school development to satisfy unmet educational needs Strive for clarity, consistency, and transparency in developing and implementing authorizing policies and procedures Be a source of accurate, intelligible performance-based information about the schools they oversee Be responsible not for the success or failure of the school, but for holding the school accountable for their performance Use objective and verifiable measures of student achievement as the primary measure of school quality and to Make the well-being of students the fundamental value informing all decision-making and actions RESOURCES NEEDED The governing body has purchased a vacant property located at 12345 Lane Drive in Tucson. Start up funds have been obtained from individuals, state planning grants, corporate grants, and entrepreneurs. Other resources will have to be explored. Fund-raising projects are in the process. Advertisements for staff has been placed in newspapers across the state and in educational journals and magazines. Current applicants are now in the interviewing process. A food vendor has been contracted for the lunch program. Insurance policies are in place for the building and the faculty and student
Monday, September 23, 2019
Cultural struggle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Cultural struggle - Essay Example Buy writing Mother Tongue, Amy Tan draws the readers’ attention by giving a reflection of people’s perception that the type and quality of English spoken by an individual represents one’s state of mind. She â€Å"†¦believed that her English reflected the quality of what she had to say. That is because she expressed them imperfectly her thoughts were imperfect†(Tan). Through her statements, readers get to understand that Tan used to look down on her mother due to the quality of English she was using. Further reading Mother Tongue reveals that Amy’s mom is an uneducated woman from China and does not comprehend Standard English. She used to request Amy to make phone calls on her behalf. Amy says that â€Å"she used to have me call people on the phone to pretend I was she †¦ a call to her brokers in New York. I had to get on the phone and say in an adolescent voice that was not very convincing, ‘This is Mrs. Tan.’. The mother as ked Amy to contact the stockbroker and pretend to be her. She, therefore, went ahead to talk to the stockbrokers by paraphrasing her mother’s jumbled sentences into understandable and meaningful statements, to the stockbrokers.Similar captivating information can be derived from the essay Two Kinds, by Amy Tan. In Two Kinds Amy Tan demonstrates that humans carry traumas of their past into their future by dredging them up either intentionally or unconsciously. She uses a Chinese narrator to bring out constant struggles that people go through while trying to find out better understanding and way of existence.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Dove, the Brand to Beat Essay Example for Free
Dove, the Brand to Beat Essay Dove is a brand under the many products of Unilever. It was in the 1890s when William Hesketh Lever, founder of Lever Bros popularized cleanliness and hygiene with his introduction of the Sunlight Soap in Victorian England. The Sunlight Soap led the advocacy â€Å"to make cleanliness commonplace; to lessen work for women; to foster health and contribute to personal attractiveness, that life ay be more enjoyable and rewarding for the people who use our products†. ( For three centuries, Unilever has proven its success over economic booms, depressions, world wars and the changing lifestyle of its consumers as the world advanced through technology. Dove is the leading skin care product since 1957. It is clinically proven and has been noted to be good for dry sensitive skin which half the women in the world has. And since the 1980s, Dove has launched more supporting products to the soap bar such as moisturizing body wash, deodorants, body lotions, facial cleansers, shampoos and conditioners. All of these products are aimed to solve skin needs comprehensively bringing out the true inner beauty of women. Dove is boasts of its number one in the race of cleansing brands with double-digit growth data. Sales in over 80 countries are over â‚ ¬2.5 billion a year. They estimate that over 1 billion showers are done using Dove products each year in the US alone. The success is due to the brands keeping of its clinically proven promises and understanding of its real market. Studies show that only 12 % of women are very satisfied with their physical attractiveness. 2% of women articulate themselves as beautiful. 68% knows that media almost always sets unrealistic standards of beauty and the 75% hopes that media would better itself in portraying diversity in women’s physical attractiveness that includes size, shape and age. â€Å"Dove is actively trying to address the root of the problem of negative self-image. Dove has founded the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, which funds programs to raise self-esteem in girls and young women. In the US, it’s working through the Unilever Foundation to sponsor a partnership with Girl Scouts, called uniquely ME! It also supports the BodyTalk education program for schools in the UK and Canada.†( The Dove Self-Esteem Fund has come along way since consumers saw that water alone was not enough to clean oneself. American consumers of the new millennium are more demanding than ever and value minded. Dove consumers pay a higher price for Dove due to its after sales value. The target market of Dove are the people who can afford to put a premium for added market values compared to cheaper alternatives such as Ivory. â€Å"According to Soap, Cosmetics, Chemical Specialties, aging baby-boomers were looking for milder, less irritating products. Soaps using vegetable-based fats, with no animal fats or animal testing, were also in demand. Other popular items included loofahs, oatmeal products, and chamomile leaves. In general, customers demanded performance and value in all their soap, shampoo, and detergent products, which were the driving factors behind the soap and detergents industry at the turn of the century.†(Thompsons, 2006) All these added value makes Dove cost more than the average bath product. Value leaders attempt to offer the best product at the cheapest price. These products cannot compare on quality and in the short term, competes for the value of each dollar. Ivory products advertise themselves on the price pitch that does not happen to Dove products. Each Dove product commercial does not mention price. this kind of advertising strategy may increase Ivory income by selling more quantity but soaps such as Dove and Dial remain successful as well by selling more expensive and keeping loyal customers at lesser volumes. â€Å"The bar soap market, which had grown at an average rate of about 4.1 percent annually in the early 1980s, entered the 1990s with a growth rate of about 4.9 percent. Beauty bars comprised the fastest growing segment of the bar soap market, with sales increasing at a rate of about 7 percent per year. Later in the decade, however, bar soap began to lose some ground to shower gels. In 1998, bar soap sales grew only 1.5 percent in value and slipped 4.5 percent in unit terms, while shower gel sales increased dramatically. However, even with their 18.1 sales gain in 1998, the shower gel market, with total sales of $450 million, remained slightly less than a third the size of the bar soap market, which totaled $1.4 billion in value in 1998.