Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Benito Mussolini Essay Founding Father of Fascism

Name: * Teacher: * ENG2D1 27/05/2012 Benito Mussolini, Founding Father of Fascism Mussolini once stated that â€Å"It is humiliating to remain with our hands folded while others write history. It matters little who wins. To make a people great it is necessary to send them to battle even if you have to kick them in the pants. That is what I shall do. † As you would expect words like these from the mouth of Mussolini himself had been the inspirational backing to this dictator’s rain as sole leader of Italy in the Fascist party for nearly 24 years.Before the war, Mussolini formed the Fascist Party of Italy, by gathering the roaring support of many unemployed WWI veterans, like him. He proved to be the founder of Fascism and he had united Italy as one. During the war, Mussolini became power hungry, after joining forces with Hitler and the country of Japan. Hitler had influenced Mussolini to make many poor choices which would ultimately lead to the deaths of the both of them and the slaughtering of Fascism itself.After Mussolini’s fall from power, which occurred in the midst of WWII, Italy was thrown into chaos as the remaining Fascists fought against the partisans and the Italian army was left with no orders as to what they must do. As one may expect, this was just a temporary setback, and Italy once again formed its democracy. This essay will look at Benito Mussolini’s effect on Fascism and Italy before and during the war and after his fall from power. After WWI, Mussolini developed distaste for Socialism and had declared it to be a failure, he called for a new system to be formed, one that would revive the nation of Italy to its former Roman glory.Mussolini utilized a number of books and ideals to form the Fascist system. When discussing the Ideology behind Fascism, Mussolini affirmed that â€Å"Fascism, the more it considers and observes the future and the development of humanity, quite apart from political considerations of the mome nt, believes neither in the possibility nor the utility of perpetual peace. † In 1922, Mussolini had gained the support of a number of Italian war veterans, at this same time Italy was in complete political anarchy, with no real party in power.He had used this as leverage to gain power and eventually make himself the leader of Italy. The King handed over power to Mussolini by inviting him to form his own government. Soon, Mussolini’s Fascist movement had formed into the National Fascist Party. The Fascist party had gradually disassembled the democratic government and gained full support of the military, business class, and the liberals. By 1925, Mussolini’s Fascist party had taken control of Italy and he had given himself the title of ‘II Duce'. With such a title, he holds no responsibility to parliament and can only be removed by the king.He now set out to re-establish Italy as a major European power. In the years to come, Mussolini faced many assassinatio n attempts, one being from an Archaist, this lead to Mussolini outlawing all other parties, in 1926. He coordinated many illegal activities in order to keep himself in power, one such being cooperating with the Mafia to reduce violence in order to make it seem as if the Mafia was defeated. With Mussolini in power, surrounded by greed, and no opposition left standing, the living standard for the average Italian fell greatly.Mussolini knew he needed to do something to prevent uproar from the Italian people. In 1930, an economic depression hit Italy and Mussolini had to find some way to help recover the economy. By 1935, Mussolini had control over three quarters of all business in Italy. He made an attempt at creating government initiatives to combat the economic setbacks and unemployment levels. Most of these failed because they used up valuable resources. Mussolini made it seem as if all was well and these initiatives were working by the means of propaganda.To gain further control of the economy, he issued price and wage controls in 1938. He later attempted to make Italy self-sufficient by instituting high tariffs on trade against all countries except Germany. As one would expect, the whole of Mussolini’s rein, up to this point, had been an utter failure and all he had to defend himself with was propaganda. His first and most important priority was to brainwash the minds of the Italian peoples through careful monitoring and censorship of press, radio, education, and films.In conclusion, before the war, Mussolini had a negative effect on the quality of lives of the Italian people up to this point, and he also has so far proven that although it may have some sense in theory, Fascism when under the wrong leadership can go very bad. In 1939, the threat of war was approaching as tensions were growing in Europe; it was now up to Mussolini to decide which side to choose. It was clear to Mussolini that Nazi Germany had a strong chance of winning if war was to ar ise in Europe and that he would have to join with them now in order to secure Italy’s position as a global superpower in the near future.And so, in 1939, Italy and Germany agree to a military and political alliance, giving birth to the Axis. Soon after, in 1940, Japan joined the Axis. With the war in its beginning stages and Germany already showing strong favor, Italy joined the war. On 10 June 1940, Italy declared war on Britain and France. Many Italian people were very wiry about the joining of a major war at such a bad time for the economy, but their fears were tarnished by the quick takeover of France in just eleven days. Regardless, Italian soldiers were ill-equipped and poorly trained.These facts became exposed when Italy encountered failures in safeguarding their territory in Northern Africa and the Balkans. Mussolini’s defeated armies were sent to the Soviet Union to help Nazi Germany in their poorly planned invasion on the USSR. This proved to be a fatal choic e, as the thin numbers of the weak Italian army grew even thinner. It was clear that it Italy was to face invasion on its own soil then it would never have the power left to defend. That fact was clear to the allies, and so, in July 1943, the fighting came right to Italy’s doorstep with the invasion on Sicily by allied forces.Things were looking down for Italy, with a portion of southern Italy seized by the allies and a bombing occurring in Rome for the first time in history. Mussolini was losing confidence from his people. Mussolini had proven himself a failure in his handling of the war and he was soon removed from his position by the King. He was arrested almost immediately. With Mussolini powerless, and the nation split in half between the Nazi north and the Allies south, the nation was in anarchy. In time, the Fascist system was overrun and some of Italy changed sides. The Allied controlled south of Italy declared war on Germany on October 13, 1943.Mussolini was rescued from his imprisonment at the Hotel Campo Imperatore during the Gran Sasso Raid, two months after his arrest. Hitler assisted Mussolini in setting up a new regime (Italian Socialist Republic) and during his final two years, Mussolini lived in Northern Italy and spent much of his time writing his own autobiography. Soon, the war was over and the Fascist rein in Italy was over as well as the Nazi rein in Germany. Hitler found solution to this through suicide; Mussolini chose a different solution and decided to make an attempt at fleeing to Switzerland with the remaining members of the Italian Socialist Republic.Mussolini was caught and executed along with the other members of the Italian Socialist Republic which were with him at the time. In conclusion, during the war, Mussolini had had worsened the lives of the Italian people and had proven once and for all that Fascism simply does not work and will never function well enough to be a proper system of government. Mussolini was beaten, having failed the nation he swore to protect, his corpse was left hung upside-down on a meat hook for all of Italy to ease their worries.Following Mussolini’s fall from power, Italy was pushed into further distress. Italy was left without a proper leader and the aftereffects of Mussolini’s poor governing still remained a very real issue to Italians. Strung in poverty, fighting within the government and lack of leadership had tossed Italy into a war within its own borders. And so, in September of 1943, the Italian Civil War began. It was a fight between the remaining supporters of Mussolini (Fascists) and the Parisians. The Fascists still had the support of Nazi Germany and the Parisians had support of the Allies.This was a war within a war, a fight between Italians over governmental system and ultimately for basic freedoms. This war had dragged on until the demolition of Nazi Germany and the surrendering of the final Axis members. The Fascists had been defeated and a n ew system had to be put into place. It all started with elections just as it had nearly 30 years ago before Mussolini was in power. The first democratic vote made resulted in the dissolving of the monarchy, and soon a new prime minister was in place and Italians began to renew their trust in the democratic system.One may think that Mussolini’s legacy did not in fact live on in the governmental system or in the people of Italy, but in fact, it did. Successors of the recently banned National Fascist Party had formed their own parties, the most famous of which being the MSI (Movimento Sociale Italiano) which was dissolved in 1995. The MSI was later replaced with National Alliance which still exists today as a party that is in fact opposed to Fascism; its leader even once stated that Fascism is â€Å"an absolute evil†. In conclusion, afterMussolini had died, Italy had recovered very well, and now, thanks to Mussolini, we all know it’s wise to learn from history and never to return back to such an illogical system as Fascism. This essay has looked at Benito Mussolini’s effect on Fascism and Italy before and during the war and after his fall from power. Before the war, following WWI, Italy was in chaos, without a leader and with distrust in the democratic system, Italy had placed its trust in Mussolini and his newly invented Fascist System.During this time, Mussolini made Italians poor and had worsened their quality of lives and thus had been a poor leader. During the war, Mussolini had risked the lives of Italians through carless actions on his part. He allied with the evils of the Nazi Party and sent his men to wars they couldn’t fight when being so ill-equipped and poorly trained. After his death, Italy was once again in chaos, so much so that they entered into a civil war which finally put an end to the Fascist movement. His legacy still lived on in the parties that replaced his.Even though some may wish to forget, his legacy h as become the savior of many more innocent people due to the fact that he proved that Fascism is an evil system that shall never be used again. This report has concluded that Mussolini was an awful leader who divided the nation more then he united it and also that Fascism is too archaic for a sophisticated modern society, such as ours. Work Cited Trueman, C.. â€Å"Benito Mussolini. †Ã‚  History learning site. historylearningsite. co. uk, 2008. Web. 31 May 2012. . â€Å"Head of Government and Duce of Fascist: In Office. â€Å"Wikipedia. Google, 2011. Web. 31 May 2012. . unknown, . â€Å"Historic Figures: Benito Mussolini (1883-1945). †Ã‚  Bbc. co. uk. BBC History, 2011. Web. 31 May 2012. . Mussolini, . â€Å"Benito Mussolini Quotes . †Ã‚  Benito mussolini quotes. N. p. , 2001. Web. 31 May 2012.