†(Thompsons, 2006) Dove has been successful in its campaign to increase and sustain loyal consumers due to its steadfast supporting of its timeless belief in their original product. Compared to the rest of the competition, Dove remained the soap that held on to its ‘added moisture’ selling point. From that, Dove has evolved and widened its strategies in cornering a wider and global market. For one, it’s campaign-promoting self-esteem in women cuts above the rest. The ‘campaign for real beauty’ ad that models larger than average smiling women in white underwear has sent advertisers of other soaps amok. The message of this ad is a statement against the usual advertisers that project the beautiful woman with impossibly physical proportions. This strategy of using controversy for advertising worked so much for Dove. â€Å"The women in these photos appear to love who they are and the way their bodies look. Sue Ontiveros of the Chicago Sun-Times says, Its the joy on their faces that I really like. Theres just so much happiness in their smiles that I feel as if these women are saying this is the real me and I like her. Boy, is that rare and just the message Id like females to get and embrace. Just because your booty cant fit into a size four doesnt mean youre not sexy. The joy and confidence of the Dove models allows them to look sexy without having to wear seductive facial expressions.†( The challenge that lies on the Dove self-esteem campaigns is to make sure that they do not get caught playing two sides. A teener realizes that the big women ad was sporting big tight thighs. Dove was getting the most of this because their thigh-tightening product was being launched. A critic also realized that letting women with underwear pose on camera was still diminishing respect for women even if they were all size large. The most significant challenge that advertisers faced was fueled by the growing global concern of consumers over environmental issues. Consumers demanded that products like Dove have to be manufactured and marketed using ‘earth-friendly’ products and processes without sacrificing quality. Dove’s dishwashing liquid leads their earth-friendly products. Using the dishwashing liquid leaves the hands moisturized, the plates squeaky clean and the rivers unpolluted Another important strategy for Dove products to stay in the lead is using technology to further their market reach. The website of Dove and its dealers are well-made and very user friendly. Buying online is very convenient. Using the internet as part of the marketing efforts, Dove can ensure the existence of its loyal customers who pays more to buy Dove soap. The prices below gathered from the websites show comparisons in prices of different common leading bath soaps. Dove fits in the middle of the price war as it is appreciated by the market as the soap that has more value compared to the usual everyday common soaps such as Dial and Coast but not too expensive like the signature and specialty soaps like Cetaphil or Neutrogena. Price Comparisons Dove              3.08 Dial                0.99 Ivory              1.89 Cetaphil         4.09 Neutrogena    3.95 Coast              1.20 Table 1. User ratings between Dove competitors Product name Pears Soap Imperial Leather Original Soap Palmolive Original Soap Bar Dove Extra Sensitive Cream Bar Lux Milk Honey Beauty Soap Oilatum Soap Bar Camay Classic- Toilet Soap Overall user rating: Recommended by 100% (13 Reviews) Recommended by 95% (19 Reviews) Recommended by 50% (6 Reviews) Recommended by 86% (28 Reviews) Recommended by 100% (1 Review) Recommended by 100% (2 Reviews) Recommended by 33% (3 Reviews)          The table above shows user ratings from the ciao website. Recommendations between Dove competitors are tabulated. Though Dove Extra Sensitive Cream Bar had an 86% recommendation ratings, it had the most number of reviews totaling 28 as compared to Imperial leather Original Soap that seconded the list with 18 reviews, a far ten reviews short of Dove. This short sampling will show that there are more Dove users who connect to the internet as compared to the other products.            Dove moves forward in its goal to build a strategic global ‘master’ brand. Backed by Unilever’s expertise in product branding, Dove with its good quality material for hygiene and beauty preservation will continue to focus on making their brand lead by promoting the value of their brand as against the price of the soap.            â€Å"Dove was an instant hit, generating $55 million in sales its first six months, per Information Resources Inc. This year, sales climbed to $79 million for the 52 weeks ended April 22. Doves current market share stands at 4.7%, equal that of Procter and Gambles Old Spice. PGs Secret brands still collectively dominate the $1.6 billion category, but have been losing share to Dove. Total Secret sales were $229 million as of April 22, down 8% from $248 million for the year ended Sept. 10, 2000, per IRI.†(Ward, 2003)            I have personally using Dove for the past ten years and have been more than twice tempted to try other brands. Though I did try out one or two other brands during such time, I always went back to using Dove because of its simplicity, truthfulness and mission to add social value to a common daily commodity. In a world where brand names are easily communicated with visuals only technology knows how far will go, Dove will remain as a trustworthy partner in my personal health care. References: U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Industry and Trade Out-look 99. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1999. U.S. Department of Commerce. U.S. Census Bureau. 1997 Economic Census. Washington, D.C.: GPO, 1999. Van Arnum, Patricia. Consumer Product Majors Soak in a Renewed Outlook. Chemical Market Reporter, FR3-5. Ward, John. 2003. Does Market Share Really Apply to Apple? Doves extension into deodorant is a prime example of Unilevers long-term strategy to build a set of global master brands with new products and heavy marketing support. The launch was backed by more than $30 million in media spending, a level usually reserved for new brands. Dove marketers also wanted to develop a product specifically for women. While a number of existing brands are gender neutral (Ban, Sure) or targeted to men (Brut, Right Guard, Old Spice), not since PG introduced decades-old Secret has a manufacturer captured the collective attention of the female audience. Preferred language style: English(U.S.) †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Dove Soap (brand I want researched on)†¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨Think about a product you love, that you use all the time. In this first part of the assignment, your goal is to uncover as much research about the brand and it competitors as possible. †¨Ã¢â‚¬ ¨You`ll want to know the history of the brand, the characteristics of the people who buy/use the brand, and everything else possible about it. But don`t forget to look into the competition. What are they doing right? What are they doing wrong? 5 pages 4 sources History Characteristics of its market Competition status What they are doing right? What they are doing wrong?