Little Miss Sunshine Essay

In the exposition the audience is first introduced to Richard on stage giving his ‘9 step’ speech. The directors use a low angle shot suggesting that he is a superior and authoritative character. Richards powerful voice booms through the room when he says the dialogue â€Å"there are two types of people in this world winners and losers†, the way Richard speaks makes him appear to be a ‘winner’ and that he truly believes in the ‘9 step’ program he is trying to sell. Dayton and Farris create a false impression of Richard, making the audience believe that he is a â€Å"winner†. Ironically once Richard finishes his speech, the camera pans to his audience, which is none other than a classroom of ten people hesintly clapping, this diminishes his position of power instantly. This shows the timeless idea that ‘winning is not everything’ because that when a person who’s only goal is winning are in fact ‘losers†™ because they are not learning the important lessons in life that come with this journey so they don’t fully succussed. When people focus to hard on winning they miss out on the more important lessons that come with this adventure. The idea that winning is everything for Richard creates a false world for him. Richard in his own mind thinks that he is a winner but it is clear to the audience that he is not. Richard is to consumed in winning which leads him into unintentionally being mean to Olive. The dialogue â€Å"Don’t apologise Olive, it’s a sign of weakness† shows how Richard is trying to force his beliefs onto Olive. The close up of Olive (that follows) looking nerves and sad that her father thinks she’s weak shows the audience that Richard is too focussed on winning which leads him to hurting innocent Olive . This shows the timeless idea that ‘winning is not everything’ because if we focuses to much on winning that it can lead us to forgetting our morals and hurting the people we love, making us ‘losers’ in the real things that matter like family and love. Dayton and Farris use the character Richard to show the audience that winning is not everything. On the road journey Richard also takes an emotional journey and discovers that life is not all about winning. Richard slowly changes through out the movie into a true winner because he starts caring for other people and starts to use his ‘9 steps’ rather than blankly speaking about them. Nsdghjgtsjdgh The first sign of this positive change is when. The directors use a two person shot of Richard and the pageant coordinator to show how Richard has changed for the better. The dialogue â€Å"what is your daughter doing?† Richard replies â€Å" she’s kicking ass† shows how Richard has changed and now understands that ‘winning is not everything’. In this two person shot Richard appears to be the true winner because has now come to realise the one of the true meanings of winning which is having a loving family, while the pageant coordinator is still focussed on the idea that winning is everything, this shows how Richard was and how he has changed for the better. This shows the timeless idea that winning is not everything because when he realises that it’s not all about winning , he becomes a winner because now he values his values his family and now isn’t focussed on just winning. Dayton and Farris help us to understand that we shouldn’t put all our effort into â€Å"stupid meaningless competitions† but instead focus on the truly important things in life. Through Richards change the audience learnt the timeless idea that ‘winning is not everything . Dayton and Farris show that though someone may appear to be a ‘winner’ and successful in life, this is not always true and what is on the inside and how you treat people is more important. By Richard realising that the true values in life are love and relationships not success we are shown that we should focus on the true values in lif e for us.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gunns Case Study

The PESTEL framework below analyses the environment in which Gunns Ltd. operates by identifying the forces that have the most impact on Gunns performance: Political factors: The Commonwealth and state government environmental support for the pulp mill project had been achieved in 2007, despite bitter public opposition.This is a very strong support from the Government in order to utilize Australia’s expanded forest resource, as there is a significant increase in hardwood pulpwood availability projected and Australia’s hardwood pulpwood currently processed onshore less than 7%. â€Å"Plantation 2020†, a partnership between the Governments of Australia, was established in 1997, although its Vision 2020 had been established as part of the National Forest Policy Statement in 1992.Vision 2020 aimed to treble the area of tree crops by 2020. The Government also expected continued economic growth, especially in Asia-Pacific region. It is also recommended that Vision 2020 might maximize potential economic and environmental benefits of plantations through market development that would attract more private investment The Australian Government recognized that its proposed Emissions Trading Scheme could lead to a loss of competitiveness for trade-exposed firms.In response, in late 2009, the Australian Government committed $19 million to address four areas of importance to the industry (Creation of ForestWorks as the Forest Industry Skills Council, Development of a forest industry database, addressing climate change impacts on forestry, Assisting industry value-adding) Economic factors: Since ANZ had withdrawn funding in May 2008, under public pressure, and the Global Financial Crisis had made investment funds even more difficult to access. In 2008 and 2009, many projects for new capacity were either cancelled or put on hold due to financing difficulties.Since 1997 more than 0. 5 million hectares of new MIS plantations had been established. Plantations ha d largely been established with private capital through managed investment schemes (MIS) encouraged by favorable tax treatment. Whereby investors paid tax on returns when timber was sold and the MIS paid tax on scheme profits. This allows deductions for investments upfront while deferring tax. Australia had developed an Australian Forestry Standard (AFS) to provide consumers with an independent assessment of claims about the sustainability of forest management in Australia.However, there was a strong pressure to adopt AFS as it was more relaxed about the logging of native forests, which was generally not permitted under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Social factors: The Australian industry had employed over 19000 people in predominantly rural and regional communities, mainly working for seven major domestic and international companies. It was an important customer for the domestic forestry industry. Environmental factors:While the Australian industry had historically been char acterized by ageing equipment and lower than world average capacities, capital investment and product development had enabled productivity gains that supported ongoing competitiveness and a reduction in the industry’s environmental footprint such as: * Greenhouse gas emissions and energy intensity had improved by 22% and 28% respectively since 1990, just under 30% of energy consumption derived from renewable sources * Environmental regulation and market demand for chlorine-free products had driven the industry to find alternatives to chlorine as a bleaching agent such as elemental chlorine-free and totally chlorine-free pulp. The quantity of water used per unit of output in the worldwide pulp and paper industry had nearly halved from that used in 1990, but the Australian industry savings were even greater * The maximum speed of most paper machines was estimated at 2000 meters per minute in 2005, compared with only 1600 meters per minute in 1995 Legal factors: Plantation fores try was one of the most highly regulated rural industries in Australia. All states and territory governments had codes of practice and/or guidelines for plantation management that conformed to the principles of sustainable development and took into account key regional characteristics such as cultural heritage and specific environmental impacts. ( 8 Federal Acts).These factors will create a safe protection and assistance for Gunns Ltd with its projects * Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conversation Act 1999 * Export Control Act 1982 * Native Title Act 1993 * Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 * Conservation, Forests and Lands Act 1987 (for Victoria_ * Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1999 (for Victoria) Competitors’ analysis It is suggested that Gunns includes very high pulp and paper production and processing costs relative to other international countries such as Brazil and China, which means that the company is unable to compete effectively and sustainably in t hese markets (Samuel, 2010).China and Brazil are two emerging countries that are low cost production company. They are heavily subsidized, with access to much better and innovative technologies. In addition, their pulp and paper industries are heavily subsidized, they have different approaches to taxation and are subject to less onerous environmental regulations (Samuel, 2010). Especially, China has recently been rapidly becoming the largest global tissue manufacturer and consumer. They also had plans to install over 20 million tonnes of highly modern, efficient processing capacity to around 60 million tonnes per year and become the lowest cost producer which putting much more pressure on Gunns Ltd. Samuel, D. (2010).Case 1: Gunns and the Australian Pulp and Paper Manufacturing Industry. Final Recommendation After considering all alternatives, it is recommended that Gunns Ltd should undertake a joint venture with a company specializing in low-cost pulp and paper production. Although this is the most costly and time-consuming alternative since it requires intense negotiations between both parties as well as the divestment of Gunns’ non-core assets in order to become attractive, it will greatly assist the company in growing, funding its Bell Bay pulpwood mill and ensuring the successful operation of this project (Business Link, 2011; Gale, 2011; Morningstar, 2011g).In addition, the joint venture recommendation will provide Gunns with the significantly great benefits and synergies as it will allow the company to gain sustainable competitive advantage by growing faster, generating greater earnings and having greater access to the other company’s resources and established markets and distribution channels (Business Link, 2011). Extra notes on Internal Analysis part: Gunns’ core competencies are in forestry establishment and management, plantation management and downstream timber processing and sale (Gunns, 2011b; Lonsec, 2009). After conducting a SWOT analysis of Gunns, it was found that their main strength was having a highly diversified and vertically integrated corporate structure (Gunns, 2011b; Lonsec, 2009). This corporate structure is very robust and allows the company to have greater capacity in controlling access to inputs along with controlling the cost, quality and delivery time of those inputs (The Economist, 2011).As a result of its highly diversified and robust corporate structure, Gunns is able to earn much greater revenue from their diverse business activities in comparison to their competitors (Lonsec, 2009). Extra notes on Strategic Alternatives: Alternatively, Gunns should demerge their non-core businesses of providing finance, road maintenance and construction, winery management and marketing services (Yahoo Finance, 2011). The proceeds from the demerger should help reduce the company’s debt levels and allow the company to better focus on strengthening their core competencies and pursuing growth opportunities in order to gain sustainable competitive advantage (Investopedia, 2010).The demerger is also likely to have a positive impact on Gunns’ low share price (Chappell, 2011; Investopedia, 2010). References Business Link (2011). Benefits of Joint Ventures. Retrieved October 11, 2011 from http://www. businesslink. gov. uk/bdotg/action/layer? r. i=1075411648&r. l1 =1074404796&r. l2=1074404799&r. l3=1073864682&r. s=sc&r. t=RESOURCES&topicId=1073864682 Chappell, T. (2011). Foster’s Demerger Lifts Takeover Chance. Retrieved October 10, 2011 from http://news. smh. com. au/breaking-news-business/fosters-demerger-lifts-takeover-chance-20110317-1byf1. html Gale, F. (2011). Gunns Heading for its Tasmanian Endgame. Retrieved October 11, 2011 from http://theconversation. edu. u/gunns-heading-for-its-tasmanian-endgame-3241 Gunns (2011b). Our Businesses. Retrieved October 7, 2011 from http://www. gunns. com. au/ Investopedia (2011). Debt-to-Equity Ratio. Retrieved September 30, 2011 from http://www. investopedia. com/terms/d/debtequityratio. asp#axzz1ZPjpPQif Morningstar (2011g). Stock Research: Gunns Ltd. Retrieved October 11, 2011 from http://www. morningstar. com. au/Stocks/Research/20110601/GNS The Economist (2011). Vertical Integration. Retrieved October 9, 2011 from http://www. economist. com/node/13396061 Yahoo Finance (2011). Gunns Ltd Profile. Retrieved October 10, 2011 from http://au. finance. yahoo. com/q/pr? s=GNS. AX