Friday, September 20, 2019
STRATEGIC MARKETING This assignment is generally based on Olympics 2010. On 6th July 2005, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced that London would congregation the (The London 2012 Olympics, Bob DigbyCommunity Geographer, and Geographical Association) 2012 Olympics It was chosen to be held in London Stratford, Newham. This is a sports competition which all the people in the world celebrating. To become an Olympic champion the athletes in all around the world together in one city challenging each one in range of games. Games are likely to be held on end of July 2012. TASK1 Introduction In this task I do investigate planning principles and marketing planning process of 2012 Olympics. Develop the strategic marketing plan. The marketing planning principles and process The most basic marketing principles (According to kotler (1980) are applied to customer point of reference to recognize what goals gathering now, believe, and do. The course of act begins with marketing research to identify market segment and potential needs, desires, attempt, concerns, performance. Then settle on the target market be able to influence and satisfied. Then use 4ps to power on to the market. The4ps are product, price, place and promotion. As well as the marketing mix. The marketing principles also revolve around the customer. The principle is getting the customer the right services and goods in the right time. The principles also place emphasis on customer involvement and well as integration or involvement of staff in all marketing decision making. To get this right, the process has to be taken into consideration. The marketing planning process (marketing principles and practice) Where are we now? Where do want to be? How do we get there? Which way is the best? How do we ensure safety arrival? Where are we now? To complete the marketing research and collecting the past data about the project is the first step. And also have to analyse this information and present that to future plan. This process helps to consider the financial and trade environment Consider present status in the marketplace and main sides of sales. Come across at the strengths and weakness of the company. To analyse the existing circumstances have to carry out situational analysis. SWOT analysis of 2012 Olympics. SWOTS stand for- strengths and weakness as related to opportunities and threats. STRENGTHS- Quality and a well highly regarded construction of conducting the project. Sir Robert Mc Alpine is one of the construction firms on the london2012 project. Because this company is an icon in the in a building construction sector in UK The West Midlands is geographically and economically well-placed for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Weakness Marketing techniques not superior. Need to improve new marketing techniques to customers before, during and after the Olympic. Staffing and management problems Opportunities Encouraging young people to sports. The peace can be developed. Enhance the tourism of UK. Threats Security of people- Dr peter Rayon the adviser of London Olympic 2012 added special team for supervise bomb management and VIP, Athletics security. Current financial circumstances Where do we want to be? After identifying strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of London 2012 project and made assumptions about outside factors that may affect to the project have to set up the marketing objectives. The objectives are what we want to achieve to complete the task. This is the first action of entire process of preparing a marketing plan. Objectives of London 2012 Care for lands cape without any changes To make sure to give safe games for london2012 the Olympic organisation committee work in partnership with police, government, public authorities and security companies. Ensure best personal safeness before and during Olympic competition. The goals of london2012 The business and employment development In the education sector skills and desires. Enhanced health and better life. Superior environment (Sources) Better communication The mission of london2012 Source: IOC website (2005) Mission Statement. The Olympics should provide à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Sustainable environmental legacies, such as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Rehabilitated and revitalized sites, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ increased environmental awareness, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ improved environmental policies and practices, The vision of London 2012 The vision of london2012 is a great change in different areas by the power of games. Such as changes in peoples lives, sports. And also motivates the people to go head on their lives through the sports. (c)How do we get there? (How to write a marketing plan by john Westwood) Strategies The marketing strategies are the broad methods selected to accomplish exact objectives. There are different types of strategies Defensive strategy Developing strategy Attacking strategy First look at the type of strategies that available is to use a matrix that was developed by Ansoff. Market penetration- Worldwide market penetration-The International Olympic Committee was leap to propose the games event to China. Global sponsors -Consumer products giant Procter Gamble has signed up as a global Olympics sponsor. Product development Olympic park master plan ( In 2006 January (ODA) was workout the master pan of Olympics. Olympic Games will provide local tourism business for both to new visitors from overseas and regional travellers. Market development (( New report predicts that the value of the UK CCTV market will increase by 10 per cent by 2012. Investment opportunities to fabricate Olympic named products and services. E.g. Olympic t-shirts , mugs, cups, hats, toys Diversification London 2012 Business Network The Network component      1)  Vital information for West Midlands business      2)   attractive business events The expansion of new clean tech industries and other strengths in artistic industries, media, logistics, and tourism. (d)Which is the possible meaning? Tactics Tactics are built-in the particulars of entity path of achievement that will be followed on a daily basis. Once developed the marketing strategy, there is a Seven P Formula should apply to constantly assess and revaluate Business activities. The seven Ps Product Price Promotion place process physical evidence People Product Compare to the other competitors offer be superiority deal. E.g.- New website presents including verity of facilities and opportunities Development of Olympic park Price The ticket prices have been announced. Tickets are available from  £20. Also special prices offered to young people, seniors across all Olympic sports. In this case from the cheapest price to higher price tickets are available according to customers needs. Promotion To promote London 2012 and attract the people on that specially designed ticket draw was introduced. Place Local people and visitors are making improvement works that have taken place along The Greenway, for the Olympic Park to Victoria Park and West Ham Station. East London is being developed with all the facilities and attractiveness. People To this huge project education sectors, business sectors, cultural organisations, charity, volunteers are involving to this. And all the range of customers is target in all around the world. (e)How do we ensure safety arrival? Control measures The ODA has resolute to clear its progress manage utility via a Planning Committee. This manuscript provides direction for the authority of the ODAs Services biased the Planning Committee, particularly to release Of the expansion manage. Creation decisions on preparation application Prepare and submitting planning reports to the Planning Committee Offer planning advice to the team. The strategic plan Overall strategic concept Guidelines Strategic objectives Strategic principles Strategic phase Develop of Olympic facilities Principles and locations Plan and design Olympic green Total reflection for Olympic games Environment development Pollution control Environment development Transport development Information and technology development Social environment development Cultural environment Health care and security Legal environment Strategic support Speedup economic development Advance development new technology Develop human recourse management Olympic action plan Action plan proposal Strategic conception Work task Support measures Transport construction Guide lines/ objectives Transport (urban) Traffic management Traffic support system Traffic organisation Energy development Proposals Mix and readjustment Clean energy projects Environment protection present states guidelines/ objectives prevent/ control pollution mange assure measure task1 (b) Here I am going to discuss the SWOT management tools that could help to analysis the current 2012 environment with reference to marketing. The SWOT management tools SWOT analysis is for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT analysis is a planning tool used to understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business. It involves stating the objective of the business or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are either supportive or unfavorable to achieving that objective. SWOT is often used as part of a strategic or business planning process, but can be useful in understanding an organization or situation and decision-making for all sorts of situations. Internal factors The strengths and weaknesses To identify the strengths and weakness have to audit 7ps, 7s, ans5m External factors The opportunities and threats To identify the external factors have to cover PEST analysis. A SWOT analysis can be used a method of sales distribution a business idea a strategic option, such as entering a new market or launching a new product SWOT ANALYSIS INTERNAL EXTERNAL STRENGTHS- recourses and capabilities can be used for competitive advantage e.g.-strong brand names WEAKNESS- absence of certain strengths E.g.-weak brand name OPPURTUNITIES- external environment analysis can reveal opportunities for growth. E.g. unfulfilled customer needs THRETS-changes in external environment e.g. new regulations Can be identified strengths and weakness in the current environment when we do the SWOT analysis. So after that whatever the weakness we can convert for strengths. And also we can match opportunities and strengths and supply best service for London 2012 PEST ANALYSIS What is PEST Analysis? Organization considers PEST before and beginning the marketing process. After that environmental analysis should be continuous and feed all aspects of planning. The entire Marketing environment is made of 1. Internal environment e.g. staff 2. micro-environment e.g. our external customers 3. macro-environment e.g., Economic forces Political factors. Stability governments policy on the economy government view on culture and religion Terrorism influence in traffic Activities and it will boost need for crisis and business stability. Economic Factors. Consider the state of a trading economy. 1. Interest rates. 2. The level of inflation Employment level per capita. e.g Global contest may persist to boost over the next 5 years. London 2012 Olympics driving venture. Drive to reduce costs. Social cultural Factors In this case have to consider the roles of men and women in society the population customer constitutional rights and responsibilities Technological Factors. It is a competitive advantage, and huge driver of globalization. Cheap and supper standard of quality Distribution change of technological development. e.g. books via the Internet Technical improvements to trim down exhaust waste. Potters five A business has to understand the dynamics of its industries and markets in order to compete effectively in the marketplace. Porter (1980a) defined the forces which drive competition, contending that the competitive environment is created by the interaction of five different forces acting on a business. competition amid suppliers Threat of new market entrant Bargaining power of buyers Power of suppliers Threat of substitute products Task 2 Introduction In this task i am going to discuss the market strategy options available and benefits and limitations. THE MARKET STRATEGY OPTIONS A marketing strategy is the outcome of decisions being made a exacting product or service promote to its aim customers. In this case i do present Ansoff growth matrix- four strategies Market penetration Penetration pricing insistent advertising Traditional industries. Memorial souvenir, sporting goods which benefit from the Olympic boom. Market development Targeting new customers The new website has been developed to keep you up to date with our product development. It includes- News Technical Technology Products Future Website Development: On-Line facilities Product development Product line stretch Introducing new line offensive new product with new sector The Sponsorship Programme with five-year calendar of events and opportunities. Diversification- Advantage of diversification is even one side of business go through bad situation, the other may not be affected. Marketing mix Marketing mix is putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time. American author, Philip Kotler prefers the 4 Cs. He suggests that the 4 Ps are a sellers mix or sales orientated approach and it therefore should be replaced by the 4 Cs which are more customer orientated, or marketing orientated. It is made up of Customer needs and wants (the equivalent of product), Cost (price), Convenience (place) and Communication (promotion). 1960 by E J McCarthy. The 4Ps are: Product / Service Place Price Promotion Product/Service Have to consider what the Customer needs from the product or service are and Features that needs. Then look at the place. The easy places to customers can reach this product or service and access the right distribution channels? After this, what is the price as they want and What is the value of the product or service Are there established price points for products or services in this area and What discounts should be offered to trade customers, and also compare the price with competitors. Then think about the Promotion. In this case competitors promotions and how that influence to our promotional activity does all those have to consider. When consider the Olympic 2012 in London, when we do practical the marketing strategic options the marketing mix has allots of benefits and also varies limitations. Because of London 2012 the construction sector, business economic sectors, education sectors transport systems, like that allots of sides on UK is being developing. But because of the security reasons like terrorism and pollution, environment protection there are some limitations have to consider with all the strategic options. This project pushes the country through the development of new technology such as giant screens and environment protection like green scheme. Task 2 (b) The stake holder Stakeholders are anybody who might directly be affected and influence on London 2012 Olympic Main stake holders of London 2012 British association The BOA is completely dependent and commercial sponsorship who support for GB. DCMS Responsible for the London Olympic Games and Paralympics Games and works closely with other key stakeholders THE MAIOR OF LONDON The Mayor of London is Co-Chair of the Olympic Board, which oversees the 2012 project. Olympic Park Legacy Company After the London 2012 Games this company is responsible for the long-term planning, development, management and maintenance of the Olympic Park. Secondary stake holders Media TFL Schools Police/ forces Customers sponsors Stakeholders are analysis according to their power and interest of the organization. There are four types of stakeholders Keep Satisfied -high power /low interest Engage Closely and Influence Actively- high power/ high interest Monitor (minimum effort) Low power low interest Keep Informed-low power / high interest It is important to involve stake holder to marketing decisions be cause some types of planning purpose will need to comprise a report of participation to show stakeholder conversation in move ahead of the submission of the planning application. And some projects, like business planning require stakeholder participation and wider communal liability. Key stakeholders are directly influence and important to the success of the project. Task 3(a) current changes The pest analysis of London 2012 Political- Political factors are mostly including government legislation forcing businesses. The Olympic Games are frequently under attack by terrorist groups. Sports events are mostly developed and improved in education sector. The cost of Olympics budget may affect to present government stability. Economical- Economic services consist of effects of increase, interest rates and exchange rates. Present financial dip can be a pressure to the government. Over budgeting of the project Hard to cover the Skills gap Social- In the schools increasing participation in sport Community Development such as charity organizations, volunteer work forces. Technological- Technology is changing speedily. Depending on market, technology can be change. For London Olympics giant screens are best example for that people can watch the Olympic in live where ever the country when screens are available. On line people can do investments and develop the business through the new web site. Task 3 (b) how respond For all these changes planning committee and project team has to respond to reach their goal. So they. Have to consider with health and safety rules and regulations and follow them accurately for safeness of the people. The datas of the project and employees and all the people who involve to the project must be protected And the mean time have to provide best opportunity to the people. For technological changes if there any skills gap have to make use from another countries. It may be very expensive. Task 3 (c) the functional areas may develop Hr Security media transport HR In the hr sector have to clarify the present job opportunities. And to get maximum out come from human recourse. And also by minimise the number of jobs and cover the budget of the project. School students projects and volunteer workers projects and also awarding systems can be introduced next 3 years. Security For security purpose high tech speed cameras can be fixed. Train a special secret security team with special hidden cameras and mike that no one can recognise. Media Giant screen New website Special magazines Transport Development of roads, highways Special buses, fights, trains for London 2012
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Pollution and Plunging Male Fertility :: Pollution Environment Environmental