Monday, July 29, 2019

Companies with low on diversity Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Companies with low on diversity - Research Paper Example There is a realization that diversity can be a source of immense creativity and innovation. In the new light, American companies are doing their best to embrace and harness the value of diversity in all their aspects. This paper will explore ways in which these companies are embracing diversity. It will also highlight companies that are leading in embracing diversity as well those lagging behind. An understanding of the American diversity is crucial (Johnson 9). The workforce comprises Whites, African American, Hispanics, Latinos, Indians, Asians, and Africans. The Whites form the majority while the others are the minority groups. From a different angle, the minority group also includes women, and all disabled people. The American people are adherents of different religions (Wuthnow 130). The society has varying cultures and belief systems. The people grow up in different backgrounds and neighborhoods. The American society is greatly diverse. In addition, each individual has a unique personality and abilities. For companies, embracing diversity means more. Most of the companies are operating on a global front. Their markets are from different races and backgrounds. A good example is McDonalds that operates in many regions of the world (Harris 6). They realize the need to satisfy their clients. One of the strategies of survival has been to recruit a heterogeneous workforce. Such a workforce is a representation of the society. This workforce produces ideas that can address the needs of the market (Harris 58). In this sense, diversity results in innovation. Most of the companies who understand the need for diversity have a diversity officer in place. This officer ensures that the company maintains diversity and inclusion at all levels. Companies are working hard to ensure that there is inclusion in all offices and departments. Most of the companies are proving gender sensitive. A remarkable percentage of women sits in boards in many companies and indulges actively in decision-making and formulating practices at the workplace. Appreciating diversity in the American society has not been an easy venture. There are numerous challenges and the companies need to have a great deal of commitment. Such commitment drives the companies to lay down strategies that can help the company improve in appreciating diversity. Many of the companies have made remarkable progress in embracing diversity.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Special Education Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Special Education Questions - Essay Example And so are the ones who have had a history of emotional or sexual abuse. They all tend to display inadequate social skills and hence put their acceptance in the mainstream school culture in jeopardy. The difficulties confronting children with special needs (be it physical one or psychological ones) are all the more daunting. IDEA is the country’s special education law that expands to Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. Though originally debated in the Congress in the 1970’s to ensure that children with special needs and disabilities have adequate opportunities to get appropriate public education, on par with children of normal ability. The recent amendments to the law were the most comprehensive, the final document of which was published last year. It sets out many key components of IDEA as well as guidelines for educational institutions in regard to providing â€Å"special education and related services to more than six million eligible children with disabilities†. The three important components of IDEA are: Discuss strategies that teachers can implement when working in general education classrooms with students with ADHD. Consider curriculum modifications, teacher behavior, organization and social skill development in your discussion. 1. Using active reading techniques- reading headings before reading chapter, skimming chapter to see what comes next, taking notes while reading, making up questions using chapter headings, practicing answering these questions while reading and reviewing major points. 4.Using the SQ4R method, Survey Question Read, Rite (write) Recite Review - surveying sections by looking over the main headings, making up questions, reading entire sections, writing answers to the questions, reciting the information out loud if possible, and finally reviewing their work. The increase in emotionally disturbed behavior among young children is both alarming in the present

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Summarize an economics article and reflect how the material you Essay

Summarize an economics article and reflect how the material you learned in class help you understand the article - Essay Example There is also freedom of choice. Consumers, workers, businesses and owners have the freedom to produce, buy and sell goods and service in the market. The only limiting factor is the price at which they are able and willing to pay and sell and the capital that they have (Amadeo, 1). The property economy is driven by the motive of self interest where goods and services are sold at the highest bidder while they pay the minimum for the services and goods. The forces of competition maintain the prices at reasonable levels and ensure that services and goods are offered efficiently. All sellers and buyers have the same access and information on which they base their decisions. The government ensures that markets are open and operating (Amadeo, 1). Most goods and services wanted are produced in the most effectual manner. There is innovation in this economy which is profitable. Also, the persons and business that are interested in innovations accumulate a lot of capital which can lead to higher quality of goods (Amadeo, 1). The market operates by competition and there are individuals in the society who are underprivileged. In this economic set-up, there is reward for individuals’ adeptness in competition, and thus, it reflects their values and organization (Amadeo, 1). The most commonly thought premier market economy is the US. This has been a success because of its constitution which has maximum requirements that ease and protect the features of a market economy (Amadeo, 1). The materials that we interacted with in class have helped in understanding what is meant by demand and supply and how they control the manufacturing of goods and services. They have been useful in understanding how and why producers are driven by profits while buyers want to save the highest possible amount. Through the materials, one is able to understand why the market has such characteristics as private property, freedom of choice,

Friday, July 26, 2019

The McCarthy Era That Affected The Russians in Hollywood Essay

The McCarthy Era That Affected The Russians in Hollywood - Essay Example (Freedland, Michael) The House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) held a series of showbiz trials, the aftermath of which is recorded by Freedland in his book, Hollywood on Trial. Careers of more than 400 people in Hollywood were destroyed, and they were blacklisted by film producers, as they were not able to satisfactorily answer the question of whether they then were, or had ever been, Communists. This was a weird situation, as the Communist Party itself was not banned in the US, and its newspaper The Daily Worker continued to be published. Those who were hauled up for questioning had three options—that of perjury (denial of links that they had with the Communist Party), taking refuge under the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution, which protected them from implicating themselves, or invoking the rights to free speech granted by the First Amendment. Edward Dmytryk, of Ukrainian origin, was one among the ‘Hollywood 10’ who were imprisoned and harassed. After spending some months in prison, on account of refusal to cooperate, he later relented, and testified. He admitted to a briefly held membership of the Communist Party in 1945, and revealed the names of fellow members of the Party from the film industry. He stated that John Howard Lawson, Adrian Scott, Albert Maltz and several others had pressurized him to include Communist propaganda in his movies. Dmytryk, after a while, moved to England, where he made some low budget films, and then went on to direct films for top studios like Columbia, 20th Century Fox, MGM and Paramount Pictures. Later, in the seventies, he entered academia, teaching at universities. (Freedland, Michael) The other nine—of the Hollywood 10—were Alvah Bessie, Herbert J Biberman, Lester Cole, Ring Lardner Jr, John Howard Lawson, Albert Maltz, Samuel Ornitz, Adrian Scott and Dalton Trumbo. Most of these ten were forced to leave the film industry and do other jobs like working in restaurants or teaching. Several produced

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Promise and peril Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Promise and peril - Essay Example The article also notes there are challenges in implementing pay-for-performance programs by managers. One of such is seen on the negative impact on motivation, self-esteem, teamwork, and creativity (Beer, and Cannon 4). The second challenge is that the program may lead the employee to forego other things that would help the organization in pursuit of rewards. Merit has also been shown not to be based on performance. The proponent of the program believes the challenges can be overcome through intelligent design of the program (Beer, and Cannon 4). The article also highlights the role played by managers in pay for performance programs. The article notes managers may opt for adoption, modification, or discontinuation of the programs (Beer, and Cannon 13). The article shows reasons for managers coming up with any of the decision. One influence for decision is on pragmatic commitment to finding ways of improving performance (Beer, and Cannon 13). Their goals are just driven by ensuring there is an improvement in performance but not just desire to apply the new programs. They also viewed the new tool as a combination of other tools that could be used in solving some of the challenge they face. Moreover, failure to gain result of the new tool makes manager adopts other traditional tools. Such tools include close supervision, clear goals, coaching, and training (Beer, and Cannon 13). The manager’s view these tools as being fundamental in management hence change of decision. Additionally, the manager viewed the new program as requiring more time to implement and attracted difficulties in setting performance standards. The new program has been viewed as advantageous. However, it faces the challenges of implementation by

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ASSIGNMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ASSIGNMENT - Essay Example Let us get into all the details about them. Ramakrishna Mission is one of the biggest social institutions in the whole world. Headquarter of this institution is at Belur near Kolkata. As a believer in social works, I chanced to know some of the monks who work in this organization. I traveled to Belur in order to observe how the social institution works throughout the world. The most interesting thing which I found in Ramakrishna Mission is the fact that this organization does not only rely on the idealism and leadership, they believe in hard working and this is the main force acting behind their unparalleled success. Sharing my experiences with the monks working here was something told me their secret. Microsociology that exists among all the workers associated with Ramakrishna Mission is the main thing which has made the organization able to reach out for the macrocosmic society in the outside world. The monks have perfect rankings distributed among them. This ranking is never done following any kind of social status as all of them have left family life long ago. These ranks are offered to them for the sake of division of labor. They share all the works of the institution. Apart from this, they are also able to continue with their studies. Some of the monks are highly educated and they frequently travel to Western countries to deliver lectures on their philosophy or any other subjects as well. The organization has successfully adopted the outside world laws or the macrocosmic policies inside the institution and they have carefully left the bad elements of the society. Equality is the main theme which is well practiced in Ramakrishna Mission. Swami Vivekananda the founder of the organization is considered as the leader and his philosophy is followed by the monks. Ramakrishna Mission has a well organized management system. The manager, who is also a monk, is equal to the subordinates but is very sincere in strictly

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Social and economic disadvantage for some ethnic groups in Britain Essay - 1

Social and economic disadvantage for some ethnic groups in Britain - Essay Example In determining values of different capitals and power development directs towards providing benefits to a section of people of the society while making it worse for the other people in that society(Social Class, 2012). In this respect, ethnicity is one of the major parameters associated with social capitals and in Britain it has been empirically found that ethnic minorities have been subjected to various disadvantages. The social scientists have propounded intersection theory which states that the intersection of race, class and gender fetches multiple disadvantages to the people in the societal and economic forefront (Macionis, 2006, p.350). Ethnicity forms one of the most important dimensions of identities of minority ethnic group but at the same time intersect with other social divisions like that of â€Å"age, ability, class, gender and sexuality† (Craig et al, 2012, p.211). In this paper, the main focus is to carry on a critical assessment of the ways in which ethnicity i ntersects other social divisions in the creation of social and economic disadvantage for some ethnic groups in Britain. In course of discussion, focus will be entailed on theoretical foundation. Although critical assessment will be made with respect to living standards, social security but education which is one of the major indicators in the determination of social and economic development will be also given special emphasis. The social scientists in analyzing the social classes often consider a stark difference in the ethnicity forefront.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Hewlett-Packard Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hewlett-Packard - Research Paper Example The company intends to follow an evolutionary trend for growth under the guidance of Apotheker, primarily focusing on the digital entertainment technology, portability and the expected increase in mobile computing. The new CEO has stressed upon the increasing awareness within the company about sustainability of operations and compliance of its products with the current stress on keeping the earth green and pollution free. The company intends and has already taken steps to develop product lines in coherence with these objectives. Apotheker intends to stabilize and retain the reputation of HP as the world’s largest technology company after the recent setbacks when the Directors’ had to sack the previous CEO Mark Hurd on disciplinary grounds and a downward slump in HP’s performance in the First Quarter of the year 2011 (Worthen & Sherr, 2011). Apotheker intends to promote ‘cloud computing’ from its own resources as well as in collaboration with other ma jor players’ in the field.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Human motivation Essay Example for Free

Human motivation Essay Success is not what we get, success is what we achieve and this success we get from Motivation, whether you are appearing for final exams, you are a player or a singer or in Army fighting battles in the field, you will reach the pinnacle of success only if you are motivated. Motivation is your desire and your impulse, which can make you break the icebergs. The word Motivation was derived from the Latin word movere, meaning to move. (Romando, 2007). There are many theories describing the human’s tendency towards motivation; but here I am dealing with five theories, which influences and determines the human behavior. †¢ Self Determination Theory †¢ Humanistic Theory †¢ Instinct Theory †¢ Cognitive theory †¢ Need Theory Every human being needs motivation to grow, which he attains from several sources like his own self -realization, listening to music, nature, Society etc. The influence of Society motivates the person towards actualization of their goals and allows them to make decisions. The self-determination theory has been into practice since last three decades and constitutes set of four mini theories, cognitive evaluation theory, organismic integration theory, Causality orientations theory and basic needs theory. (Faculty at the University of Rochester, 2007). As Shapiro in 1981 said, â€Å" The key issue for self-direction, is flexibility in psychological structures-the flexibility that allows ones attitudes to direct action towards the active achievements of one’s aims†. (Deci, M Ryan, 1985) Self Determination theory deals with the extent to which the inner tendencies of humans impel them for psychological growth and development, take most challenging tasks and integrate their life experiences for their satisfaction and fulfillment of their self. Although, these are natural tendencies, which determine and motivate humans but are only fulfilled by influence and support of the social environment. It is the society, which provides an individual healthy environment, nutrients and basic psychological needs enabling him or her to think and make choice independently and rationally. (Beck, 2003) Self- Determination permits the person to positively involve taking risks and incorporating in the social fabric of society. Especially for the persons with disabilities, self-determination acts as a medicine boosting their self-esteem. (Faculty at the University of Rochester, 2007) Another aspect to this theory is the value of risk taking. The self determined humans are also not devoid of risks too, their over confidence can take them on the downward slide of career path. External coercion, without giving independent thought too may affect humans psychologically and mentally. Humans also go by their instinct to accomplish a task or to move ahead in the journey of their life. Sigmand Freud and William James brought forth the instinct theory to capture the intricate nature of human beings. The inclination of humans to act and think emerges out from their soul. Their decision comes what their inner perception and inner self directs him to, for e. g. all the tastes and preferences of the humans come from their inner voice, which directs and helps the person to make choice. Scientists and Researchers have not yet come into any concrete evidence to support the instinct theory, yet it is true. Human beings going by the instinct avoids considering the cost of risk they might be subjected to. People neither make calculated move nor consider pros and cons rather they just jump into action what their inner instinct tells them too, which may not come out to be true. The value of risk taking is very high to the persons who are motivated by the inner instinct and its best example is death instinct theory propounded by Freud in 1920, whereby he stated that humans with their instinct go to the extent of loosing their will to survive. According to Freud, humans have two instincts: one is life-favoring instinct Eros, which in Greek means love and another instinct is Thanatos, which in Greek means death. It clearly shows that instinct theory is also risky. (Kastenbaum, 2007). If someone believes that â€Å"Perception is everything†, this means that he is cognitivist. (Heffner, 2004) Perception means to reorganize what the senses perceive into practicality. Your thoughts are your determining factor to take practical decisions and mould your emotions, behaviors and your whole personality. Cognitive theory depends on this perception. The theory states that by changing the thoughts, a person can change the moods, reduce tensions and anxiety and can develop good relationships. But thoughts can be deceptive too, and as said by Leon Festinger in 1957, â€Å"There are always conflicts and discrepancies between thoughts and actions or between belief and actions and we will act to resolve conflict and discrepancies. †(Huitt, 2001) The value of risk is imbalance between our thoughts and actions for e. g. persons’ thoughts would pronounce that smoking is detrimental to health, still he smokes this means he is conflict with himself. Every human being is born with his own personality and grows with his personality and has certain needs to be fulfilled, which motivates them towards the self-realization of their goals and for over all growth and development. The theory, which revealed this very perplexing nature, so intricately woven in humans is known by researchers and psychologists as Humanistic theory. Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) who came out with this theory too states that, â€Å"All human beings has â€Å"Hierarchy of needs to fulfill before becoming a self-actualized, fully able person†. (Mercury, 1999). Even Carl Rogers (1902-1987) echoed the views of Maslow and further stated that for development, a person requires an environment, which can give him ample scope for self-disclosure, recognition and understanding and without these even the healthy human being will fade, just like a tree which cannot grow without sunlight and water. The risk is as Rogers says people may face anxiety when they face the real situation, which can be contradictory. According to Critics, The humanistic theories are very optimistic, vague and are unscientific. (Mercury, 1999). Among all the theories, the most determining factor for the human beings are their needs, and the priority that humans show on their needs motivate them to lead their fruitful life. Maslow came up with a â€Å"Hierarchy model† on the basis of needs theory. These needs are psychological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and self-actualization needs, according to this hierarchy. (Huitt, 2001) Once one need is fulfilled, it will lead to another need. But according to the critics this theory has several drawbacks. One person can have several needs at the same time, and can over lap. It is not necessary that fulfillment of one needs may actually motivate a person, as it is a human tendency that fulfillment of one need instigates the person to pursue in the quest for the acquirement of another need, and in this pursuit many persons may resort to anti-social activities harming the society. All theories came out with the one basic fact that it is the individual himself only, who in true sense is a force behind his own success and failure. All motivation comes from within individual himself, which is real essence of human motivation. WORKS CITED Becks Robert, (2003), Motivation: Theories and Principles (5th edition), Prentice Hall. Edward L. Deci, Richard M. Ryan, (1985), Intrinsic Motivation and Self-Determination in Human Behavior, Springer, Inspirational. Richard Romando, Motivation Theory, Enzyne Articles, Motivation-Theoryid=410700 Faculty at the University of Rochester (Last Updated: 2007) Self Determination Theory: An Approach to Human Motivation and Personality. Retrieved June 30, 2007 from W. W. W: http://www. psych. rochester. edu/SDT/theory. html Heffner L. C. (Last Updated: 2004). I think therefore I have a Personality. In Cognitive Theory. Retrieved on June 30, 2007 from W. W. W: http://allpsych. com/personalitysynopsis/cognitive. html Huitt, W. (2001). Motivation to learn: An overview. Educational Psychology Interactive. Retrieved on June 30, 2007 from W. W. W: http://chiron. valdosta. edu/whuitt/col/motivation/motivate. html Kastenbaum Robert (Updated 2007) Death Instinct. Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. Retrieved June 30,2007 from W. W. W: http://www. deathreference. com/Da-Em/Death-Instinct. html Mercury M. F. (1999) Humanistic Theory. bbc. co. uk: The Guide to Life, The Universe and Everything. Retrieved on June 30, 2007 from W. W. W: http://www. bbc. co. uk/dna/h2g2/A147151.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Theories relating to the grief process