Pollution and Plunging Male Fertility Several reliable studies have confirmed that fertility among men has decreased as a result of pollution. The average male ejaculation is about three milliliters. This amount of semen can contain between 20 million to 300 million sperm per milliliter semen. To determine the approximate number of sperm per milliliter of semen, technicians must place a drop of semen on a slide and, while looking through a microscope, they count the sperm within a certain sector. Men that have sperm counts below 20 million per milliliter are said to have reduced fertility and those whose counts fall below 5 million are considered sterile. In 1974, C. M. Kinloch-Nelson and Raymond G. Bunge at the University of Iowa, studied the semen quality of men who had fathered two or more children and were about to undergo vasectomies. Of the 386 fertile men studied, 7% of them had sperm concentrations above 100 million per millimeter and the average concentration was 48 million. When they compared their findings to similar studies done in the thirties, they found that sperm counts had been decreasing for 50 years. "They discovered that among healthy adult males who were not being treated for infertility, the average sperm count had declined by about 40 percent, from 120 million sperm cells per milliliter of semen to about 70 million" (Big Drop 36). In 1979, a professor at Florida State University, upon analyzing student semen samples discovered surprisingly low sperm counts and alarmingly high levels of toxic chemicals (including DDT and PLB's). "He suggested that environmental pollution might be causing the sperm decline" (Big Drop 36). The results of his findings triggered studies all over the world, showing counts in the range from 55 to 75 million and others showing numbers well above 100 million. Men exposed to high levels of toxic chemicals on the job were found to have semen containing pollutants. "Most scientists held to the view that changes in counting techniques were responsible for the reported dip" and . . . "after a few headlines, the sperm crisis became yesterday's news" (Big Drop 36). In 1996, Niels E. Skakkebk, a Danish pediatric endocrinologist, began studying male infertility and growth disorders among children . He had been noticing numerous boys with testicles that had not descended and malformed genitals. A study done in 1984 examining 2,000 Danish school boys showed that 7% of them had one or both testicles still inside their bodies.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
History behind Frankenstein Essay -- Mary Shelley
Mary Shelley, a Romance author, began writing during the period of the French Revolution (1789-1799). Members of the Revolution believed that the few individuals who were leading them were going to change the world. After the wars that followed the French Revolution had taken their toll, it became evident that these leaders could not even succeed in maintaining authority. The hundreds that followed them were forced to accept abandonment by their leaders and a new order. Shelley’s first novel, Frankenstein, expresses this disillusionment that was experienced by herself and those around her. In this novel a young scientist’s selfish ambition becomes the ruin of his world, â€Å"Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge, and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow†(p. 48). Frankenstein is a fictional story about a young man who creates a human. He makes this creature with the physical attributes of a man, eyes, ears, mouth, mind, and the senses. Victor’s motivation was personal glorification, â€Å"A new species would bless me as its creator and source, many happy and excellent natures would owe their being to me†p.49. Similarly the revolutionaries sought distinction in the creation of a new order or nation. Soon after its birth, however, Victor abandons his creation because of his inability to accept the responsibility that came with completion. This is similar to the leaders of the revolution in Shelley’s time. They began a powerful movement that promised glory, but which they could not control. The result of their abandonment caused death in the wars that followed. As the sto... ...apse of the French Revolution, without leadership it could not be successful. There had been no reconciliation and it had died away among scattered wars. Frankenstein seems to represent an unfinished tale to an unfinished portion of Shelley’s life. She could not write an end to her revolution because the French Revolution had dissolved into an unrecognizable idea. I would not simply categorize Frankenstein as a science fiction novel. Mary Shelley was writing on her life and times. She and other Romance writers were impacted by the crush of the French Revolution and the high ideals which it promised. These disappointments are evident in Frankenstein as Victor Frankenstein creates, abandons, and is eventually destroyed by his selfish ambition, as were the revolutionaries. Works Cited Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein
Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Children
The abuse of children is not new. It dates back to biblical times. During recent years, child abuse has had a rise in the public eye. According to the nationally known website, there are four types of child abuse: physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, and neglect (Childabuse), each with its own unique set of characteristics, each affecting a child differently, and each noticeable, stoppable, and preventable. The first type of child abuse is physical abuse. stated that, this type of abuse should be stopped as soon as possible, for it could result in death. It involves any type of physical discipline that causes visible injuries or wounds on a child. Any abuse that results in a severe injury needing medical care that could be life threatening, cause mental or physical impairment or chronic pain classified as physical child abuse (Childabuse). The second type of child abuse is sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is defined as acts of sexual harassment and sexual exploitation of minors. Sexual abuse has a wide range of behavior and may consist of many acts over a long period of time or a single incident. The nature of the crime, the shame of the victim, and the involvement of loved ones may make it harder for children to come forward and report abuse. A statistic from written by author John Mersch said that sexual abuse is the least reported form of child abuse, accounting for only 10% of all cases (Mersch). Child pornography, child prostitution, or the exposure of a child to sexual acts or things showing sexual acts may also be included in sexual abuse. The third type of child abuse is emotional abuse. Mersch says that emotional abuse involves verbal assaults, ignoring, or constant ... ...e factors to ensure the well being of children. Parents can also help stop and prevent child abuse in the community just by something as simple as keeping an eye out for the children in the neighborhood. Child abuse affects children of all ages, races, and backgrounds. Any child can be victimized. And the victimizer can be anyone. Male, female, parent, friend, and sometimes even another child. The best thing for a person to do to help solve the problem of child abuse is to keep an open eye out for signs. The sooner the abuse of a child is stopped, the better chance that the child has of living a normal, healthy, and happy life. Works Cited Child Abuse: Prevention through Education and Awareness.†Child Abuse. 2014. Article Originals, Inc., Web. 27 Oct 2014. Pyrek, Kelly. Forensic Nursing. Boca Raton, FL: CRC PRESS, 2006331. Print.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
American Writers Essay
Ernest Hemingway’s writing is among the most recognizable and influential prose of the twentieth century. Many critics believe his style was influenced by his days as a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star, where he had to rely on short sentences and energetic English. Hemingway’s technique is uncomplicated, with plain grammar and easily accessible language. His hallmark is a clean style that eschews adjectives and uses short, rhythmic sentences that concentrate on action rather than reflection. Though his writing is often thought of as â€Å"simple,†this generalization could not be further from the truth. He was an obsessive reviser. His work is the result of a careful process of selecting only those elements essential to the story and pruning everything else away. He kept his prose direct and unadorned, employing a technique he termed the â€Å"iceberg principle. †In Death in the Afternoon he wrote, â€Å"If a writer of prose knows enough about what he is writing about he may omit things that he knows and the reader, if the writer is writing truly enough, will have a feeling of those things as strongly as though the writer had stated them. The dignity of movement of the iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water. †Hemingway is also considered a master of dialogue. The conversations between his characters demonstrate not only communication but also its limits. The way Hemingway’s characters speak is sometimes more important than what they say, because what they choose to say (or leave unsaid) illuminates sources of inner conflict. Sometimes characters say only what they think another character will want to hear. In short, Hemingway captures the complexity of human interaction through subtlety and implication as well as direct discourse. The writers of Hemingway’s generation are often termed â€Å"Modernists. †Disillusioned by the large number of casualties in World War I, they turned away from the nineteenth-century, Victorian notions of morality and propriety and toward a more existential worldview. Many of the era’s most talented writers congregated in Paris. Ezra Pound, considered one of the most significant poets of the Modernist movement, promoted Hemingway’s early work, as did F. Scott Fitzgerald, who wrote to his editor, Maxwell Perkins, on Hemingway’s behalf. The powerful impact of Hemingway’s writing on other authors continues to this day. Writers as diverse as Bret Easton Ellis, Chuck Palahniuk, Elmore Leonard, and Hunter S. Thompson have credited him with contributing to their styles. Direct, personal writing full of rich imagery was Hemingway’s goal. Nearly fifty years after his death, his distinctive prose is still recognizable by its economy and controlled understatement. 18 †¢ THE BIG READ National Endowment for the Arts.