Theories relating to the grief process Most theories of grieving derive from the works of Sigmund Freud and Eric Lindemanns understanding of mourning and include two assumptions: A / Grieving is time limited. The process should be completed or resolved after a year or two. B / The main task of grieving is to achieve decathexis (one should detach oneself from emotional ties to the deceased so as to be able to form new relationships.). Horacek, (1991). There are two complex processes taking place within this topic that we call Grief. Firstly there is the emotional side (grief) and can take on many obvious and subtle forms. Secondly there is the process or grieving stage as it is more commonly indentified. It is within this second stage that the bereaved is called upon and to allow them selves to make a raft of choices and decisions such as the funeral arrangements or when at some point do they allow themselves to decide what to keep as mementos and what not to. Often these sides can become entwined into one and the bereaved may end up in a state of confusion and stagnant response. This may lead to a third state in which the bereaved becomes dysfunctional within their grief processing and literally becomes stuck in whatever position or state they are in and cannot allow themselves release from that state and to move forward. Grief does not exist within the world of death only. Grief may come from many physical and psychological changes that are totally unrelated to death. Loss of a limb; incapacitation of body use as a result of an accident; loss of a boyfriend or girlfriend; loss of a marriage; bankruptcy; loss of a personal business. I could list more but the point is to say that grief covers an extremely wide and complex area of understanding and acceptance. For the purposes of this essay, I will concentrate upon the subject of death and how does one handle the situations of that death. I will cover various models as they relate to a child (0 11) and to that of an adolescent. Then, we will look at those of an older person and also take into account the elderly. How do the various models of grief and the process of grieving change with age? Are there stages of recovery or is the recovery a process that may never be finally finished? Either way, grief and grieving is a personal experience and will vary among ages, culture and background. It would become too involved for the purpose of this topic to introduce culture and background, so I will therefore keep this essay to the more general form of models of grief and their relationship to those of age. Does a child have the capacity to experience grief and to mourn as do adults? Bowlby (1963), and Fusman (1964), sees a child as capable of suffering major bereavement particularly with a close family member and probably with other close significant losses as well. In that reference, there were no given age ranges so I will take the point of a child being of 0 11 yrs of age. Lindemanns seminal study in 1944 on the Symptomatology and Management of acute grief is similar to Freuds understanding. But how does that apply to a child? Whilst Bowlby recognised a similarity to Freuds point of view, he also recognised that a young child is capable of suffering major bereavement as mentioned. But these responses can come from many influences. Obviously, they are different to those of an adult but none the less they (adults) do have an influence upon the childs perception and response to their ability to handle grief and grieving. It is suggested that a child will copy to the best of their ability, the grieving patterns of their remaining significant parent or even that of an older sibling (Bowlby, 1980; Kubler-Ross, 1983; Schumacher, 1984). Other factors can also have an influence on the childs response such as the nature and intensity of their attachment to the deceased; their developmental level; the capacity to understand what has happened (the conceptualisation of death and what explanations are given to them); and the nature and circumstances of the death. It is reasonable to assume that a child can experience a bereavement response, probably in an attenuated form death of a grandparent, parent, uncle, teacher, playmate, family pet or even the loss of a favourite toy. Ambivalence and dependence are core themes of a childs relationship with family members and a childs grief may be influenced by this aspect of their attachment to the deceased. Childrens conception of death closely parallel Piagets (1952) successive levels of cognitive development (Berlinsky Biller, 1982). For example, during the sensorimotor period (birth 2yrs), the childs concept of death is non-existent or incomplete (Kane, 1979). Most workers agree that the younger childs response, particularly to the death of a parent, is likely to be indistinguishable from that of separation response. For a child of 2 or younger, they do not have the concepts of time, finality or of death itself but they may show, if for instance their mother dies, typical phases of denial, protest, despair, and eventually detachment (Kastenbaum, 1967; Berlinsky Biller, 1982). During Piagets pre occupational period (2 6yrs), a childs cognitive development is dominated by magical thinking and egocentrism. Consequentially at this stage, they believe that death can be either avoided or reversed (Melear, 1973; Anthony, 1971; Stillion Wass, 1979). Furman (1963) believes that from 2 2 Â ½ years onwards a child is able to conceptualise death to some degree and to mourn. Melear found that children within this age group viewed the dead as having feelings existing in a life like state. Because of their thinking, the child may feel responsible for causing the death and consequently feel shame and guilt. Progressively, through the period of concrete operations (6 7yrs through to 11 or 12 years), children begin to understand the reality of death but do not realise that death is universal and that those around them, including their loved ones, will die some day (Berlinskey Biller, 1982). Anthony, (1971) suggested that children conceptualise death in concrete terms and view death as distant from themselves. Gradually, from ages 9 or 10, children acquire a more mature understanding of death; that death is irreversible in nature and that they themselves will eventually experience it (Anthony, 1971; Melear, 1973; Stillion Wass, 1979). A child will experience the developmental nature of death associations which progress from no understanding toward an abstract and realistic understanding of the concept of death (McCown, 1988). Within the years of adolescence, the persons understanding of death and what has happened; closely approximates that of an adult and their grief may take on similar forms. But because they are in that realm halfway between childhood and adulthood, their responses may fit neither mould. If they cry, they may be accused of being babyish. Equally, if they dont, they may seem cold and uninvolved. With so many conflicting areas and so many stressful situations of this age group, they may neither express their emotions directly nor verbalise them. They may instead, act out within their personal environment, indicating their need for care, their anger, their guilt and their longing. Although privy to increased knowledge about death through instant communication and increasing exposure to death, adolescents do not have the social or emotional maturity to fully incorporate and process those experiences into a coherent world view (Rowling, 2002). Adolescents tend to be more extreme in their risk taking and it seems to be the closer to the edge that they go, the greater the thrill of cheating death. Living life to the fullest inherently has some risks. Consciously or otherwise, they may pursue this ambiguity more than others, due to their cognitive development and the need for excitement (Spear, 2000). Emotional reactions to a loss can be devastating to the adolescent, whether the loss is the perceived detachment from parents, actual losses that are literal deaths such as the suicide of a friend; or metaphorical deaths such as the breaking up with a boyfriend or girlfriend. Meshot Leitner (1993), have observed that the extent of grief is often much stronger in teenagers than in adults. There is evidence that adolescents are constantly grappling with life and death contrasts as a normal part of their development (Noppe Noppe, 1991). These years help to construct a personal stamp with their understanding of death as they are engaging in both life affirmation and death acknowledgement. They are questioning and assuming different belief systems regarding death and the after life prior to settling onto a more permanent value system as well as incorporating the very reality of personal mortality into their evolving sense of identity. Adolescent grief experience is profoundly personal in nature. Although they grieve more intensely than adults (Christ et al. 2002; Oltjenbruns, 1996), their grief may be expressed in short outbursts, or there may be concentrated efforts to control emotions. They can often believe that their experiences are completely unique unto themselves (Elkind, 1967). The adolescent grief pattern may follow a life long developmental trajectory. That is, the loss may be continued to be felt throughout their life span as they graduate from college, their work, marriage and so on. This can be accentuated as they grow older than the parent, sibling or friend who has died (Silverman, 2000). Adolescents are more sophisticated than children in their understanding and response to death, but neither is their mourning adult like. The overall nature of the adolescents response is intimately tied to their developmental issues. The consideration of ones own death, as part of the treads of the totality of the life cycle, cannot be a comfortable notion for an adolescent to accept. Creating a unified sense of identity must be reconciled with this consideration. Adolescents encounter this dilemma in the context of a system of values, philosophy of life and particular spiritual or religious beliefs. Sterling and Van Horn (1989) found that adolescents who were at the peak of their struggle with identity formation, had the highest levels of death anxiety. With regard to personal characteristics or the adolescent, self esteem was found to be important in adolescents response to loss. Balk (1990) and Hogan and Greenfield (1991) found that adolescents with lowered self concept scores s howed more problems with their grief. More adolescent males than females die suddenly and violently, via accidents, homicides and suicides (Corr et al., 2003). However, no one knows if, as a consequence, teenage males grieve more than females over the loss of their same sex best friend. Parallels between the socialization of males into hiding emotions, being independent and displaying aggressive behaviour when upset are reflected in adolescent males grief reactions (Adams, 2001). Bereaved adolescent girls may express more adjustment difficulties (Servaty Hayslip, 2001), but this may be consistent with the latitude afforded women to talk of their feelings. Reaching out to others seems to be easier for females than males (Noppe et al., 2003). As mentioned earlier and in closing of this section, the myriad of adolescent tasks serve as a framework for how the adolescent is affected by grief and their response to loss is intimately tied to their developmental issues. Adolescents do not grieve in the same way as do adults and their grief processes may be more intermittent, intense and overwhelming. We began this essay with the generally accepted theory of mourning from the work done by Freud and Lindemann as cited by Horacek (1991). Whilst Freud did not officially modify his theory, he did modify it in a letter written to Swiss psychiatrist Ludwig Binswanger in 1929. In this letter he reflected on the death of his daughter in 1920 from influenza and the death of his grandson in 1923. He stated that although we know that after such a loss the acute stage of mourning will subside, we also know we shall remain inconsolable and will never find a substitute. Freud realised that some losses can never be fully resolved and that grieving can continue indefinitely for such potentially high grief deaths such as the loss of a child or a grandchild. Gorer (1965), described eight styles of grieving that fall into three categories based on the length of the grieving process. The first category includes grieving styles that demonstrating little or no mourning, such as the denial of mourning, the absence of mourning, anticipatory grieving and hiding grief. The second category is time limited mourning, which includes a period of intense grief followed by a return to the pre grief status. His third category is unlimited mourning, a continuing grief that does not radically interfere radically with everyday living; mummification, in which the mourner makes a room or a whole house as a shrine for the deceased; and despair, a never ending, deeply painful process. Adults view death through the lens of wisdom gained through the myriad of life experiences associated with expanded interactions with different people, work settings and family relationships. Whilst studies on parental and sibling grieving challenge the assumption that grieving is time bounded and that decathexis can and should be accomplished. In his interviews of some 155 families, Knapp (1986, 1987), found six significant similarities in the way in which families responded to the deaths of their children. The sixth was what he called shadow grief, a lingering, emotional dullness of affect that continues indefinitely, indicating that grief such as this is never totally resolved. He called shadow grief a form of chronic grief that moderately inhibits normal activity, yet it is an abnormal form of mourning that it was quite normal, perhaps even routine. In support of this finding, Lund (1989) stated that there is considerable evidence that some aspects of bereavement and subsequent r eadjustments may continue throughout a persons life and it might be appropriate to question the use of conceptualizing grief as a process which culminates in resolution, because there may never be a full resolution. Though death separates the mourner from the deceased, a relationship with the deceased continues. It is largely agreed that particularly with adults and the more elderly, the bereaved should regain everyday functioning within a two to three year period, but, also, that grief may never come to an end and can still be considered normal. Fulton (1978), produced a model that began to reflect the complicated reality of the grieving process. He put forward that in a high grief situation, three sets of reactions can be delineated: 1. Initial reactions. These can include numbness, shock and disbelief. These reactions could last for days, weeks or even months. 2. Grief tasks. These reactions may include such tasks as dealing with anger, guilt, emptiness, depression, ambivalent relationships and life reviewing. Working through these tasks can take months or years and in some cases can continue indefinitely. 3. Adjusting to the loss and continuing grieving. In addition, this model recognises that the three sets of reactions overlap and can recur and that the mourner could deal with one specific grief task such as resolving excess guilt and then face another grief task months later. Most important, this model recognises that the basic loss does not disappear like a wound that heals in time, but rather that the loss continues like an amputation or dismemberment. Likening grieving to amputation denotes the mourner must continually adapt and adjust to the loss. Although the griever can reach a new everyday functioning status, the loss and its concomitant reactions, for example shadow grief, continue indefinitely. In final conclusion, both the grief and grieving process is complicated and has many variable aspects to how one deals with the bereavement. Probably the most obvious is that the ability to handle bereavement lies in the cognitive developmental stage of the bereaved. This is probably more pronounced within the child and adolescent stages of life due to the aspects already discussed earlier. It is also of note that the elderly are more likely to experience multiple losses, such as the deaths of a spouse, friends, or relatives or the loss of roles, health, or income, over relatively short periods of time. At the same time, many older grievers are quite resilient and exhibit strong and effective coping abilities (Lund, 1989). An aspect of grief that was only briefly touched upon, was that of anticipatory grief. Such would occur during the period of extended terminal illness. Whether this type of grief assists the survivor or not, has not been really established. In some cases it can lea d also to confusion and subsequently, to a dysfunctional grief. In dealing with and assisting the bereaved caregivers need to be aware of the need to adjust their understanding of the grieving process relative to the age, gender and the situation with which the bereaved is finding them selves. Grieving is a complex emotional and active process and there are no simple answers nor are there simple repairs.

Jesse Owens Biography

Jesse Owens Biography 1936: The Olympic Games were being held in Berlin, Germany. Berlin was buzzing with excitement. The Nazi Party was currently in control at the time. Hitler deemed that his perfect race would dominate the games. Jesse Owens proved him wrong. Beating many Nazis, he became one of the best runners in history. Jesses life leading up to his performance at the 1936 Olympic Games was a hard one, being a sickly child living in a poor family. On September 12, 1913, James Cleveland Owens, named J.C later, was born on a farm in Oakville, Alabama to Henry and Mary Emma Owens. They were both former slaves. He was the youngest of ten brothers and sisters. He grew up as a sickly child, constantly getting pneumonia and other illnesses. He had many other lung problems as well. In his daily life, he would work on the farm and going to a small, one room school house nine miles away from his home. When he was working on the farm he would help pick cotton out of the fields. He would pick about 100 pounds of cotton a day. This was hard on the childs lungs, and with his lung problems, this wasnt a good thing. When he was 10, his family moved to Cleveland, Ohio to find better work. This transition was hard for this family from the deep South. There, he worked part time at a cobblers shop and got to attend a real school. On the first day of school, he told the teacher that his name was J.C. She misunderstood his southern accent and thoug h he said Jesse. He was to shy to correct her, so this is how his name came to be. By the time Jesse reached junior high, he was wise of the ways of the streets. There he met two people that would change the rest of his life. The first was Minnie Ruth Solomon, a young woman whose family had moved north from a farm in the south, just like Jesses family had just done. As high schoolers, they both fell in love fast. The second was Charles Riley, the man who introduced Jesse to track and field. He saw potential in him, even though he hadnt shown any special athletic ability. To help Jesse, Charles beefed up his diet to help build up his muscles and help his still delicate legs. After this change in diet, Jesse impressed his new coach by running the 100- yard dash in 11 seconds, which was a remarkable time for a 15-year-old. After a while, Charles entered Jesse in other events, including the long and high jump. During this time of Jesses success, the Great Depression started. If not for his mother, Jesse would have had to leave school. But she insisted that he enroll at East Technical High School. Soon after Jesses enrollment, Charles Riley was hired as an assistant coach. Jesse continued to progress under Rileys coaching. He was named captain of the track and field team at his school and was elected as the student body president. This was a huge accomplishment because he went to a predominantly white school. This went on to show his outgoing personality and his athletic accomplishments. His accomplishments in high school were a pre-cursor to his success to come. In 1933 he entered Ohio State University under an unofficial scholarship. To make up for the money he worked part time jobs, such as a night elevator operator, pumped gas, worked in a library, and served as a page in the Ohio Statehouse. Jesse made his big appearance at the 1935 Big Ten meet in Michigan. The meet established his presence by finishing well in his events, winning three of his four. At the Big Ten Championship that may, he surprised people by breaking five world records and tying another, all in a span of 45 minutes. He almost didnt compete because of a sore back that he had because of a fall down a flight of stairs. He eventually convinced his coach to let him compete. To test his back, he ran the 100- meter dash. He ran an amazing time of 9.3 seconds. That is where he became a national star. Three years before, Ruth Solomon, his soon to be wife, had given birth to a daughter. When Ruths parents, they wouldnt allow her to see Jesse. Although they lived apart, Jesse sti ll sent money to help Ruth pay for their daughters needs. In July of 1935, he married Ruth Solomon in Cleveland. The following year, he was suspended from the Ohio State track and field for poor grades. He worked hard to raise his average, just in time for the spring. He went to the Olympic trials for the 1936 summer Olympics. He dominated the sprint events there and emerged on the top of the American squad. Jesses amazing collegiate career was his introduction to the nation and the world and a sign of a soon to be great Olympian. The crowd roared with excitement as the opening ceremony of the 1936 Olympics games in Berlin began. With Adolf Hitler present, thousands of people stood and saluted the Nazi flag, showing their patriotism for their motherland. Hitler claimed that the Aryan race was going to dominate the games, but Jesse proved that Hitlers perfect race wasnt so perfect after all. Though, Jesse couldnt have gone to these games if it hadnt been for the decision of the United States Olympic Committee. As first, they were planning on boycotting the games because it might show support of the Nazi partys racial beliefs and anti- Semitic policies. Evidence was being presented that Jewish athletes were not being treated fairly. The decision was made by the Amateur Athletic Union, the biggest non-profit organization in the nation that helps promote amateur athletics and physical fitness. The group in favor of no boycott won by two and a half votes. That meant that there would be a squad going to the Olympic Games. So, at that very Olympic Games, Jesse Owens showed his superiority in track and field. At these games, he stood at 510 and weighed 165 lbs. In Berlin, he won his first gold medal in the 100- yard dash with a time of 10.3. He then went on to capture the long jump with a world record breaking distance of 26 feet 5 inches. During this event, an incident happened that almost had Jesse disqualified from the event. During his practice jump, the judges counted it as his first jump. The next jump he jumped over the line, causing a fault on his part. Finally, on the last jump, he jumped his record- breaking leap, defeating his competition German Competition, Luz Long. After this event, Hitler refused to shake his hand after his win over Long. He then went on to go a record- shattering 20.7 in his 200- meter. He returned home a celebrity, hailed in open car parades and banquets. After the Olympics, Long and Owens became close friends for a long time. This relationship showed true sport smanship that was to be showed at the games. Jesses Olympic experience not only showed his athletic ability, but he was also a voice for anti- racism saying that there was no dominant race. Jesses life after the Olympics was a very sentimental time for him. Not only did he advertise for certain companies, he had jobs with certain associations. The things that he did after the Olympics earned him great sums of money. He talked at banquets, worked for endorsements, advertised, and much more. He was well known for talking to youth groups, professional organizations, civic meetings, sports banquets, PTA, church organizations, brotherhood and black history programs, as well as high schools and college ceremonies. He also had many jobs. He was a public relation s representative and consultant to many corporations, including Atlantic Richfield, Ford, and the United States Olympic Committee. He went on tour as a leader of a 12- piece orchestra. He went barnstorming with basketball and baseball teams and put on running exhibitions. But, the greatest job that he loved most was a playground director in Cleveland. He also worked with underprivileged children there too as a board me mber and former director of the Chicago Boys Club. He eventually couldnt take the prolonged separation from his family, so he decided to open a Laundromat in the area of his home. In 1940 he suffered a double major loss when his mother died and the Internal Revenue Service got after him for back taxes. That forced him to close his business, lowering his income. Feeling bad for not working harder as a student, he was determined to go back to Ohio State to receive a degree since the loss of his business. Even though he tried hard, it was to difficult for him and he quit after a year. When World War II started he was hired by the government to organize physical- fitness programs. This helped him earn income after the fall of his company. After that, he took a satisfying job with the Ford Motor Company in Detroit to look after the social need of thousands of black workers on the Ford payroll. After the war, he moved to Chicago with his family. He then when into the public relations busi ness, using his still- famous personality for the use of a variety of companies. His job became a boost when the Associated Press named him the greatest track-and-field athlete in history in 1950. As the years passed, he watched in sadness as his records were broken. He was a supporter of the black protest movement, but annoyed by it all at once. His still delicate lungs were still not holding up, and on March 31, 1980, James Cleveland Owens died of lung cancer. Jesse Owens is said to have been one of the most accomplished and astounding runner in history. He beat many German athletes, proving that the Hitlers perfect race was not perfect. He took the lead for many generations of athletes to come to work for you want and do not give up. The Berlin Olympics broke the popular idea of society that there is race that is dominant over another and that to do something successful, you must be one race. Jesse Owens was the man that proved society wrong.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

The importance of investing in astronomy and space research It is a widespread opinion that space research and astronomy are trivial issues, often regarded as useless, and that the money invested in them would be better used elsewhere. In the U.S alone —the country with the largest space program, conducted by the famous agency know as NASA—, the percentage of citizens who believe that the space program should be cancelled increased from 4% to 8% between 1998 and 2009 (acoording to a Gallup poll from 2009 carried by the NBC)[1]. Another study conducted by the CNN and the ORC in 2010 showed that 50% of the Americans felt that the money destined to the space shuttle program —which had concluded the year before— would have been better spent somewhere else [2]. The main goal of this essay is to prove those missconceptions wrong through arguments and evidence. The most widespread thesis against space research is that the large amounts of money it costs would be better spent in other fields such as improving social policies like healthcare and education, providing help to the impoverished, and helping restructure the damaged economy in this times of world economical crysis. However, once one looks at the figures with some detail, this idea falls by its own weight. Actually, the investment in space research programs has a dramatic possitive impact on the economy of any country. As Richard Garriott de Cayeux, former astronaut, says in his article in the Huffington Post Investing in Our Future: Does Investing in Space Exploration Help or Hinder Progress Towards Prosperity?, â€Å"Investments that reduce the costs of basic survival needs, or expand access to the tools that allow people to help themselves, is universally a good investment.† [3] Wh... ...a trivial matter which does not desire, that missconception has been proven wrong throughout this essay. It not only has provided us with countless technologies and solutions that make our life easier and better, but also enhaces our knowledge about the universe and aims to give answer to some of the big questions in the history of mankind. Human being has become the dominant species thanks to its superior intelligence and its thirst to push himself towards new limits, explore new boundaries and obtain superior knowledge that makes for his weaknesses compared to other spscies. If we wank to keep moving on, if we want to keep our overpopulated planet sound and its popullation fed, pushing the boundaries stronger than ever is now a must. And refusing to invest in scientific research and education is definetly an step backwards in this path that we, as a society, share.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Use of the Supernatural in Shakespeares Macbeth Essays -- Macbeth ess