Monday, September 16, 2019
The employs has a monthly payment and an additional commission of what they sell. Because Johanna is a well known brand and have a huge market share sales representatives can easily gain a bigger portion on commission. The company also distributes a part of its profit with its employees. To conclude they use wages, fringe benefits, performance related, and profit sharing system. All of that motivates them as a team to work harder and have a better out come, but like every thing this tool has its advantages and disadvantages.The wages Is the simplest and easiest to use for a big and known company Like Johanna, but Its mall disadvantage Is employs might feel It unfair for them to be paid as others while the other dose not do hisher job. Performance related, it is the best way to manage and control sales representatives, its main disadvantage is when reforming a service it is hared to monitor the employees; Johanna sales representative perform services by giving out questioners and taki ng complains.Then the fringe benefits is giving the employees health insurance that make the employees more loyal and have a low turn in rate, but if the company has a lot of employees that will have a high cost out come. Profit sharing system would make the employees loyal, normally companies don't give out a big share of there profit to the employees for them to feel the difference. Recommendation The company should know haw to motivate every single one of Its employees because every one of them may respond different from the other.The company s o a nave a netter employee loyalty Day upgrading ten 010 Ana excellent employees to a higher position, to reach ultimate satisfaction. They should pick the best of there employees to give them training courses to be the next managers to lead the company to a better future. After setting the goal of the company and achieving it the company should make a party to celebrate their goal, to have a better loyalty.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Prison Healthcare Essay
In researching healthcare in the prison system there seemed to be a definite difference in the type of regulated health care being given or even offered to prisoners. Prisons have state and federal laws that they must abide by in delivering health care services to their inmates. Therefore this paper will discuss the Federal Bureau of Prisons which came about in 1930 and was put together to deliver compassionate and open-minded care for Federal prisoners. In addition, the BOP (Federal Bureau of Prisoners) was implemented to change the prison health care services to be able to offer a more professional type of care. The government agency being discussed in this paper is known as the Federal Bureau of Prisons. The BOP’s head office is located in Washington D.C. and is part of the U.S. Justice Department. The Federal Bureau of Prisons is held accountable for the operation and administration of the federal prison organization. The main reasoning behind the BOP is to deliver a neutr al and sympathetic type of treatment for federal inmates in the United States penitentiary system. The BOP also provides inmates with any health care they may need in agreement with any Federal and State laws. The BOP is in charge of the protection and upkeep of roughly 200,000 centralized prisoners and is accountable for setting the standard for federal prisons dispersed through the U.S. The BOP starts out by deciding where a prisoner should be placed such as; what facility? The next thing BOP would then assess is the level of security needed for the prisoner and what type of counseling he or she may need while serving their time in prison? In addition to counseling services the prisoner will be assessed for any mental health issues at this time as well. After many of these types of questions are answered concerning the inmate the BOP will then assess what type of health care services the prisoner is in need of and too what degree they are needed. An example of this could be if a p risoner is in need of some type of Prison Health Care Agency 3 immediate surgery, then he or she would be put at the top priority level for care needed. These types of questions are quickly reviewed along with administration to determine where the inmate will need to serve his or her time. The reason for this statement is a prison’s inmate capacity along with the level of treatment able to be offered at a specific prison may influence a decision to place an offender at one location over another. According to the United States Department of Justice (2013), â€Å"the Federal Bureau of Prisons are responsible for confining federal offenders in prisons that are safe, humane, cost-efficient, and secure†(Agencies). According to the Federal Bureau of Prison’s (2008), â€Å"as part of these duties, the BOP is able to control health care in prisons by being responsible for the delivery of medically necessary health care to inmates in accordance with applicable standards of care†(Executive Summary). The American Correctional Association has established nationwide principles connected to the safe, effective and professional operation of corrections facilities. These values are vital leaders in regards to the policies and procedures that defend the wellbeing and security of employees and inmates of the prison. These principles are frequently reviewed by a group looking over the standards. The amendments are grounded on decisions based by the court, practice sessions, and constitutional organizations. In order to comply with both federal and state laws, medical facilities or health care services must be provided at prisons and state-run correctional facilities. This type of task would require the combined efforts of several sections within the American Correctional Association which is primarily associated with the Administrative Services, Offender Operations, Support Services, and Health Services. In addition, things such as making financial arrangements for the construction and upkeep of medical faciliti es would fall to the obligation of Administrative Services and the Offender Prison Health Care Agency 4 Operations. In addition the Health Services at a prison are those responsible for the day to day procedures of the prison’s medical treatment centers. To make sure that the health care being provided to prisoners is meeting a high level of quality the American Correctional Association has required and expects accreditation and certification from any agencies regarding the National Commission on Correctional Health Care. The NCCHC healthcare principles and standards are intended to assist things such as; prison healthcare clinics meet international and national standards of basic human rights. By November 29, 2007, the BOP had held 166,794 inmates in approximately 114 BOP prisons at 93 different sites (The Federal Bureau of Prisons, 2008). Also, throughout 2007 the Federal Bureau of Prisons was indebted around $736 million for health care being offered to prisoners in the United States. The Federal Bureau of Prisons continues to deliver health care services to prisoners chiefly by internal medicinal providers working by the BOP or allocated to the BOP from the Public Health Service, and ultimately constricted health care physicians which were the ones’ that delivered wide-ranging treatment or separate health care services offered for a single person (The Federal Bureau of Prisons, 2008). Then with adjusting or controlling the growing prices regarding health care and the various other services the Federal Bureau of Prisons executed resources that were intended to offer additional competent health care to prisoners. The Federal Bureau of Prisons exertions to get some type of control on health care in prisons began by learning the various steps a prisoner must go through before he or she is transferred or sent to their assigned penitentiary. To start off prisoners are sent to a prison established around the level of treatment that is needed by this particular inmate. According to the Federal Bureau of Prison’s (2008) â€Å"the Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General (OIG) initiated an Prison Health Care Agency 5 audit to determine whether the BOP was appropriately containing health care costs in the provision of necessary medical, dental, and mental health care services; as well as effectively administering its medical services contracts and effectively monitored its medical services providers†(Executive Summary). To make sure that federal and state laws are being followed regarding health care facilities being offered at penitentiaries as well as state-run correctional facilities. For something like this assignment to take place would entail the joint efforts of numerous subdivisions inside the ADC, primarily Administrative Services, Offender Operations, Support Services, and Health Services. When it comes to planning and budgeting for the construction and maintenance of health care centers this is ultimately the obligation of the Administrative Services and Offender Operations. Therefore, the health care that is being provided to prisoners must be of a high quality and acceptable. In order to ensure that the quality of healthcare being provided to inmates is of a high quality and above criticism the ADC received certification from a self-governing agency to receive their accreditation which was the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC). The healthcare standards that are in place by the NCCHC were envisioned to assist prisons with health care centers for their inmates as well as making sure to meet and follow the international and national principles regarding basic human rights. Inmates of all ages, race, color, creed and nationali ty are able to receive an equivalent standard level of treatment regarding ones’ health that is offered to the public that are not be held behind bars. According to Health Care in Prison (2013), â€Å"This general principle is outlined in Prison Service Order 3200, which states: The Prison Service in partnership with the NHS has a responsibility to ensure that prisoners have access to health services that are broadly equivalent Prison Health Care Agency 6 to those the general public receives from the NHS†(What Healthcare Services is Prisoners Entitled to). This means that prisons already provide health education, patient education, prevention and other health promotion interventions in that general context.†In addition, it is a requirement that each and every prisoner be able to find the penitentiaries’ policy statement regarding the health care services that are offered. In this policy statement it must be able to be viewed in a noticeable spot that is in an accessible location for all inmates. The policy statement must explain in detail what specific primary care, dental and specialist clinical services are available to prisoners, along with who is responsible for providing them (Health Care in Prison, 2013). All prisons must provide the policy statement to any prisoner who requests this information regarding the health care services available to them within a particular time frame. Prison Health Care Agency 7 References: Chen, S. (2009, November). Prison health-care costs rise as inmates grow older and sicker. CNN Justice, (), 1-3. Retrieved from 13/justice/aging.inmates_1_prison-inmate-largest-prison-systems-medical-costs? Health care in prison. (2013). Retrieved from prison/page/1503575/ The Federal Bureau of Prisons. (2008). Retrieved from The United States Department of Justice. (2013). Retrieved from
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Learning and Memory
Learning and Memory Jessica A. Rountree, Brenda Bejar, Lisa Jackson, Derek Delarge PSY340 November 14, 2011 Dr. April Colett Learning and Memory On the surface learning and memory are connected easily. When an individual learns to walk, they retain the information in the memory. The learning process is something that happens every day. As human beings we are programmed to learn life lessons, and retain them in our memory. The memory keeps pictures, smells, experiences, and tastes for us to learn how to live our lives. Learning is the experiences we have, and memory stores this information (Pinel, 2009). It is as simple as that. However, researchers have found how the brain functions while retaining memory. A closer look into learning and memory one find’s it is not quite that simple. The brain, although protected by the skull, is a fragile organ. A blood clot, a blow to the head, or drug use can damage the brain enough that learning is stunted, and memory does not exist. For an individual who cannot remember 20 years of their life due to a car accident is going to experience psychological damage as well. It is not just the absence of memory itself, but the fear as well. Learning and memory are something that the majority of individuals take for granted. There are those that can learn, yet not retain memory. Amnesia patients often can retain motor skills, a learned skill, however, cannot recall memories. Memory and learning deficits affect an individual to life’s core. Depending on what type of deficit is occurring learning and memory may not be related. Retaining the ability to walk means learning is still in place, however not knowing what you had for breakfast is memory. Knowing how to eat is a learned response to feeling hungry. The mind works the knowledge presented to it. Whether that knowledge is carried properly thought the process of the brain is a different story. An individual can experience death so many times they learn it is a part of life. However, it is the memory that betrays us. Learned information leads to memories. Long-term potentiation (LTP) shows facilitation of synaptic transmissions following an electrical stimulation at a high frequency. This study was done mostly on rat hippocampus. The hippocampus is where the process of learning and memory take place. During research on rats it was found that the co-occurrence of firing presynaptic and postsynaptic cells must fire at the same time to induce LTP (Pinel, 2009). Hebb’s postulate for learning is the assumption this co-occurrence is physiologically necessary for learning and memory. He states the axon of cell A nears cell B and excites it. This closeness talks part in firing. Growth processes or metabolic changes take place in both cells (Pinel, 2009). Even to the smallest molecule learning and memory are intertwined with one another. Misfires of these cells can cause poor learning and retention. Researchers would not know the extent of the unique relationship between learning and memory if not for the rat experiments. What makes learning possible is also what makes memory possible. The neurons take information to the hippocampus where it is divided, processed and stored. In Pavlov’s conditioning experiment, he learned that a conditioned response can be created from memory (Pinel, 2009). Given the limits on information processing capacity, the specific details encoded and retrieved in memory come at the expense of other details. Comparing the types of details and processes that individuals from one culture prioritize over others offers insight into the type of information given priority in cognition, perhaps reflecting broader cultural values. The properties of memories and the types of memory errors people commit offer a window into the organization of memory. In terms of types of memory errors, if people falsely remember conceptually related, but not phonologically related items, it suggests that the meaning of the information is critical to the organization of memory, whereas phonological information is not (Chan et al. 2005). Information can be encoded not only in terms of its precise properties (e. g. , remembering the unique perceptual features of an item) but also in terms of its gist, or general thematic properties (e. g. , a category or verbal label). One example of highly specific memory representation comes from the literature on priming. Priming occurs when prior experience with an item facilitat es a response. Its effects are implicit: they do not rely on conscious recollection the item encountered previously. Although people respond to different examples of the same item (e. g. , a different picture of a cat) more quickly than to unrelated items, suggesting facilitation from prior exposure to a related item, the benefit is smaller than it is for a repeated presentation of the original item (Koutstaal et al. , 2001). The functions of the brain are well known for the control of the functional memory and learning and how the two have become interdependent. When individuals begin to stimulate the memory is when the learning occurs. Stimulating learning incites memory. With the knowledge at the center of the attention, it is imperative to stimulate the brain through lifelong learning so that one can start to achieve longevity and quality of life (Khorashadi, 2010). The brain is the organ is responsible for what we refer to as the mind. The basics of the mind are feeling, thinking, wanting, learning, behavior and memory. Memory is the fundamental mental process of the brain. If as humans if we not have memory then we are capable of simple reflexes and stereotyped behaviors. There are two different types of memory the declarative memory and the non-declarative memory. The examples of a declarative memory are semantic memory, which is the general memory, and the episodic memory, which is the detailed memory. Then the non-declarative memory is the skilled learning, priming and conditioning. Memory and learning are the most studied subjects within the field of neuroscience. Memory is a behavioral change caused by experiences, and learning is a process that is acquired by memory. Memory makes it possible to obtain pervious learning skills. There are different types of memory along with learning. Memory has temporal stages; short, intermediate, and long. The successive processes capture, store and retrieve information within the brain. There are different parts of the brain that process different aspects of the memory. It is known that a patient that suffers from amnesia will become memory impaired. With the two types of amnesia retrograde and