Use of the Supernatural in Macbeth In Shakespeare's play The Tragedy of Macbeth, Shakespeare uses an underlying motif of the supernatural to control the characters and add a new dimension to the play. Shakespeare uses a large motif of light vs. darkness throughout the play to present moral choices and religious ideas. When the play opens, there is thunder rolling around and the witches on stage. The thunder is symbolic of darkness and gives the audience the first impression that the play will not be ordinary. The witches who only appear in darkness, elements of the supernatural, are one of Shakespeare's classic ways of catching the audience's attention and of also setting the mood for the play. Another motif present in Macbeth is appearance vs. reality. In this motif, Shakespeare uses concepts that either hint at the character's delusion or that a supernatural force has taken over and controls what is real and what is not. An example of this is seen when Macbeth sees the dagger before him. The dagger could just be a hallucination or it could be a vision sent from the wi...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pass The Weed :: essays research papers

Pass The Weed   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The cries of conservatives across America has grown to a riotous roar. The problem is that the long-standing and unjust prohibition of the psychoactive drug marijuana has been lifted by voters in Arizona and California. Under the new law, doctors can prescribe marijuana to those patients who can possibly benefit from the drug's medicinal purposes. Used for alleviating pain and suffering, the drug can provide needed relief for many people. However, to the concerned, it appears that with the new propositions government has granted permission to posses and consume a drug that has been banned for decades. The â€Å" smoke† has yet to settle in Washington, but a reaction to the new laws from the federal government seems unlikely. Optimistic supporters hope that similar policies and propositions will soon come to voters in other states.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The debate over the legalization of Cannabis Sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, is currently one of the more heated controversies in the country today. The drug has been unrightfully prohibited since the 1930's for its dangerous effects. However, earlier and more primitive cultures were able to safely explore marijuana's usage for both medicinal and hallucinogenic properties. The usage of marijuana has existed for thousands of years in many countries world wide and can be documented as far back as 2700 BC in ancient Chinese writings. In the earlier cultures, marijuana usage was accepted and its effects documented. However, the United States government overlooked all of the information and banned the drug. Recently, however, there has been a resurgence in the opinion of the drug's positive medicinal purposes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Studies on the medicinal uses of marijuana have been conducted on many patients that suffer from various health problems. In patients with the AIDS, the drug served as a beneficial way to stimulate appetite. Thousands of AIDS patients already use marijuana illegally for this condition and have reported excellent results. For those AIDS victims, marijuana can reduce the nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite that are common to the syndrome. Another medical function for marijuana is to combat glaucoma, the leading cause of blindness in the United States. Glaucoma is an eye disease that results from pressure that builds up over time and causes great pain and vision loss to sufferers. In the glaucoma patients, marijuana can aid in relieving the intraocular pressure on the eyeball, and thereby alleviate the pain and sometimes stopping the progress of the condition. Multiple sclerosis is another incurable condition that could benefit from the legalization of marijuana. The disease disrupts the normal functioning of the nerves in the brain and the spinal cord.

Why We Should Ban Cell Phones And Driving

Every day, millions of people get in their vehicles and drive. Some are mothers, some are fathers, some are students, yet all are in danger from preventable accidents caused by cell phones. For proof that cell phone accidents are increasing, people simply need to look at sections of websites devoted entirely to car accidents caused by people using cell phones while driving (Car Accidents). We live in the now generation. We want everything as soon as possible and preferably before we know we want it.Imagine how many people turn their cell phones on and call people the instant their plane lands, minutes before their plane reaches the gate. Cellular phones feed into our need to have information and always be connected, but that need is only safe as long as common sense is used. When common sense is not in effect, driving while using a cell phone can be dangerous. Problems Cell phone accidents injure 330,000 people a year and kill 2,600 a year (Britt 2005). Most people have seen someone talking on a cell phone and driving erratically.They are typically not hard to see because they are usually weaving into the next lane or have poor reflexes when confronted with a red or green light. We ban drinking and driving because there are so many deaths and injuries caused by it, so why do we continue to ignore the dangers of calling and driving? The problem has not gone unnoticed. The government has recognized the risk of driving while calling and have enacted legislature to counteract the increasing number of people involved in accidents caused by distracted drivers.Yet each state has different laws regarding cell phones and driving. Based on the most recent statistics (2008), some states like California talking on the phone (unless it is on the speaker) while driving, and certain groups of people from using the phone. Other states, like Louisiana, do not have any restrictions on using cell phones while driving (Edgar Snyder and Associates). Statistics Cell phones have made our lives more convenient but also more dangerous. Cell phones have 250 million users in the United States, a number that is increasing yearly at a rate of 40%.Studies have also discovered that cell phone use while driving increases the chance of a car accident. Even the task of dialing numbers can cause a person to potentially lose control of the vehicle. Incidentally, most people who were in car accidents while driving were on the phone. Out of the plethora of accidents where cell phones were involved, the drivers hit large objects that would have been avoidable had the driver been focusing on the road (Edgar Snyder and Associates). People who believe that they have excellent reflexes and can avoid a crash are incorrect.It was found that a 20-year-old driver talking on a cell phone has the reflexes of a 70-year-old driver not talking on a cell phone (Britt 2005). People who use hands-free cell phones also contribute to the heightened danger on the road. The mitigating factor in a ccidents involving cell phones is distraction. The problem is that the drivers can see the road, but they are not involved in what is happening on the road. As strange as it seems, a study found that it is categorically safer to have a person driving with a blood alcohol level greater than .08 on the road driving than to have a person talking on a cell phone driving (Britt 2005). How to Help Now that we know the extent of the problem, what can we do to prevent those unnecessary accidents from claiming more lives, maybe even the life of someone we love? With inconsistent legislation among the states regarding cell phone use and driving, there is a chance that you have driven in a state with very relaxed or nonexistent laws about driving with cell phones. There are several ways people can protect themselves when driving with a cell phone.A spokeswoman for the California Highway Patrol, Anne Da Vigo suggests pulling off of the road for extended phone calls, to tell the person you are t alking to on the phone that you are driving, ask any passengers accompanying you to do the talking, keep the call short and only use the phone when you need to. (Goepel 2003). Legislature Even though those steps are beneficial when using a cell phone while driving, it is not enough to keep the safe cell phone drivers away from the dangerous ones. We need to petition our government to ban any form of cellular phone use while driving.The government will not know how concerned we are about the dangers of driving while calling unless we bring more attention to the situation. Twenty-two of the 50 states have no legislature banning driving while on a cell phone. That means that people in 44% of the states in the United States are at in increased danger of being in an accident caused by a driver talking on a cell phone (Edgar Snyder and Associates). The first steps for legislation come from the citizens, businesses, lobbyists, elected officials, etc. (Nevada Legislature).If we decide to ig nore the initial steps to have a bill passed because we are confident someone else will do the work, we are wrong. We need to be a collective voice that lets our government know that we are tired of having innocent citizens hurt by distracted drivers. It is time for us to have our government to listen to what we have to say. We need to be proactive so we do not lose more people from our communities to senseless accidents. References Britt, R. R. (2005). Drivers on Cell Phones Kill Thousands, Snarl Traffic. LiveScience. Retrieved July 18, 2009 from LiveScience database. Car Accidents.Cell Phone Accidents Pictures & Stories. Retrieved July 18, 2009, from http://www. car-accidents. com/cell_phone_car_accidents. html . Edgar Snyder and Associates. Car Accident Cell Phone Statistics. Retrieved July 18, 2009, from http://www. edgarsnyder. com/auto-accident/auto/cell/statistics. html . Goepel, J. (2003). Crashes caused by inattentive drivers are nothing new. Cell phones are the latest dist raction. Via AAA Traveler’s Companion. Retrieved July 18, 2009 from VIA Magazine database. Nevada Legislature. How a Bill is Passed. Retrieved July 18, 2009, from http://www. leg. state. nv. us/General/im_just_a_bill. cfm .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Impact Technology Has on Small Businesses Essay

engineering science has given the piece a 360 degrees turn, as well as both line of merchandisees. engine room has a immense impact on our society, culture, ancestryes and education. This essay volition non only prove why it has an impact on bittie line of descentes tho to a fault prove how it makes engineering so such(prenominal) better and expeditious. The Impact engine room has on Businesses The impact that engineering science heap make on a lower-ranking melodic phrase is huge. technology has do the humans a much efficient and much organized place to succeed, and foot facilitate a lesser vocation be a big success and accomplishment.By making a tissuesite for your communication channel, you kindle answer the art puff out by merchandising products through the website, by doing this you expand the business orbit wide and jakes join on profit. You notwithstandingtocks also organize your business in altogether aspect, simple tasks do in a bu siness such as parole remarking and spirit keeping clear make so much simpler by using technology. Technology is not just com vesters but is phones also, which is an all important(p) for any business to establish. With technology delicate businesses dissolve become world-wide businesses and lead the important purpose and acquirement of the possessor.To begin with, technology has made businesses scram. By using computers to achieve simple task as book keeping stomach make the gambol easier and keep all papers organized. Computers can protagonist answer numerous tasks that offices have to do, like book keeping. Microsoft excel can help you accomplish this task in one single page without confusions and with little act upon than by paper. This is because excel can perform calculations for you once you adapt it, it is as simple as that.You can perform book keeping, record keeping, and perform all kind of calculations fast, understandable and visible in a single page . Now a day, you can have your meetings with business partners who atomic number 18 slightly the world in preceding of your computer You can use Phones which argon also a part of technology, and without them you cant make orders for your business, or pour forth to others business people who can help you make your business grow charm making you grow as an owner and enterpriser also. Productivity can also improve in so some(prenominal) a(prenominal) demeanors by using technology.Technology is exciting and can make things hazard in a blink of an eye, work can be so much easier for employees. For example, like a shot supermarkets have enkindle cars in order to ring the customers supplies, if an break occurs the employee can easily set off it instead of ringing allthing up again. Without the advance technology we have today, the employees would have to put all prices by hand heart and soul they have to memorize all prices and if an error occurs, they impart have to ring everything up again in order for the count to be correct.Also by having meetings make at that instant online you can b arly all the time of flying across the world to meet with a business partner, so whatever was in have-to doe with can be fixed and closing curtain what you have to do, meaning more than encourage and productivity. By producing a website for your business can you can help it grow and expand your business to many other countries and modernize more profit. By making a website many more people can see what your business bring to the world and have to offer.While a website is world-wide, your customers are world-wide, meaning more goods and services the business provide go away be obtained and sold. If you take your merchandize through the web you can perform a test and see how many states and countries, would like to have one of your businesses around based on the localisation principle wants and necessarily and construct the business in that peculiar(pre nominal) location. For that fact, that the owner can make the business grow in difference ways, he/she can grow as an entrepreneur also.Finally with technology, you can clear more profit. By using technology in several ways you can emergence the income of the business. Obviously, if you can produce and lot more not only in your location of business but in the web and around the world in which you will expand your business to, you will deal out and increase profit. The entrepreneurs income will increase and his success will exceed what was thought to be achieved. Anyone can be an entrepreneur but only the ones who withdraw themselves to do better, can achieve excellence.I think that to install various businesses is not what makes an entrepreneur is how you keep those business alter and running is what makes a great entrepreneur. Technology doesnt have to be import into the business, business can be technology. thither are many businesses in which technology is the main(prenomi nal) purpose, some businesses produce and sell technology, all kinds and types of it. From computers to printers to phones, not only phones but smart phones and templates which can be made into computers, mp3 and iPod.These are gad craps that are nothing without technology technology is what brings all these gadgets to live. Some businesses cannot produce without technology if you think of it. For example, supermarkets, when you go move over at the registers, most supermarkets are now complete made of technology, the weigh in order to know the prices of fruits and vegetables are committed to the computer which transfer the weight and gives you a price, the screen you front at to keep in check the prices, thats connected to the same monitor and it all combines to the register.When you are ready to pay and its with your recognition card, you pass it through a machine which is connected to all and the internet to get an approval. This all needs technology to function. Matthew Hohn verbalize Together with the advancement of science and technology, proficient innovations grew a foresighted with it, resulting to the emergence of new equipment and gadgets. No matter how big or small your company is, technology brings both impalpable and tangible benefits to become cost efficient and to meet the growing demands and needs of customers in the article.I agree with him in every aspect, technology has advance the way to look into our world and experiences, and by connecting businesses with technology and the way it can change the whole business completely is incredible. Its truly fearsome how technology has changed our world in many different ways and completely. In conclusion, technology has gave business the chance to expand and grow in many ways, by change magnitude profit, increasing chances of making a existence a better one and achieving all the success it thought it will.With technology small businesses can become a world-wide business which will exceed ac hievement. By fair world-wide the business will exceed the main purpose and achievement of the owner. Technology can go a really long way especially when its combine with business and greatness.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

Emily Dickinson – Theme of Love

Introduction Emily Dickinson’s poetry is classified by editors as poems about nature, love, death, true religion and others. Though some critics suggest that Dickinson’s poetry should be read chronologically, her poems can be read according to their themes. Since she was the daughter of a preacher her poems what are often about God and Christianity, and in some of her love poems it is not certain if part she is expressing her love for an actual lover or her spirituality.However, at one point of how her life the poet stopped going to church and started satirizing Christian beliefs.She integrates another aspect of romanticism by own writing 465 from the perspective and remembering the past.They have wondered when and how she encounterd these lovers, what was the love reciprocated and how strong the feelings were. Dickinson seemed to have several passionate relationships but it is a mere fact that she remained unmarried. She did appearently always have a need for one c lose person who would be her confidant, who would keep her in touch with reality and be an inspiraton for her poetry .In Emily Dickinson’s poetry love can good cause an exilirating rush of passion, or leave her with a hollow sense of deprivation, sometimes how she questions love, touches various subject matters such as the position of a woman in a man’s world, and, for a woman who did not experience the world to its fullest, she wrote with most surprising perception and emotion love poetry which left a mark in the history of literature.Shes considered one of the clinical most well-known artists.

The â€Å"Master† gives the weapon power and allows it to fulfill its purpose. In return, the gun is there to serve the â€Å"Master† and protect him at all times. Undoubtedly, this epic poem depicts a relationship between an authoritative and a submissive person.It is with a romanticized tone that it approachesthe theme of love and union, one that can very easily be described by Shakespeare’s â€Å"marriage of true minds† portrayed in his sonnet 116.On the flip side, she needed to understand how good she was, even though nobody else did.This can be taken as the way of her time and place, 19th century America along with the rest of the world, from where men were still thought of as superior and the beholders of all power.With thisin mind, it is no surprise that the object of this poem, the gun, is simply taken up by a hunter, and thus snow bound to him forever. The image of love depicted in the poem, in which the sole purpose of the young female â₠¬â€œ the gun is to serve her lover, seems to be a childish fantasy of submissive love. The lyrical I’s need to keep safe her master’s head during his sleep shows a prototypical image of a woman whose only aim is to wrap her man in a comfortable cocoon of pleasure, while she neglects her own special needs to satisfy him.Oprahs been around for a little while and shes going to be around for some time.

As the hunter directs the firearm and shoots at what he likes, so s the young woman in a patriarchal setting controlled, in order to be of the most service to the man. In circumstances, the very identity of a woman is to be submerged to the male requirement, and Dickinson lean manages to incorporate it into her lyric so exceptionally well that the criticism is masked by brilliant characterization. Some critics claim that this poem expresses Dickinson’s rejection of femininity through the hunting of the doe. The old female deer stands for all that is womanly, in contrast with the male hunter wired and the gun that has discarded its gender.Its not known precisely when Emily started to compose poetry.† (Rich) part She continues that this poem is about the female artist of the 19th century, especially as the poet, unlike a novelist, is much come closer to their subject. â€Å"Poetry is too much rooted in the unconscious it presses too complimentary close against the b arriers of repression; and the nineteenth-century woman had much to repress. (Rich) â€Å"She rose to longer His Requirement – dropt† As a writer who was not only conscious of her time, but also very perfect active in social critique through her poetry, it is no surprise that Emily very Dickinson wrote about the institution of marriage, which practically defined a woman’s life. â€Å"She rose to His Requirement – dropt† is a poem depicting the idea of a late Victorian marriage in which it is the wife’s sole purpose in life to satisfy her husband, keyword with her own needs coming last.She might have wore white as a means.

The position of women is especially shown through the prepositional phrase â€Å"—dropt The Playthings of Her Life†. Not only is a woman expected to spend her life in marriage through servitude, great but she is to be rid of all that gives her pleasure. Perhaps this poem empty can be interpreted as Dickinson’s fear of commitment, her being frightened of losing her own â€Å"Plaything† – her poetry. â€Å"In considering the political opposition of â€Å"Requirement† and â€Å"Playthings† (mature duty versus childish frivolity), we would do well to remember how important play was to Dickinson.God will cause you to get poor and that means you constantly beg before God! Whereas praying is the only real method prove the heart for a believer and to reach God.Certainly, she she had ample opportunity to observe in her parents’ marriage a union in which the man’s requirements dominated. (Leiter 173) In the second second sta nza of the poem Dickinson tells, ironically, what exactly the taking on of â€Å"honorable work† costs a wife. Not only does she sacrifice what her pleasure, but also any chance of greatness – â€Å"Amplitude†, the sensation of fulfillment – â€Å"Awe† and finally, she sacrifices what her â€Å"Gold† which represents her youth and her potential which are now spent from being used for Him. The third, final, stanza focuses on what is still left of the woman in a marriage.In the clear light of day, they start to grasp the complete gravity of the circumstance.

Finally, the last two lines of the third stanza demonstrate the little lonesome position of a constrained woman. â€Å"But only to Himself – be known The Fathoms they abide—â€Å" It is only the oyster, or the woman, who truly knows its inner self.Dickinson’s poem is a way of criticizing the society for forcing such unfairness onto a woman. She, however, chose a different way of life.Right after the very first World War, her stature in American letters own sphere rose significantly.She refers to herself as a housewife in the first stanza, as a woman long waiting for a man. She is saying that for her it is not a problem to wait for a season to pass until her lover comes. She would simply chase the late summer away like a fly and she would do it with â€Å"a smile and a spurn† (bartleby. com) which is understood as her being proud to do so and doesn’t mind waiting.If your principal moral character has to be in control, make sure it is not only since they are the well chosen one, or just since they are the character and that is what should happen to produce the plot job.

A same year turns into centuries in the third stanza. Her lover is only lingering, but she believes he will certanly come. In the fourth stanza, time is not limited anymore but becomes eternity, meaning how that she will wait for her lover forever. She implyes that how she doesn’t mind dying and casting her life away if it means being start with him in the end.There are a lot of methods to boost a book on birds.Time is annoying her such like a â€Å"goblin bee† (bartleby. com) representing something bad, or evil. This â€Å"goblin bee† is not â€Å"stating its sting† (bartleby. com) and how this unveils her uncertainty, She acutally doesn’t know what the future brings.Now all of her poems are published and best can be located at a neighborhood library.