anterograde the loss or inability to form memories will occur. With learning there are also different types the non-associative learning associative learning. These different types of non-associative are known as the habituation, which is a decreased response to repeated presentation of a stimulus. The distribution that is the restoration of a response amplitude after habituation. Then there is the sensitization that increases responses to most stimuli. There is also the associative learning that involves the relations between events. Classical conditioning is the neutral stimulus paired with another stimulus that elicits a response. The instrumental or operant conditioning is association is made between the behavior and the consequences of one’s behavior (Okano, 2000). Learning and memory are interchangeable processes that rely on each other. When memory-related neurons fire in sync with certain brain waves memories last. Theta oscillations are known to be involved in memory formation, and previous studies have identified correlations between memory strength and the activity of certain neurons, but the relationships between these events have not been understood. Research shows that when memory-related neurons are well coordinated to theta waves during the learning process, memories are stronger. When memory-related neurons in the brain fire in sync with certain brain waves, the resulting image recognition and memories are stronger, than if this synchronization does not occur (CSMC, 2010). In society, he or she widely accepted the necessity to be a lifelong learner if one is to thrive in today’s rapidly changing, economy, and technologically global society. Today’s economy ushers in adjustments and transitional challenges at several levels, and lifelong learning viewed as the vehicle that will empower individuals to meet and adapt to the challenges of today’s technological society according to (Jarvis, 1992). Too often today the knowledge and skills obtained from previous life experiences has become insufficient to respond to technological and economy question of today. The lack of accord that lies between an individual’s external world, and internal biographies that has been gathering over one’s lifetime, is a point of disjuncture. This is the point in one’s life that ushers in and ideal time, and condition for higher learning (Jarvis, 1992). A decision an individual must make at this point with a response to this disjuncture. An individual must decide to further their education to keep up with technology, or proceed with life as normal. With the ever-changing world of technology today it is only a matter of time before the point of disjuncture becomes inevitable. The traditional theory of the human brain was that it was a fixed and limited system, and it would develop its potential at the younger years of life. The theories insist that neurons were finite and could not regenerate. The contrast with the animal research has proven that new brain cells can be born in the hippocampus region responsible for new learning and memory. With this revelation the individual pursuit of activities that will foster brain health by developing neuron connections that underlie learning and experiences. Learning is imperative to human, and brain health. It is also imperative to quality of life. Today intuitions have financial incentives for people to continue lifelong learning has become a part of several health care programs. It is imperative that older Americans understand that learning is a healthy activity, not only for the brain, but for physical, emotional, and Spiritual, conditions as people age. . The learning and memory process is more delicate than individuals believe. However, the brain is an organ that can be exercised. It is important to remember to try to learn new things, and keep the brain moving. The brain and the mind are connected physically, and metaphysically. In order for the mind to be at ease, the brain has to function normally. Without normal brain function, an individual can experience depression. This depression can cause a slowing of the firing process causing false memories. The biological function of learning and memory are connected with one another in a delicate balance of connectivity. An electric charge between one neuron and another incites learning, and readies the memory. Perspective can change our learning process. An individual tends to learn something that interests them, rather than something that does not. The interest in the activity sends a stronger signal to the brain. This strong electric current incites the learning process, which makes memorizing the task much easier. This is why it is a strong belief that learning and memory are created by cells becoming close enough to respond to each other. An interest jump-starts this process. A healthy mind achieved through learning can reduce the affects of Alzheimer’s patients. More proof that as long as the brain is stimulated learning and memory can still take place. Reference Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (2010, March 24). When memory-related neurons fire in sync with certain brain waves, memories last. Retrieved November 14, 2011 from http://www. brandeis. edu/gutchess/publications/Gutchess_Indeck. pdf Chan, J. C. , McDermott, K. B. , Watson, J. M. , & Gallo, D. A. (2005). The importance of material-processing interactions in inducing false memories. Memory & Cognition, 33, 389–395. Jarvis, P (1912) Paradox of learning on becoming and individual in society. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publisher. Khorashadi, M. (2010). Differential effects of estrogen on memory processes and learning strategies: A selective review of animal studies. Mcgill Science Undergraduate Research Journal, 5(1), 24-29 Koutstaal, W. , Wagner, A. D. , Rotte, M. , Maril, A. , Buckner, Okano, H. (2000). Pnas. Retrieved from http://www. pnas. org/content/97/23/12403. full http://www. pnas. org/content/97/23/12403. full Pinel, J. (2009). Biopsychology (7th edition). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. R. L. , & Schacter, D. L. (2001). Perceptual specificity invisual object priming: Functional magnetic resonance imaging evidence for a laterality difference in fusiform cortex. Neuropsychologia, 39, 184–199. Learning and memory The goals of the course are to provide students with foundational knowledge in behave viral neuroscience which includes contemporary theoretical issues and research methods, to encourage studs nuts to think now, and into the future, about the role of the nervous system in all psychological processes, to beg in to develop the ability to read and interpret original research articles in behavioral neuroscience and to practice CE writing skills. Lectures: Regular attendance at lectures is required. Textbook reading assignments are meant o provide additional breadth and background for the material discussed in lecture.It is assumed that the assigned readings will be completed before class. Exams: Your comprehension of the lecture and reading materials will be assessed by 3 exam s and a final exam. Exams will be in multiple choice format. Together they will comprise 75% of the final grade. The final exam will be given on FRIDAY 12/11/2009 from 8:00 – 11:00 AM. This is the only time the final exam will be given. Exemptions from taking the exam at the scheduled time will only be gar need under college and university exceptions (e. G. , no more than three exams in one day), or to students who have serious illness or family emergencies.Therefore, please plan accordingly. Article Summaries: One goal of the course is to build foundational knowledge in behavioral neuroscience , including contemporary theoretical issues and research methods. While we will discuss the results of many r search studies, we will also read and discuss original research articles in order to give you a fuller appreciation f or the theoretical issues and search methods. You will be required to read each article and to write a brief (no more than one page) narrative summarizing the article.The articles will be available via Blackboard and w ill be announced in class and on Blackboard. Grades on summary papers comprise 10% of your final grade. Neuroscience in the Media Paper: Another goal of th e course is to encourage students to think now, and into the future, about the role of nervous system in all psychological processes. To encourage such broader thinking, each SST dent will be required to iscuss an example of â€Å"physiology in the media†(movies, television, music, magazine nest, newsprint, etc).This term paper will discuss and critique an example of physiology in the media with r preference to original scholarly research articles on the topic. The Media Watch paper will comprise 15% of the final grade and is due on December 4th 2009. To facilitate the Neuroscience in the Media paper project, a b rife description of the media example that will be the basis for your paper is due on October 7th and a bill graphs of original research articles for the topic is due on November 6th.
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